The main sections of cybernetics

Here and now we will consider cybernetics as a complex science, engaged in solving a huge number of problems of the human race. We list the branches of this science and characterize their main differences and the problems of the issues they are occupied with, and also pay attention to the history of the development of cybernetics.

General Science

Cybernetics (CC) is a science that combines many of the constituent branches of human activity under study. It is aimed at studying the general laws of the receipt, storage, transformation and transmission of information in complex and regulated systems, for example, in a machine, society or living organism.

The sections of cybernetics are divided into a huge number of constituent components and study a huge range of areas of human activity, all places where, through the use of information, a person could intervene in the course of events.

sections of cybernetics

The term was introduced by Ampere. Initially, he defined cybernetic science as information about governing a country, which is obliged to ensure the civic diversity of existing goods. Currently, this science is defined as the doctrine of the laws observed and used in the transmission of information in mechanical structures, the body and society; the term was coined by N. Wiener.

There are many other ways to define this science, for example, according to Lewis Kaufman, Gordon Pask, etc.

The sections of cybernetics include the study of feedback, black box, derived elements of concepts inside machines, living organisms and organizations. This science focuses on processing information and responding to it.

The main sections of cybernetics are 7, but often psychology and sociology can be divided into separate branches of study and activity of this science, therefore sometimes they are divided into 8.

Areas of activity

The development and sections of cybernetics, their formation and areas of research are closely related to the object of study, which is any system that can be controlled. The concepts of a cybernetic approach and a system were introduced into cybernetics, where the system itself is considered as an abstract concept that is not affected by the origin of their material nature. Examples of such structures can be automatic-type regulators in various mechanisms, machines, the human brain and its society, biological population, etc. Any of the above systems is, first of all, the relationship between the many components of the system in question, their ways of perceiving and remembering them. and information processing and, of course, the possibility of its exchange between systems. Cybernetics is developing common principles that allow you to control the system and bring it to automation. The emergence of cybernetics is obliged to create machines in the forties of the twentieth century, and its rapid development and application in practice is associated with the development of electronic computer technology.

In addition to information analysis methods, cybernetics uses powerful tools to synthesize the solution of problems provided by mathematical analysis, linear algebra, probability theory, computer science, econometrics, etc.

section of cybernetics studying organism

The most important role cybernetics plays in labor psychology. This is due to the fact that cybernetics, as the science of the best ways to control a dynamic system, studies the total number of available control principles and their interconnections in systems of any nature, from a homing missile to a complex living organism. The second cybernetic order and its components.

Cybernetics consists of many branches, and the systems and sections of cybernetics can be divided according to the most diverse principles, but the two main components of this science are second-order cybernetics and research in biology.

Pure cybernetics

Consider a second-order k-ku (clean). This is a science engaged in the study of control systems, as a concept. She is trying to find her main principles.

In pure cybernetics, the main areas of study and activity can be identified:

  • Artificially created intelligence - science and technology that creates machines endowed with intelligence. Particular attention is paid to computer programs, the property of intelligent systems and their ability to perform a creative function, considered a feature of man.
  • K-ka of the second order - a form of previously redirected cybernetics to the biological nature and the form of its knowledge, oriented to the subject. Proponents of this path of science believe that reality is constructed individually, and existing knowledge is “consistent” between subjects, but is not identical with the world of experience of feelings.
  • The computer form of vision is technical vision, which is based on technology that allows you to detect, track and classify objects on machines. Being a technological discipline, this industry seeks to apply theoretical data and models of virtually recorded vision to create a computer model of vision. Vivid examples are: video surveillance, modeling of surrounding objects, interaction system, computational photos, etc.

development and sections of cybernetics

  • The control system is a subset of the tools for collecting data about the controlled object, as well as options for influencing it. The main goal is to achieve the best result. Objects can be both people and cars. The structure of the relationship can include two objects.
  • The management system, where the person acts as the regulatory link, is called the management system.
  • The main sections of cybernetics also include emergence (emergence). The theory of systems defines this element of cybernetics as special properties of the system that are not available for its elements. Thus, there is an irreducibility of the qualitative characteristics of the system to the total amount of its parameters in the presence of all components. A synonym for this phenomenon is called the systemic effect.

Biology research

information and sections of cybernetics

The section of cybernetics that studies the body is based on data obtained from the study and analysis of information about a living organism. The main area of ​​study is the adaptation of living organisms to the environment around and consideration of ways to transfer genetic material from parents to children. There is another direction - cyborgs.

The classical sections of cybernetics studying biological systems include:

  • Bioengineering is the science of technologies and methods of their application in medical practice and biological research. The fields of biological engineering range from the creation and operation of an artificial organ to the cultivation of organs from tissue.
  • Biological k-ka - the scientific perception of the idea of ​​a method and technology of cybernetics, engaged in the consideration of physiological and biological problems.
  • Bioinformatics is a section of cybernetics that studies the total number of methods and approaches. Includes mathematical, algorithmic and strategic methods.
  • Bionics is a practical teaching on the application of properties, parameters, actions performed and the structural structure of nature to technical devices and system principles of their organization.
  • The next section of cybernetics that studies the body is called medical k-ku - options for exploiting technological achievements and their results in the field of medicine and healthcare. They distinguish computational diagnostics and an automated system in a healthcare organization.
  • In addition to the aforementioned branches of study and the activity of biological science, neurocybernetics, the study of the state of homeostasis, synthetic biology and system biology are also included here.

Acquaintance with the theory of complex systems

sections of mathematical cybernetics

In cybernetics, the concept of the existence of a complex system is distinguished . The theory of such systems deals with the analysis of their nature and the reasons underlying their extraordinary properties. Its constituent elements are called the Complex Adaptive System (CAC), the theory of complex systems and the complex system itself.

Consider one of these components, namely CAC. It has a certain number of properties:

  1. It is built from many subsystems.
  2. It is considered an open system; exchanges energy potential, substances and information between systems.
  3. The properties of such a structure cannot be derived from its lower organizational levels.
  4. It has a fractal type of structure.
  5. May stay in a stationary state.
  6. Has the ability to build orderliness and complexity due to adaptive activity.

Computing Systems and Cybernetics

Computer technology is used by humans to analyze the information collected and manage devices. The above elements of pure cybernetics, artificial intelligence and computer vision also apply here, but, in addition to them, they also distinguish:

  • Robotics - a practical teaching engaged in the creation of technical systems of an automated type;
  • DSS is a support and decision-making system, the main purpose of which is to help a person in difficult decision-making. The main feature is a fully objective analysis of the subject of evaluation;
  • cellular automaton - a model of a discrete type, the study of which is carried out: mathematics, theoretical biology, computability theory, physics, and also micromechanics. The main area of ​​research in cellular automata is the study of the algorithmic solvability of any problems;
  • simulator - an imitation of a process controlled by an apparatus or a person;
  • pattern recognition theory is a branch of informatics and related disciplines that is engaged in the development of classification and identification methods, incidents, signals, situational circumstances, processes of a studied object or group of objects characterized by the presence of a limit in the set of qualitative characteristics and signs. The use finds, starting from military affairs and ending with security systems;
  • control system - a set of methods for collecting data about an object under control and options for influencing the behavior of a subject or object. The main goal is to achieve specific goals;
  • automated type control system (ACS) - a comprehensive education from hardware and software types. Another part of such a system is the personnel necessary for the regulation of processes in the framework of technological activity, production of the enterprise.

Cybernetics exploitation in engineering

classic sections of cybernetics

The sections of cybernetics in the engineering field of activity are divided into:

  1. An adaptive system in which automatic change of algorithmic data occurs during the functioning of the system.
  2. Ergonomics is the science of adaptations of duties, workplace, work objects and their items and virtual programs.
  3. Biomedical engineering - a form and method of applying the principles of engineering, its principles in medical practice and biological teaching.
  4. Neurocomputers - a mechanism for information processing of data, based on the principle of operation of a natural neural system.
  5. Technical cybernetics is a scientific industry engaged in the study of technical management systems. The main direction is the creation of an automated regulatory system.
  6. System engineering is a discipline from the field of Soviet engineering, which drew attention to the methods of designing, creating and testing systems of complex technical type, with a view to their further operation.

The relationship of cybernetics with economics and mathematics

The sections of cybernetics in mathematics and economics are divided into 6 branches of study, three for each separate science.

Among the economic areas of study, we distinguish: economic to-tics, its management and operations research. Their main tasks are to find ideas used in economic activity and the optimal solution of problems when faced with a variety of problems using, for example, statistical or mathematical modeling.

The branches of mathematical cybernetics include systems of dynamic type, information theory, and general theory of systems. They are mainly engaged in solving problems in which a clear specification of parameters, data being analyzed, etc. is necessary. The mathematical representation of information about cybernetics is the most accurate and correct.

Psychology, Sociology and Cybernetics

In psychology and sociology, sections of cybernetics are divided into psychological and social to-tics and memetics. The main tasks of these branches of science are the study of the structure and functioning of interactions in various systems of an analyzing nature, conscious and unconscious spheres, modeling of mental characteristics of a person and studying the theory of the content of consciousness, culture and its evolution.

Historical information

The history and sections of cybernetics are closely related to the development of this science. The beginning of modern ki can be considered the beginning of the 1940s, where it was an interdisciplinary field of research, combining systems of various forms of control, electrical circuit theory, machine structure, logical type modeling, biology in its evolutionary direction of development and neurological research. The first work from which the electronic control system originated is considered to be the work of Harold Black (1927). In general, originally the term “cybernetics” in ancient Greece called the art of statesmen.

history and sections of cybernetics

Information and sections of cybernetics can be conditionally divided by belonging to the period in which this or that phenomenon, information was studied. Science itself can be divided into new and old k-ku, where the new one begins in the area of ​​the 1970s, and the old, respectively, from the moment the science appeared.

The study of the seventies rapidly developed in biology, but the studies in the eighties were already more focused on “the interaction of an autonomous political figure and its subgroups, reflective consciousness of the subject, creating and reproducing the structure of political communities.

Recently, a lot of effort has been made in the study of game theory, feedback systems of evolutionary development and the study of materials. These areas of research revive interest in the science in question.


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