Tunguska nature reserve: photos, contacts, flora and fauna

Our unique planet and we, living on it, are the inhabitants of a wider education - the Galaxy. In turn, the Milky Way is in an even more global and completely alien world for human beings. This is a dark and cold Cosmos. A person without special devices in an inhospitable vacuum can’t survive, but various cosmic bodies, such as stars, planets, asteroids and comets in Cosmos are quite comfortable. In absolute darkness and complete silence, stone and ice blocks travel, but sometimes their paths intersect with the earth. Such guests have already visited our planet. The last visit resulted in the death of dinosaurs and dramatic climate change.

Heavenly guest

On a cool summer morning in 1908, residents of taiga villages saw a huge bright ball flying in the sky, flying at high speed. Then he hid behind the treetops, and the eternally busy village people went about their usual business. But after half an hour, a blinding flash illuminated everything around, and a bit later a terrible explosion was heard. The windows lost their windows, the earth quivered, and the clouds turned blood red.

Tunguska Nature Reserve in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
So the legendary meteorite greeted earthlings, traces of which were found in the area of ​​the full-flowing river Podkamennaya Tunguska. This mysterious event still excites the minds of researchers and enthusiasts. Why is it mysterious, ask the uninitiated? Yes, because the meteorite, as well as the crater, which must be detected at the place of impact of such a large (judging by the explosion) object, have not yet been found.

Endless hypotheses

After a monstrous explosion, astronomers breathed a sigh of relief. The fact is that for several days in Europe there have been suspiciously bright nights and a silvery shade of clouds in the daytime. Therefore, when the event happened, and our world remained the same, joy overwhelmed the learned souls. The next outstanding question was the place where the object fell. It was clear that searches should be carried out in the taiga, but where? After all, these are huge areas. Strange, but at the beginning of the 20th century there were no, in modern terms, investors willing to invest in the search for a meteorite or what was left of it. So far, scientists have limited themselves to interviewing eyewitnesses. And only 13 years later, an expedition was organized, which discovered not a crater, but the epicenter of a large-scale explosion. We found out that the explosion of a celestial body occurred at an altitude of 5 to 15 km above the earth's surface, in the middle layers of the atmosphere, and was equivalent in power to the detonation of a hydrogen bomb. A great success was the fact that the cataclysm occurred in a completely deserted area, otherwise the victims could not have been avoided.

Tunguska reserve of Russia
The hypothesis about what kind of celestial body honored with its visit the atmosphere of our planet is a great many. But the main ones are:

  • meteorite;
  • comet;
  • alien ship.

The most plausible version is the ice alien. After the explosion, metallic inclusions were found on the ground, which testifies in favor of such a hypothesis. It is believed that the ice in the Earth’s atmosphere has melted, and a small number of other elements have sunk to the surface of our planet. The exotic version of an alien ship that exploded before it reached the ground also has a right to exist.

Be that as it may, but such a mysterious history and beautiful natural views invariably attract tourists to the Tunguska Nature Reserve.

Reserve land

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Evenki Autonomous Region, there is a unique territory of about 300,000 hectares, on which the Tungusky State Nature Reserve is organized. Its uniqueness lies not only in its natural beauties, but also in the “meteorite” history associated with it, which at one time excited the whole world.

Tunguska Nature Reserve
The Tunguska Nature Reserve includes lands almost untouched by man with a characteristic biocenosis, picturesque landscapes, pristine rivers and lakes. The name of the natural park comes from a river flowing along the southern border of protected areas. It is called Podkamennaya Tunguska.

Science fiction

From the inhabitants of the village of Vanarava, which is located near the site of a long-standing disaster, rumors, already turned into legends, about strange anomalies and artifacts observed in the vicinity of the explosion, come. A so-called Grail has been found that prolongs life and treats incurable diseases. Not only the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but the whole world was shocked by the story of a man who said that his great-grandfather brought this artifact from the expedition to the place where the meteorite fell. His relative lived for more than a hundred years and handed over the item to his great-grandson, assuring that he drank and ate from the cup, so he lived for so long. The great-grandson did not believe until his daughter had an accident that threatened her with a lifelong disability. When she started using the cup, she strangely recovered. The spectral analysis of the “Holy Grail” revealed its extraterrestrial origin.

Among other things, trees grow faster in the taiga wilderness near Tunguska, and various mutations that were previously unusual for them are observed. These phenomena are attributed to the action of cosmic "fertilizer." In any case, given the so mysterious and rich history of this place, its inimitable natural beauty, it is not surprising why people tend to visit the Tunguska Nature Reserve.

Taiga landscape

A low plateau, divided by river channels, cone-shaped hills and table mountains reaching a height of 300 meters - this is the total landscape of protected places near Tunguska. The highest point of the reserve is the Lakursky Range, its height is 533 m. And next to the space cataclysm place is Mount Farrington, the second highest on a plateau. Among the hills, the Churgim stream was lost, forming a ten-meter waterfall. The area between the rivers Khushma and Kimchu is significantly boggy.

Tunguska reserve, flora and fauna
Soils in the territory of the natural park are marshy or podzolic, depending on the place. During the Mesozoic, the lands on which the Tungusky Reserve is now located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory were famous for their strong volcanic activity, as evidenced by numerous geological studies and the nature of the relief. The center of the park is a huge, ancient volcanic crater. In many, there are products of violent activity of volcanoes, for example, basalt rocks. The glacier, spreading around the planet in ancient times, did not reach reserved places. But the dry cold contributed to a significant freezing of the soil.

Climatic features

The Tunguska Reserve of Russia is characterized by a continental type of climate, therefore, about significant temperature amplitudes. The average annual temperature is at 6 degrees below zero. In summer, the climate becomes arid, and on average there is very little rainfall per year. The only month during which there is no frost is July. The temperature can range from 17 to 30 degrees heat. Despite the dry periods, summer is replete with precipitation, which nature does not spoil the reserve in the remaining months. The growing season lasts no more than 120 days a year.

This is a harsh, but beautiful and distinctive land. Soils are mostly deeply frozen because of the small amount of snow and the presence of over 250 cold days. Winters are severe, with winds and extreme temperatures of -60 degrees. Occasionally, atmospheric fronts bring a veil of snowfall.

Natural park plants

The Tunguska Nature Reserve is covered with forests and woodlands, shrubs and aquatic vegetation, rocky slopes and meadows, and marshy areas. The Central Siberian diversity of taiga flora is due to the nuances of zonality. The position of the natural park is such that it is located between the southern, coniferous forests of the Angara, and the northern, deciduous Lower Tunguska. Hybridization due to this geographical location creates unique conditions for the development of new plant groups. Forests that dominate the reserve are composed of hybrid pines and Siberian larch. Broadleaf birch and alder are found in forests and undergrowths. In coniferous forests spruce and cedar prevail. The cover consists of mosses, occasionally lichens, as well as berries: lingonberries and blueberries. Cranberries and sedge grow in swamps and spruce woodlands. Rose hips, Sakhalin raspberries, black currants are ripening on the rocky slopes.

Tunguska reserve, photo
For scientists of the biological community, protected areas provide a wide field for activity: many species are listed in the Red Book, there are 9 endemic plant species, and various relics.

There, on unknown paths: protected fauna

For those who visit the Tunguska Nature Reserve, flora and fauna are an important component of the unique beauties that open to the traveler. As they say, he who has eyes, let him see. Indeed, in the park you can see more than 30 species of mammals. Not suddenly and not right away, of course. This process is long and scrupulous. But patience will be rewarded: moose, deer, chipmunks and hares live here. There are also several types of muskrats, Altai moles. Of the predatory animals, brown bears, sables, and wolves predominate. Foxes, ermines, and minks also occur, but infrequently. Sometimes a lynx comes to visit, an otter swims. The protected areas are abundantly inhabited by lizards and vipers.

As for the birds that live under the canopy of harsh taiga trees, this issue is not well understood. Presumably, in the reserve there are about 100 species of birds, and they do not necessarily nest in these places. Waterfowl are represented by river ducks, googles and mergansers. There are swans, terns and river gulls.

Birds of prey also announce their voices. The goshawk loves to settle in the Chamba river basin. Black kite prefers forests in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area. Sometimes there is a falcon and a winter runner. Be sure to find capercaillie and owl in the reserve. The Tungusky nature reserve offers to listen to a concert of the nightingale-red-necked and waxwing, to see the flight of an eagle owl, eagle or golden eagle. Of the more trivial species of birds, you can see a raven, of which there are a great many in the park. Many birds are listed in the Red Book.

Sisters of the Rockstone Tunguska

The Tunguska reserve, whose photo is pleasing to the eye, is riddled with rivers. All of them are tributaries of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, in the pool of which there is a unique natural park.

Tungusky nature reserve, contacts
Swampy Chamba has many dangerous whirlpools and floodplain lakes. In summer, the river becomes shallow. Hushma is a fast, mountain river surrounded by steep banks. Over the course of the many-sided river Kimchu, there is a deep, clear Lake Cheko. The nutritious diet of the Tunguska rivers is snow and rain. Only a small percentage of water is replenished due to underground currents. The rivers of the Podkamennaya Tunguska basin are characterized by voluminous floods and ice freezing.

Famous routes

Interesting, multidirectional routes have been developed for tourists:

  • 2 mixed: duration up to 12 days, with the participation of a group of about 15 people;
  • on foot: the most popular, leading to the site of a long-standing disaster, with the collection of a group of up to 15 people;
  • water: from the village of Vanavara, the group goes on a hike for 8 days;
  • air: tourists are transported to the place of the meteorite explosion by helicopter.

Tungusky State Nature Reserve
The hiking route is designed for a group that is physically well prepared, as it will take 87 km to the crash site. It is best to overcome this path in the summer months.

Mixed tourist routes include river rafting in wooden boats or transfer to a place of deployment by helicopter. For such trips, you must have experience of walking with a load and water alloys.

The water route is organized in late spring, connected with boat trips along Tunguska and its branches.

The helicopter route involves on-site landing, a walking tour, with a visit to the mountains and return to the departure point also by air.

Tourist information

Where is the Tungusky Nature Reserve, contacts - information, primarily of interest to tourists. It is important to know that the place, that is, the Vanavara settlement, can only be reached by air transport, which flies from Krasnoyarsk three times a week.

When you get there, you don’t need to worry about accommodation and communication: the village has modern cellular infrastructure, there are two comfortable hotels. There are modern shops and catering establishments.

If a group of tourists arrives, the administration of the reserve leaves to meet people at the airport. Friendly staff led by the director, Lyudmila Logunova, will do everything possible to choose the best route and ensure the comfort of the guests of the reserve. Phone for inquiries: +7 (39177) 2-27-59.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9566/

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