Is tolerance a tolerance? Not!

Currently, more and more talk about tolerance. They talk about it in newspapers, on the Internet, in the news ... But few people know the true meaning of the word "tolerance." So, let's see what it is.

tolerance is

"Tolerance" is a rather multifaceted and versatile concept. Many mistakenly equate it by value with "tolerance." But, despite the fact that this word is a direct translation from English, it does not quite correctly interpret the meaning of the original term. Tolerance is a willingness to accept in others people qualities and beliefs that are not consistent with one's own. That is, in fact, this is leaving people the right to be who they are, calmly perceiving all the differences. The word "tolerance" is not always appropriate, as it suggests that a person must endure any inconvenience. And tolerance is not related to inconvenience. It exists regardless of external circumstances. This is actually the realization that people are equal in nature and have the same rights to exist and belief.

meaning of the word tolerance

As a rule, this term is used in the context of "tolerance towards anyone." As a rule, the cultivation of tolerance in different directions is carried out in schools. It mainly deals with relationships with people of a different nationality and racial affiliation, other religious and / or political views, different sex, age and social status, other financial situation, related to a different level of development, different sexual orientation and so on. As a rule, it is in relation to these people that the most intolerance is manifested. To combat it, new bills are being created every now and then, but they only create new problems. This is an old conflict of minority and majority. When adopting the law in favor of the former, the latter begin to protest and vice versa. For example, the recently adopted law on the promotion of homosexuality reassured many parents who were worried about the moral health of their children, but thereby deprived people of an unconventional orientation of the means of expression and emphasized their "minority". This once again illustrates the lack of mass tolerance in our society, since otherwise there would be no need for such legal settlements of conflicts arising.

education of tolerance

However, it should be remembered that tolerance is not at all a love for all of humanity. This is only the acceptance of him and each individual individually as he is. A tolerant person may well adequately respond to aggressive attacks in his direction, but he never starts a conflict on his own. So such people do not preach love and forgiveness at all. They are only impartial and equally apply to all people around.

Tolerance is a necessary quality that needs to be developed in people in order to achieve a high level of humanity in society. Indeed, most conflicts arise because people do not understand each other's values. And if mutual tolerance is ensured, then we can see more in people than labels and stamps, we can see the soul behind them, and this will help to understand them and, as a result, to love.


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