Lokhina - what is this berry, what is its use?

Surely many people know, or just once heard of such a berry as blueberries. But how many are there who would know what lochina is? What is this berry and what does it have to do with blueberries? Everything is very simple. This is a different name for the same berry. Most often, it is called Lohina by residents of Ukraine and regions for which the Ukrainian language is native. The useful properties of this wonderful plant should be learned as much as possible, since its effect on human health can hardly be overestimated.


lohina what is this berry

This is a relatively small shrub: its average height does not exceed 1-1.5 meters. Has ovoid bluish leaves. Small pink and white flowers appear on the branches when the lochin blooms. What is this berry? It has a blue-black color with a bluish tinge. The flowering period of this shrub, like the fruit ripening season, is extended. At this time, the lochin, the description of which is given above, is being collected. Collect it for the most part for medicinal purposes. They start collecting mainly at the end of summer.

Distribution and Features

what berries lohina

Sometimes blueberries are confused with blueberries, because they look similar. Both grow abundantly on bushes, but blueberries are less watery, sweeter and smaller than lohina. What kind of berry is it and in what area does it grow? Unlike blueberries, which prefer taiga, blueberries are found everywhere. They are also collected in the mountains, on poor, stony or boggy soils. The Caucasus Mountains, Altai, forests, tundra, taiga, swamps and wetlands - everywhere this healthy fruit will find its place. Nevertheless, a larger berry is harvested in well-lit areas. The plant is frost-resistant, so it feels great in the northern regions. The bush begins to bear fruit in the 11-18 year of life, depending on climatic conditions. This plant lives more than 90 years.

Lochin berry, the price of which ranges from 150 to 800 rubles (depending on the region, quality of packaging, place of purchase), has other names. Sometimes it is called a fool, a fool, a drunkard and other similar words. This happens because very often rosemary grows next to blueberries, whose leaves and branches contain poisonous essential oils. If, during the collection of the berry, the rosemary leaf falls into the basket, poisoning can occur, sometimes severe, with loss of consciousness.

Meanwhile, the northerners consider Lohina a tender berry, its collection requires accuracy, it is difficult to collect and maintain it without damaging the shape.


lochin berry Price

As is already known, it is rich in useful substances of lochin. What are these berries in terms of benefits? It contains a large number of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, P, PP, phenolic compounds, iron, calcium, sugars, phosphorus, organic acids, pectin, fiber. Surprisingly, almost all of this set is found not only in the fruits of the bush, but also in its foliage.


Lohina what kind of berry is this description

They use it in various forms available to the collector’s fantasies: eat fresh, cook jam, prepare stewed fruit, mousse, marshmallow, kvass, jelly, wine, jelly, wipe with sugar.

Frozen berry fruits are also very good, especially since the freezing process does not affect the beneficial properties of the product. It can be stored frozen for a year or more. To prevent berries from acquiring extraneous odors, the storage container must be tightly closed.


Blueberries are a very healthy product. Increases concentration, has anti-sclerotic, capillary-strengthening, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. These are the berries of the lohina!

Observations of people taking this berry show that the leaves, like the fruits themselves, contribute to a decrease in blood sugar. With enterocolitis, gastritis with low acidity, cystitis, it is very useful to take blueberry juice or mashed berries.

lohina description

As a laxative, a decoction of shrub leaves is used. In addition, this broth is also of great benefit in diabetes, heart disease, or anemia. With fever, inflammation of the excretory system and colds, a berry drink is useful.

Experts believe that lohina juice is the most useful of all. It is much more valuable than even a pomegranate drink. The fact is that blueberry juice exhibits unique antioxidant properties, and there are several times more of these substances in the juice of suckers than in the juices of any other berries.

To slow down the weakening of memory associated with age-related changes, you need to drink about half a liter of lochina juice.

Another interesting property of blueberries was discovered - it contains substances that promote the release of fats. This makes the berry indispensable for those who want to lose weight. For these purposes, it can be used in any form, it is useful to drink a decoction of the leaves of the plant.


The proverb “everything is good in moderation” was invented as if specially for lovers to use this berry for medicinal purposes. The fact is that a huge amount of antioxidants contained in the fruits and leaves of the bush can reduce the flow of oxygen into the muscles. This, in turn, leads to disruption of their work.

The nutritional value

Calorie lohina low - 39 kcal. One hundred grams of berries contain 1 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 6.6 g of carbohydrates.

To understand what lochina is, what kind of berry it is, it is not enough to know the description of its appearance. You need to start eating this valuable product that can help normalize metabolism, lower blood sugar, help lose weight and improve the general condition of the body. This berry is also very tasty, therefore, improving it with its help will bring not only benefit, but also pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12649/

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