Garden watering pump, types, operating conditions

The garden requires constant attention. The entire work of an amateur gardener depends on the quality and frequency of irrigation. Previously, gardeners did not resort to any tricks in order to provide their plants with a sufficient amount of moisture. Used watering cans, buckets. Water had to be worn from rivers, ponds and streams. Most of all, they were lucky with those who had a well on the site, and the presence of a large capacity for accumulating water reserves was considered the top of the perfection of the irrigation process. Filled barrels and tanks made it possible to resort to the wick method of water supply or gravity flow method.

garden watering pump

Progress does not stand still. The garden watering pump has become a familiar tool that makes life easier for an amateur gardener. What kind of equipment is most suitable for you? To answer this question, we consider the types of existing pumps, the required operating conditions, the necessary location, and other parameters that ensure normal operation.

The garden irrigation pump is divided into two types, which differ in the installation of equipment in relation to the water source:

  • surface;
  • submersible.

The surface pump for watering the garden involves the location of the unit near its source. Water intake is carried out using an attached hose. The submersible pump is located directly in the source.

garden watering pump

The permissible depth for water intake by a surface pump is up to 10 m, submersible - 30-40 m or more, depending on the capacity of the apparatus. The efficiency of the equipment is related to the height of the water. The deeper the intake, the more powerful the engine should be at the apparatus.

Both types of pumps are dependent on power sources. If your garden or garden is far from the mains, there is a possibility of failures in their work, if access to power lines is partially or completely absent, in such cases you need a motor pump for watering the garden. Motor pumps provide autonomous operation on gasoline or diesel fuel. Their advantages include mobility and ease of operation.

motor pump for watering the garden

The advantages of the surface type of equipment is that such a pump for irrigation of the garden does not need a stationary installation, it is lightweight, compact, can be located near any source of water intake and moved to the right place. Manufacturers, developing additional features for new models (ejectors, hydraulics), have made surface units especially popular for irrigation and watering of personal plots. It is necessary to ensure that the details of the mechanism do not freeze.

The submersible pump for watering the garden - a more powerful unit that can get water from great depths - has a good cooling system, highly efficient. It requires annual seasonal installation and dismantling, which makes it somewhat difficult to use. Being in the water of the unit ensures quiet operation.

One way or another, both submersible and surface pumps are convenient mechanisms for watering personal plots. Which one to choose is up to you. It can be added that the use of pumps greatly facilitates the work of an amateur gardener and helps to get a good harvest.


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