Fix the water tap yourself

Repairing a water tap is often much easier than replacing it; therefore, such a simple operation is worth mastering for every home foreman.

Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to shut off the water with a valve. Usually it is in the apartments in the toilet, and if it comes to the garden, then in the place where your part of the water supply goes from the highway. In a modern dwelling, separate valves for each crane can also be installed. In this case, they should be looked for under a sink, sink or gas column. After the water is shut off, you can proceed with the repair. Before unscrewing the head, you need to slightly open the water tap so that the spindle and checker move away from the saddle. It is most convenient to turn the head out with a gas wrench, but you can also use a suitable wrench. After the repair is completed, it is necessary to take the head, remove the old seal from the groove, wind the flax strand in the direction of the circular arrow. When the shape of the seal becomes a cone, it must be moistened with water, so the fibers will not unfold. You can install the head in place. In general, four elements may require repairs to the crane head: gasket, valve, spindle, or stuffing box bushing. An experienced plumber can identify a problem without dismantling the faucet.

We repair water taps: gasket

In the event that the tap has flowed, and the flow lasts several days, even when the spindle is completely screwed in, then in this case the gasket is to blame. It may wear out or harden, and may also be cut by the sharp edges of the saddle. It is necessary to unscrew the head and unscrew the screw that secures the gasket. It is more correct and more convenient to use a gasket whose diameter is larger by a millimeter than that of the valve seat. So the gasket will hold tightly in the socket. Edges that protrude can be cut with scissors. Now you can collect everything.

We repair a water tap: valve

If the tap is not new, sometimes it may turn out that the walls of the valve or socket have crumbled out. If more than half the circumference is damaged, the valve cannot be repaired. In such a nest, the gasket is not centered, but constantly moves on the saddle, because of this the crane flows. The valve can be purchased at a store or machined on a lathe. However, the easiest way to rearrange the valve from the old head, which is usually available from a thrifty home master.

We repair a water tap: spindle

Sometimes it happens that a powerful jet of water constantly flows from the tap, and there is no way to block it: the handwheel rotates very freely with the spindle. After closing the water, you can turn the head. There you can see that several end threads of the external spindle thread on the handwheel side have been erased. In the case when it comes to a common valve, you can wrap the head in place and bandage the handwheel, feeding it forward as hard as possible until it becomes possible to do repairs.

We repair water taps: body and sleeve

The case also has a thread that is subject to abrasion. Typically, the housing is in a partnership with two spindles in a row. Often when opening the tap it starts to drip from the stuffing box. If the drops fall into the wash basin, bathtub or sink, it is not as scary as if they drip for other purposes. First, tighten the sleeve with a wrench. Do not tighten strongly, otherwise it will stop spinning. If the sleeve is tightened, it is worth updating the packing of the stuffing box groove. This must be done with the tap closed, the main valve can be shut off.

Usually, a repaired water tap is better than a new one in operation, so you should never throw away the head, which has become unusable, as some of its elements may be useful.


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