Diaper cream "Veleda": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

All young parents sooner or later resort to diapers for their newborn children. Some use them only for walks, while others also use them at home. Even their short-term use can lead to diaper rash and redness. Therefore, pediatricians strongly recommend using a special diaper cream. Weleda is a modern cosmetic product made from natural ingredients. It is on this tool that we will dwell in more detail in today's article.

Why do I need a diaper cream?

The skin of the newborn is very sensitive. Constant stay in the diaper can cause some problems:

  • redness
  • rash;
  • peeling;
  • irritation;
  • diaper rash.

To eliminate these problems, you must use a baby cream. Most modern products, like Veleda diaper cream, have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect and provide reliable care for sensitive baby skin.

baby care

Brief information about Weleda

Weleda is a world leader in the production of natural cosmetics, including for children. It was founded in 1921. Originally it was a pharmaceutical laboratory with its own garden of medicinal plants. Today, Weleda is a recognized global leader in the manufacture of products with natural ingredients. The company has its own series for children. It includes products for bathing and daily care, massage and sun protection.

Weleda company

Cream under the diaper "Weleda": composition

This cosmetic product is a calming and protective agent that protects the baby's skin from diaper rash. It only contains natural ingredients:

  1. Calendula extract. It normalizes the functioning of sweat glands and has an astringent effect, preventing the formation of diaper rash.
  2. Calendula oil. Heals and soothes the skin.
  3. Almond oil. Nourishes and tones the skin, relieves redness.
  4. Sesame oil. Prevents the appearance of prickly heat, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Zinc oxide Creates a kind of film on the surface of the skin that protects delicate skin from external influences.
  6. Beeswax. Prevents dry skin, while maintaining a sufficient amount of moisture in the cells.
  7. Lanolin. Gives the epidermis softness, improves its appearance.
  8. Volcanic clay. Cleanses the skin from peeling, gives it smoothness.

As part of the cream under the Weleda diaper, there are no preservatives, flavorings or colorings. Therefore, this composition can be used from the first days of the baby's life.

The product is available in a tube of 75 ml, which is placed in a cardboard box.

marigold flowers

Cream action

The cosmetic product is protective and healing. These properties are manifested due to the content of calendula extract in the composition. The plant provides restoration of already damaged skin, has a calming effect.

In addition, the ingredients included in the cream under the Veleda diaper with calendula perform the following tasks:

  1. Eliminate diaper rash and prevent the emergence of new ones.
  2. They have an antiseptic effect.
  3. Protect the skin from external irritants, including bowel movements.
  4. Heal damaged cellular elements and restore their functionality.
  5. Do not clog pores and do not interfere with the full circulation of blood.
  6. Soothe the dermis, relieving redness and itching.
  7. Give a feeling of comfort.

Cream under the Weleda diaper is especially recommended by pediatricians to use it in the hot season. Natural bowel movements and increased sweating significantly increase the sensitivity of the skin, contributing to the formation of weeping wounds.

pediatrician and child

Application features

Cream under the Veleda diaper with calendula is recommended to be applied every time after hygiene procedures and bowel movements of the child. After washing, the skin should be dried with a soft towel. It is better to make “wetting” movements. Then, a small amount of cream should be applied to the skin of the buttocks and the perineum. They can also handle the natural folds of the dermis. It is recommended that you wait until the product is completely absorbed. At this time, it is useful to organize a small child air baths.

diaper rash in children

Cream analogs

The choice of funds for a diaper should be approached with all seriousness. Its use should not be accompanied by side effects. If for some reason the baby cream under the Weleda diaper is not suitable, you will need to choose a different composition. The following cosmetic products are most popular among parents:

  1. Mustela. This is a French remedy. Manufacturers claim that it well protects children's skin from irritation, soothes and nourishes it. The cream costs about 600 rubles, which does not stop parents. According to reviews, he copes with the stated tasks.
  2. Bubchen. The German remedy can be used from the first days, including for lightweight and premature babies. Redness from the skin quickly disappears due to the zinc oxide contained in the composition. Shea butter has a softening effect.
  3. Babyline The composition of this cosmetic product contains zinc oxide and chamomile. These components have a positive effect on the sensitive skin of the child, protecting it from the appearance of diaper rash. Parents in most cases respond positively about the cream. The price of such a tool is not more than two hundred rubles. However, many speak out about the too thick consistency of the cream.

When choosing a specific cream, you need to be guided not only by the opinion of the pediatrician, but also by the dermatological characteristics of the child.

diaper creams

Price issue

A tube of Veleda cream for children costs between 500-600 rubles. It can be purchased both in pharmacy chains, and in children's stores or on the official website. In the latter case, promotions are often held, so a cosmetic product can be bought at a good discount.

Opinions of parents

To care for the skin of a newborn baby, parents try to choose only the best tools. For the prevention of diaper rash today there is a large selection of cosmetic products. To choose the most effective tool, it is important to pay attention to its components.

According to reviews, the cream under the Weleda diaper has exclusively natural ingredients. Their extensive list is presented a little higher in the article. Natural ingredients rarely cause allergies, so a pharmacy is suitable for many babies. In addition, it perfectly heals and soothes the delicate skin of the newborn. At the same time, it does not clog pores and does not disrupt the natural circulation of blood.

happy parents

Negative reviews about the cream under the Weleda diaper with calendula are extremely rare. As a rule, they are associated with a high cost of funds. However, its use is usually limited to several months. The 75 ml tube volume declared by the manufacturer is enough for this period. The tool is very economically consumed. In addition, some parents report an unpleasant odor from a cosmetic product. It is due to the constituent plant components and is completely natural. Also, negative reviews may be associated with an allergic reaction to calendula. However, such cases are rare. In such a situation, you will need to replace the tool with an analog one.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any baby diaper rash cream in the area of ​​swaddling is only an auxiliary product. To avoid redness and irritation, parents should prevent this problem. To this end, pediatricians recommend hygiene procedures every time after stool. Regular air baths are equally useful. With this approach, the skin of the newborn will not experience discomfort in the diaper, and the diaper rash remedy will be a pleasant addition to its daily moisturizing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12648/

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