Philosophical Quotes from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

"Alchemist" - one of the famous works of Paolo Coelho. This is not just a novel, it is a parable novel in which philosophical questions are raised. In youth, everyone is careless and loves to dream. And most importantly, a person has a belief that his dream will come true. The protagonist of the book is looking for answers to philosophical questions about why a person stops dreaming and why you need to follow dreams. Quotes from Paulo Coelho from The Alchemist are among the most popular.

About dream

Most of the quotes from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho are dedicated to dreams and the fact that you need not to be afraid to follow your dreams.

"When you want something badly, the whole universe will help to make your wish come true."

This is one of the most famous quotes from the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. We can say this is the main idea of ​​the work. If a person really wants his dream to come true, he will try to do everything for this. And, seeing the efforts of man, the Universe will help him in the realization of his dreams.

Another quote from Alchemist Paulo Coelho, but in English with a translation, speaks of a dream:

"There is only thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."

"Only one thing that makes a dream impossible is a fear of failure."

That is why most people do not try something new, because they are not sure that they will succeed. But sometimes in order for your dream to come true, you need to try to do something new. Fear of failure makes people unsure of themselves, they begin to increasingly doubt themselves and rely more on the opinions of others. Therefore, they stop dreaming and do not strive to achieve the goal. Although sometimes you need not to listen to the opinions of others and remember who you wanted to become in your childhood and youth.

man follows his dream

About love

Also one of the main themes of the parable is the theme of love. Often people confuse love with falling in love, and then they are disappointed in this feeling. Someone believes that there is no love, because they can not find their soul mate. But the writer believes that each person has a soul mate.

"- I love you because ...

“Don't say anything,” the girl interrupted. - They love because they love. Love does not recognize arguments. "

This quote from the “Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho can be explained as follows: a person needs to be loved not for any certain qualities, they love him because they feel his soul mate in him. No need to strive to make it perfect, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Just when you are near him, you understand that you love him and he is your soul mate.

"When you love, it still makes more sense."

A person can do a lot for the sake of a loved one. When a person loves, he looks at many things differently - everything seems to him more exalted.

couple in love

About life

The parable novel "The Alchemist" raises philosophical questions, the answers to which philosophers have long been trying to find. The heroes that Santiago meets during his wanderings teach him new things and talk about serious topics. Here is one of the quotes from the Alchemist Paulo Coelho in English with a translation that says that you need to be able to enjoy every day:

"When one day looks like another, people stop noticing the good things that happen in their lives every day after sunrise."

"When one day is like another, people stop noticing the good things that happen in their lives every day after sunrise."

This is especially true for residents of megalopolises, who in a constant hurry think only about how to manage to do all the important things. But a person must be able to find time to just reflect on philosophical topics or admire the world around him.

"It is in him, the present, that the whole Secret. If you give him due attention, you can improve it. And improve your current state - make it favorable and future. Do not worry about the future, live in the present."

Often people are so absorbed in thinking about the future that they do not pay attention to the present when drawing up plans. But if you only dream and do nothing, all your goals will not be achieved. After all, only by acting and improving, can a person come closer to a dream come true.

wanderer in the desert

About people

The heroes of "Alchemist" talk about human nature. After all, not only philosophers are interested in the question of why people seek to change the character of another person or why quarrels occur. After all, everyone wants to live in harmony with their loved ones.

“When the same people are around you, it somehow turns out that they enter your life. And when they enter your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you don’t become what they want you to be see being offended. "

Each person has his own idea of ​​how to live correctly. It also happens that people's views do not agree. And you need to have the mind and understanding of what is more important to a person. You need to understand that no one should impose their views and try to change their character if a person is not ready for this. We must try to maintain harmony and take care of loved ones.

beautiful mountain landscape

These were quotes from Paulo Coelho 's book , The Alchemist. The writer, without delving into complex philosophical concepts, using Santiago as an example, showed readers that it is important to be able to dream and enjoy every day. There are so many interesting and beautiful things in the world. A person needs to care more about the present in order for a happy future to come, and to respect and value his loved ones.

Of course, this novel parable does not give exact answers to all philosophical questions. But it allows the reader to independently find answers to them and share their thoughts with others.


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