The best varieties of wild strawberry remontant bezus. Review, description, reviews

Small-fruited remontant strawberries are becoming increasingly popular . It would seem, why grow it, small-fruited, if there are varieties such as Gigantella. But real lovers know that each of the berries has a unique taste, aroma, fruiting time and other characteristics. And instead of one berry weighing 24 g, you can put three pieces of 8 g each in your mouth, although the strawberry remontosusa has large fruits. The best varieties can reach 22 g.


Varieties of remontant strawberries with large berries belong to the species Strawberry pineapple, with small ones - Forest strawberries. What do repairing strawberry varieties have in common ? Photos of the best bezessny varieties speaks of their extreme beauty and productivity.

the best varieties of strawberries remontant bezus

  • The advantage of the strawberry repairing beard is the absence of mustache, which simplifies the maintenance of the garden. Outlets do not turn the site into a continuous carpet, the mustache does not need to break off. You can easily weed the area at any time, freeing it from weeds.
  • Bezusy strawberries give all their energy not to the creation and growth of mustaches and sockets, but to the formation of horns with a huge number of inflorescences. There are many times more than on ordinary varieties. If any of them is damaged, then new ones will grow in its place in the same year.
  • Slightly damaged by disease.
  • Gives a harvest to frost.
  • The fruits are fragrant.
  • Durable, so easy to transport.
  • They make delicious jam, compotes.
  • Bushes tolerate frosts well.
  • The yield for the season is not inferior to large-fruited.

Cultivation and care

What kind of plant do you need, like a maintenance-free beardless strawberry, cultivation and care? The best varieties of berries will delight you with taste and size, if all the features of the technology are met.

While ordinary strawberries or strawberries have practically no problems with breeding and replacing old bushes, because they are always at hand, bezusny strawberries need to be grown from seeds. And this is not for everyone.

The problem is that the strawberry seeds are very small. If you sow them in the holes and wrap them with a layer of earth, as is usually done with other cultures, then you are unlikely to see seedlings.

wild strawberry remontososaya best varieties

Anyone who finds this method very difficult can split the old bush and plant the pieces separately. Often this is how strawberry remontosusa propagates. Gardeners describe the best varieties as hardy and fruitful. Removable strawberries are more demanding on growing conditions, soil structure, and temperature conditions. It grows well on sandy loam and loam. It reacts positively to humus in the soil.


Before sowing, the seeds are mixed with sand. Prepare dishes, fill it with soil, water it. Then evenly (sand helps this) sow seeds throughout the territory. They cover the boxes with a film so that the soil does not dry out, and the water, evaporating, creates the desired moisture above the soil and where the seeds are. After 3 real leaves appear at the seedlings, they dive, and at six - they plant them on the garden bed. All this time they make sure that the soil does not dry out. But it is impossible to fill it.

Experts do not advise to sow seeds early. You need to do this in late March or early April. Indeed, in indoor conditions, without additional light sources, the seedlings will β€œsit still” until they plant it in the garden. In May, they take out to a balcony or a sunny place for hardening.

Then you need to make sure that it does not dry out. For this, seedlings are watered and mulched.


The soil for strawberries is prepared in advance. Fertilize, lime. Do not plant after tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes. It grows well after onions, carrots.

The recommended width of the beds is 1.2 m, in the row - 30 cm. The rows are located at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Next year, the bushes will grow and will cover almost the entire territory. They will be easy to care for.

Planted at a time when the sun does not fall on the leaves. Ash, superphosphate (1 tbsp.) Or one of the chemical fertilizers (at the indicated rate) are added to the wells. Sprinkle fertilizer with soil, then it will not burn the roots of the plant. Pour 1.5 liters of water, level the roots. Sprinkle with earth so that the growth point remains on top.

wild strawberry remontosusaya the best grades for Siberia

The bushes adapt for a week, but soon begin to produce young leaves. In September they give weak berries. This will allow the gardener to taste the variety. But the bush will give the main crop only from next year.

Each of the leaves lives 2 months. Then you need to remove it.

Reviews gardeners are not advised to do this too early in the spring. Otherwise, young leaves can damage spring frosts.


Strawberries need nitrogen fertilizer. But if their number is excessive, then the bush will please the owners more with beautiful bright leaves than berries. Flower buds then form longer.

A lack of nitrogen leads to a slowdown in leaf growth, they become pale, the number of peduncles decreases sharply.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in two stages, before the appearance of peduncles.

Then make potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Ash can serve as a source of potassium. It is applied under watering or in wet weather, closer to winter. After all, potassium helps plants to endure winter without loss.

Remontant strawberries need boron to ensure continuous fruiting.

It can be fertilized by the method of feritigation. This is the application of fertilizer when watering, along with water. Contributes to this the establishment of an irrigation system.


The best varieties of strawberries with a remontant bezus begin to ripen at about the same time as large-fruited ones. But these terms differ depending on the properties of the variety. So, Alexandria is early, and the Yellow miracle is later.


Experts do not recommend picking half-ripe berries. Let them hang on the bush, grow up and be tastier. But if you come to harvest once a week, then you should not leave them.

Seed collection

The best varieties of wild strawberry with a repair bezus are often propagated by seeds.

You can buy them. But the quality and quantity of seeds sold is constantly deteriorating. Therefore, the varieties that you have when replacing plants are best grown from your seeds. For this, the berries selected for sowing are dried in the sun and manually sorted.

Reviews gardeners are advised to stretch the berries in the water, wait until the seeds settle to the bottom. At this time, the soil is prepared, water with contents is poured onto it, covered with a film and left for germination.

If young plants have time to grow up to 6 leaves, they are planted in a permanent place. If you do not have time, you can plant a lump of land with all the plants together, shelter from frost and continue growing in the spring.

You can select seeds, dry and store until sowing in the spring.


The best varieties of strawberries with remont bezus are quite hardy and undemanding to growing conditions. But this does not mean at all that they do not need to be looked after.

In the heat, strawberries need to be regularly watered, otherwise where will the bush take water for the constant formation of branch buds and berries, bringing them to the proper weight and taste?

strawberry remontant bezusy best varieties reviews

It also requires regular top dressing of strawberry remontantless mustache. The best varieties bear fruit for a long time. They use a large number of nutrients, giving them to the berries. Therefore, the stock must be replenished. 15 g of nitrogen, 4 g of phosphorus and 18 g of potassium are added per 1 m 2 . And this is only to restore the spent substances.

The bush grows in one place up to 4 years. Then it grows to the sides, the central part disappears, the berries hardly grow. Growing it further makes no sense. You can dig a bush from the ground, divide it into several young ones and plant them. Often this is exactly how the reproductive bezusny strawberry propagates. The review still characterizes the best varieties as quite capricious in this regard. Not for all varieties this method is possible. Some reproduce only by seed.

The best varieties

What are the best varieties of wild strawberry remontant bezus?

  • Alexandria has large dark red fruits of 7 g. Fruits ripen to frost. The bush forms a large, productive. Fruits in three years, can be grown in special containers.
  • Ali Baba forms a bush up to 15 cm high. The berries are conical, bright red, up to 5 g. The flesh is white, very tasty and fragrant. It blooms from May. Berries ripen in mid-June. The fruits ripen to frost.
  • Snow White is an early variety. It differs in white berries, in shape they are a truncated cone. The pulp is also white, reviews say that it has a pineapple flavor. It resembles wild strawberries in healing qualities.

wild strawberry remontosusaya the best varieties for the Urals

  • Weiss Zolemacher ripens from June to frost. The berries are white, small, uneven. The bush has been growing for two years. Then they change it, because it loses not only productivity, but also frost resistance. Propagated by seeds. Reviews gardeners say they use it to decorate borders.
  • Rote Zolemacher - ripens early, the berries are dark red. Propagated by seeds. Very decorative.
  • Yellow miracle with light yellow berries weighing 3 g. Frost-resistant, high-yielding.

To get a full crop in the fall, you need to make a film shelter that will protect the berries from freezing. It is also required to feed and water more bushes, which spend a lot of energy to deal with difficult climatic conditions.

Strawberry remontless bezosaya: the best varieties for the Urals

  • Rugen The berries are elongated, dark red in color, have a pleasant aroma. Sweet and sour. Therefore, the variety can be considered technical.

remontant bezusny strawberries the best varieties for Moscow region

  • Alexandria.
  • Baron Solemacher.
  • Ruyan. Seeds do not preserve the properties of the mother plant. Peduncles rise above the leaves, so the berries are convenient to pick. Propagated by division of the bush.
  • Yellow miracle.
  • Temptation. The bush is low, the berries reach 23 g, dark red. Seeds are yellow, clearly visible.
  • Yummy F1 - a hybrid with large berries. Ripening period is average. Fruits weighing 15 g, tasty and sweet.
  • The Rhine Waltz - Early. Fruits are red, weighing up to 4 g.

Growing strawberries in Siberia

In Siberia, strawberries ripen right after honeysuckle. From one hundred parts receive up to 150 kg of berries. Some gardeners manage to grow 400 kg.

For successful cultivation, you need to cover the site with snow in the fall, and in the spring as long as possible, keep it on the beds until April so that the roots of the plants do not freeze. It is better to plant strawberries in Siberia in the spring, until May 20. Harvest will be 60% more. Up to 70% increases the yield covered with spanbond, perforated film of strawberry, remontless beardless.

The best varieties for Siberia:

  • Alexandrina simultaneously blooms and bears fruit. Pretty large berries. During the season, from the bush you can get up to 300 g of berries.
  • Forest tale - dark red berries weighing up to 6 g. Composition similar to wild strawberries.

remontless bezosny strawberries the best grades overview

  • Rugen gives up to 100 fruits from the bush. Very tasty. Length - up to 3 cm, width 2 cm. Grows in any climatic zone, bears fruit up to -5 degrees. Long retains maternal symptoms. This remontless bezosny strawberry is not affected by diseases.

The best varieties for Moscow region

  • Garland is the most productive variety.
  • Alexandria;
  • Yellow miracle;
  • Rhine Waltz;
  • Rugen


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