Gray talker: description, habitat, safety

Gray talker is one of the largest mushrooms of this species (talker). It is considered conditionally edible. However, in recent years, the opinion about the safety of this fungus has changed. The reason for this was that in European countries there were several poisonings with talker sulfur. Studies have shown that when raw, this mushroom is practically non-toxic and relatively safe. However, there are nuances.

Gray talker
After heat treatment, a gray talker can cause various respiratory and digestive disorders in some people, as well as excessive sweating. In addition, salts of heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium accumulate in the fruiting bodies of these fungi. The gray talker has the ability to accumulate them from the soil. However, poisoning in Europe may be the result of local environmental conditions. In Russia, not a single case of harm to health due to the consumption of this fungus has been recorded.


The smoky gray talker is morphologically the closest to the claw-footed talker. However, the latter is distinguished by a somewhat smaller size, as well as a gray club-shaped leg . The cap of the gray talker can reach a diameter of 20 cm. Its leg often grows to a height of 15 cm. The cap of this mushroom is gray-brown or ash-gray in dry weather. In rain or wet fog, it becomes tan with a light edge and a waxy coating of whitish hue. The latter is easy to clean. Sometimes the hat fades. As a result of this, it becomes almost white.

Talker gray photo

Mushroom plates may have a yellowish or whitish hue. In young specimens, the hats are convex, hemispherical, with well-curved edges. As it ages, it becomes bulging, funnel-shaped, fleshy and thick. The edges may straighten or remain slightly downward. The leg reaches a diameter of 3 cm. It is whitish or grayish in color. The gray talker has a fragrant white, dense, fibrous pulp, slightly sour in taste. In the leg, it is watery and loose, softens with age. It has a mealy sweetish aroma. The spore powder of a light cream color has a gray talker. A photo of this mushroom can be seen in this article.

Habitat and distribution

This mushroom can be found in coniferous and mixed forests from late August to late autumn. Often the gray talker grows next to real honey mushrooms. However, if the summer was arid, it may not appear at all. Sometimes large accumulations of these fungi are found in cluttered windbreaks of the forest near nettles. Because of this, the gray talker is called a wren in some regions. This mushroom can form witch rings. It can be distinguished from other relatives by its gray-ash fruit body and its characteristic shape only. This mushroom is common in the Primorsky Territory, Siberia and throughout the European part of the Russian Federation. The gray talker must be able to be distinguished from the poisonous entoloma.

Smoky gray talker
Culinary features and safety

Gray talker is eaten everywhere. However, its palatability leaves much to be desired. It should also be remembered that not all people tolerate this fungus well. Some talker talk can cause allergic reactions. Before eating, you need to boil it (3-5 minutes). This mushroom is eaten salted and fried.


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