How to make a Snow Maiden with your own hands?

What New Year, if there are no traditional characters - symbols of this holiday under the Christmas tree? Therefore, we suggest you familiarize yourself with several master classes on how to make Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with your own hands from paper, a bottle and other materials.

How to make crafts Snow Maiden?

There are two ways to create a granddaughter of Santa Claus, depending on the selected materials - simple and complex.

Simple methods include the following options:

  • paper;
  • plastic bottle;
  • ribbons and glass bottle;
  • finished doll.

The more complex options include the use of fabric and thread. Since in the first case it is proposed to sew the Snow Maiden on their own, and in the second - to knit.

Regardless of how you decide to make your Snow Maiden, the craft will turn out to be cute and unique.

Snow Maiden from the doll

To create such crafts requires a finished doll. Most commonly used is an old Barbie or similar toy. Therefore, the main process boils down to creating a girl's outfit.

how to make a snow maiden

For the master class, in addition to the doll, you will need to take:

  • blue corrugated paper;
  • thin ribbons of blue and white;
  • thin lace in two shades;
  • fine decor for the granddaughter’s finished outfit (for example, stars, beads and beads, rhinestones, etc.);
  • a patch of white felt;
  • a piece of foam;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun.

Make the frame

In order for the doll to be stable and the skirt lush, it is necessary to make a frame. To do this, take the foam. In height, it should be equal to the length of the legs of the selected toy.

In the center of the foam piece, carefully cut a round hole into which you can then put the doll. Remember that she must not stagger. Then cut out a circle of arbitrary diameter from thick cardboard. The size of the future skirt depends on its size. Glue the finished circle to the bottom of the foam. Now grind a piece with a clerical knife on all sides to make a cone. The frame is ready.

The process of creating an order

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a Snow Maiden with your own hands:

  1. Take a piece of corrugated paper and cut a square. In size, it should be several centimeters larger than the diameter of the bottom.
  2. Using a glue gun, glue the square to the bottom of the stand, and wrap the edges up. To get it right, cut the paper in several places.
  3. Now cut a rectangle from the same paper and gently glue the top of the cone. The hole should remain open.
  4. Cut another big rectangle. In length, it should be the same as the stand, and in width - wrap around the cone in all places.
  5. Make a small accordion on one side of the rectangle. This will be the wavy hem of the skirt.
  6. Fold on the opposite side. This is necessary so that the skirt fits beautifully and evenly on the frame.
  7. Gently glue the resulting part onto the stand. Folds can also be glued together.
    how to make a snow maiden
  8. From the same paper, cut two identical strips.
  9. Glue one strip on the doll first - it should cross the chest and back diagonally - and then the other crosswise.
  10. Glue a small skirt on the bottom of the resulting blouse. Do this in the same way as with the skirt on the frame.
  11. Cut small pieces of lace and make sleeves.
  12. Cut a thin strip from the lace and wrap it around the neck and lower it in the front center. Secure the tape in several places with glue.
  13. Cut another thin strip of lace and wrap it several times on the doll’s waist. Glue the end of the tape. The belt turned out.
  14. Braid the doll with a braid. Weave blue and white ribbons for decoration.
  15. The top of the doll is ready, it remains to insert the toy into the stand with a skirt.
  16. Cut a small rectangle of white felt. Make an arbitrary height, and in length it should be enough to grasp the doll’s head.
  17. Fold the cylinder from felt, glue its edges.
  18. Cut a narrower rectangle out of paper and stick it on the cylinder.
  19. Make the edges of the felt wavy on both sides.
  20. Put the finished hat on the doll’s head.

Beautiful Snow Maiden is ready!

How to make a Snow Maiden from paper?

From ordinary paper, the volumetric crafts of the Snow Maiden can be done in several ways. For example, using a cone as a basis.

To do this, take a piece of white thick paper. You can use both cardboard and landscape sheet. Roll it so that the cone comes out. Glue the edges so that the figure does not unfold.

Cut the bottom of the cone half a centimeter with scissors. The cuts must be done very close to each other to get a fringe. Cut a very thin strip of white paper and make cuts on one side in the same way.

Draw a cone. Cover the part with blue paint. It will be an outfit. Leave the top white. There you need to draw eyes, nose, mouth and blush. On the outfit draw handles and mittens. Do not forget to depict a hairstyle and braid.

how to make a snow maiden out of paper

Cut a few pieces from the fringe strip and stick them in the center of the cone, as well as on the top of the mitts.

Cut the kokoshnik out of cardboard. Paint it and decorate with rhinestones or sequins. Cut the triangles in the kokoshnik in the center and put it on the head of the Snow Maiden.

Craft from the workpiece

Instructions on how to make a Snow Maiden from paper:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and a pencil.
  2. Draw the outline on paper, as in the image below.
  3. Cut the part along the contour.
  4. Wrap the left and right wings inward.
  5. Paint the craft. Draw a face, a scythe, a kokoshnik. Decorate the outfit of the Snow Maiden.
  6. Take cotton wool and PVA glue.
  7. Tear off small pieces from cotton and glue them on mittens and edges of a fur coat.

Craft is ready! Such a Snow Maiden can be used as a figurine and as a postcard.

make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden out of paper

To make Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden from paper the same, take the same blank and change the top to a semicircle. Assemble in the same way and decorate like Santa Claus. Then you get a complete set.

Origami - granddaughter of Santa Claus

To collect such a cute Snow Maiden, you need to take:

  • one sheet of blue square paper;
  • a small sheet of blue rectangular paper;
  • two identical small square leaves of blue color;
  • one middle square sheet of beige or yellow;
  • a white strip of paper no more than two centimeters.

All paper should be selected so that it is white on the back. If this is not the case, simply stick the color sheet to white.

do Santa Claus and Snow Maiden do it yourself

Master class on how to make a Snow Maiden with your own hands in the origami technique:

  1. Take the largest square sheet of paper and fold it in half.
  2. Expand the sheet and fold it in half again.
  3. When you unfold the paper again, you should get two folds to form a cross.
  4. Now wrap paper on two opposite sides half a centimeter.
  5. From below, fold the paper a couple of centimeters.
  6. Wrap the upper left and right corners to the center line of the fold.
  7. Turn the workpiece back.
  8. Wrap the left and right sides of the craft as shown in the picture.
  9. Bend back the top corner of the resulting figure.
  10. Turn the bottom left and right corners up.
  11. Turn the figure over again with the back side.
  12. Take a thin strip of white paper and fold it in half in length.
  13. Expand the sheet and bend its right and left sides to the fold formed in the middle.
  14. Insert the resulting strip into the previous shape. To do this, slip the top under the upper triangle, and the bottom under the strip below. You got an outfit for the Snow Maiden.

how to make a snow maiden out of plastic

Folding head

  1. Take a square sheet of yellow or white paper and fold it in half diagonally. Expand the sheet.
  2. Now, to the formed line, wrap the left and right sides. Repeat this step again.
  3. Fold the shape diagonally.
  4. Bend the top of the bent triangle slightly back.
  5. Turn the workpiece back.
  6. Fold a long triangle in half.
  7. Turn over the workpiece again. Now the head is ready.

how to make a snow maiden with your own hands

Making mittens

Mittens are assembled from two identical and small-sized blue squares.

  1. Take one square, fold it in half diagonally.
  2. Expand the shape.
  3. Wrap the left and right sides so that their vertices touch the fold line.
  4. Slightly unscrew one of the corners.
  5. Turn over the workpiece.

You got a mitten. Similarly, do one more.

Fold the hat and collect the figure

  1. Take the blue rectangular sheet and fold it in half.
  2. Expand the sheet and fold it in half again so that when you open it again, a cross from the fold lines is formed.
  3. Lay the rectangle in length and wrap the top to the bottom.
  4. Wrap the left and right corners to the center line of the fold.
  5. Turn up the top corner a little.
  6. Fold a thin strip below.
  7. Flip the figure. Now you have a hat.

make a snow maiden out of a plastic bottle

When all the details of the craft are ready, they need to be assembled with each other. To do this, simply lay all the elements on the very first workpiece and glue them with PVA glue.

Plastic Snow Maiden

Description of how to make a Snow Maiden from a plastic bottle using improvised materials:

  1. Take an empty bottle of yogurt. Such a container perfectly imitates the figure of a girl.
  2. Make a ball out of cotton and cover it with paper using the papier-mâché technique.
  3. Paste the bottle over with blue paper.
  4. From the same paper, make two small cones and push cotton wool into them. It will be hands.
  5. Glue the head and hands to the bottle. Paint the head. Draw a face, outline a blue hat.
  6. From the threads, make a pigtail and glue it to the edge of the cap.
  7. From the wool, make a trim on the dress of the Snow Maiden and her headdress. The girl is ready!

And how to make a Snow Maiden from a plastic bottle?

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden from plastic

Prepare two plastic bottles — one larger and one smaller. Also take cotton wool or cotton pads, two ribbons, woolen threads, glue, scissors, paints and brushes.

how to make santa claus and snow maiden

And now a master class on how to make Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with your own hands:

  1. Clear plastic bottles of labels and cover with cotton wool. To do this, pour PVA glue into a container (for example, a plate) and dip small pieces of cotton wool or cotton pads into it. Then apply the material on the entire surface of the bottle. Layers should be uniform everywhere. You need to paste over the bottle with the cork.
  2. Wait for the glue to dry completely. This can take a lot of time, so it’s better to use a hairdryer.
  3. Glue together pieces of cotton wool in a roll and glue to the bottle on both sides. These will be the hands of the figures.
  4. When the mannequins are ready, cover them with the appropriate paint - the Snow Maiden is blue, and Santa Claus is red. The area with the lid needs to be painted with beige paint, because there will be a face. In this case, the top of the lid is painted in the same color as the body.
  5. Let the paint dry. If necessary, apply a second coat.
  6. Now you need to make fur trim out of cotton wool. Simply glue glue the places where the edge should be (sleeves, the central part of the coat, the bottom of the cap and clothing) and attach pieces of cotton wool.
  7. Draw on the face eyes, nose and mouth.
  8. From a woolen thread, weave a volume braid and glue it under the Snow Maiden's cap.
  9. Santa Claus from a cotton blind a beard. This is done in the same way as the edge.
  10. Tie ribbons of appropriate colors on figurines.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are ready!

Snow Maiden outfit for champagne

You can make not only the "Snow Maiden" craft, but also dress a bottle of champagne in such a costume that can decorate the New Year's table. Moreover, the empty containers can then be used as the granddaughter of Santa Claus herself.

how to make a snow maiden out of a bottle

Detailed instructions on how to make a Snow Maiden from a bottle of champagne :

  1. Peel the bottle off the paper label.
  2. Take the blue tape of medium width and the glue gun.
  3. Make one revolution around the bottle, slightly backing away from the foil.
  4. The coil should go a bit at an angle to form a triangle - a notch.
  5. Cut off the excess tape and glue the edges with a glue gun to the bottle. In the same way, secure the tape to the back by placing a glue point on the glass.
  6. Similarly, make a few more turns - five to six. Each next row should slightly overlap the previous one.
  7. Now wrap the tape around the bottle horizontally and glue the ends together.
  8. Also do a few rows to the end.
  9. Take a little synthetic winterizer and frame the top of the outfit and cover it with the seam of the rows of tape.
  10. Stick rhinestones or beads along the outer contour of the synthetic winter edge and at the bottom of the fur coat.
  11. From the thin stripes of the padding polyester, make a pigtail.
  12. Wrap the tape several times around the cork and fasten the rows together with a glue gun. Wrap the piece of synthetic winterizer and glue the rhinestones. It will be a hat. It should not fit tightly on the cork.
  13. Glue the braid inside the cap.

The outfit is ready!

Similarly, you can make Santa Claus. Just use the red ribbon for this.


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