How is the cucumber festival in Suzdal

The cucumber festival in Suzdal has been celebrated for more than 15 years. It was first organized in 2001. Since then, residents and tourists have been waiting for July to relax and have fun at the holiday.

History of occurrence

Since ancient times, people in this region were engaged in agriculture. Any free plot of land was cultivated for growing vegetables. In Soviet times, the inhabitants of the region successfully began to cultivate cucumbers.

A special technology was created in which a fairly large crop of this vegetable was grown in a small area. Each resident of the region on his six hundred square meters of land in a gardening partnership managed to grow the notorious Suzdal cucumbers not only for himself, but also for sale.

cucumber festival in Suzdal

In 2001, employees of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum decided to establish a "Cucumber Day". This event was to positively characterize the work of farmers and gardeners.

Many are interested in the exact date of the cucumber festival in Suzdal. What number he goes, you can calculate yourself. The time of celebration was not chosen by chance - the third Saturday of July of each year. During this period, there is an active collection of this vegetable.


The cucumber festival in Suzdal is annually held at the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life. There is a large territory with beautiful landscapes. Entrance to the holiday for the adult is paid.

It is impossible to say exactly what date the cucumber holiday is held. The event is tied to the third Saturday of July. Thus, the holiday is always held on a day off so that as many people as possible can visit it.

cucumber day

On this day, on the streets of the city you can meet tourists from different countries. Hotel rooms are booked by visitors a few weeks before the action. According to estimates, the average cucumber festival in Suzdal is attended by 18 thousand people, and the population in the city is about 10 thousand people.


This event with an accuracy of 100% can be called "festivities." Folklore groups from different cities of the country are performing here. Merry contests in the traditional Russian style set positive energy not only for the participants, but also for the audience.

The tug of war, jumping in bags, power competitions with pleasure involved guests from young to old. At the cucumber festival in Suzdal, folk craftsmen of the region and not only gather. Here you can buy wooden handicrafts, pottery, souvenirs made of thread and straw and much more.

And of course, the "main culprit of the event" is the cucumber. Each guest of the holiday wishes to take a picture with a large growth figure of this vegetable. Here you can buy this vegetable from any material. In his form, slippers are sewn or utensils cut from wood.

The parade of cucumbers is very popular. It is attended by all comers who have grown an unusual shape or size of vegetables. New varieties of cucumbers are also on display.

Each cafe or trade stall has a whole menu of this vegetable. Guests can enjoy the taste of pickled, pickled, fresh and even fried cucumbers. Here are workshops on growing vegetables.

cucumber festival program in Suzdal

Competitions are held for the most delicious dish from the "hero of the occasion" or the best vegetable costume. Also, avid gardeners participate in the competition for the largest grown cucumber. The winner receives memorable prizes and a cup.

At the end of the entertainment program, the doll of a large cucumber is released into the sky on helium balloons. Guests say goodbye to the "birthday" and with a light sadness go home to wait for the festival next year.

The program of the cucumber festival in Suzdal every year becomes more interesting and extensive. More and more music and dance groups come here with performances. A real fair for the sale of natural products and products of Russian masters is organized on the territory of the museum.

Guest reviews

The festival of cucumber in Suzdal is visited by many tourists and residents of the region. Almost all guests note a high level of the event. Visitors are pleased with the timely collection of garbage from the tanks. Thus, the territory of the celebration is always clean.

cucumber festival in Suzdal what date

Throughout the day, several ambulances and police are on duty here. Guests can not worry about their health and safety. The entertainment program on "Cucumber Day" is very eventful, once bored either by children or adults. Prices for goods correspond to quality.


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