How to mow grass on the site

A well-kept lawn is the pride of the owners of a private house. To maintain it in perfect condition, you will need to purchase special equipment. There are many models of such equipment. The choice depends on the features of the site.

To decide what to mow the grass, you must consider all existing options and their features. For a wide variety of lawns today uses a simple and complex technique. What points you need to pay attention to when choosing will be discussed in detail below.

Features of lawn care

Many owners of the plot are interested in the question of how to mow grass . If insufficient attention is paid to this moment, bald spots appear on the lawn and vegetation is depleted. In free places weeds begin to grow.

How to mow grass

In order to avoid adverse effects, it is necessary to mow the grass correctly. To do this, it is recommended to leave the height of the lawn from 5 cm. This level depends on the type of grass on the site. The whole process should be carried out in dry weather. However, the surface of the soil should be slightly moistened. So it is possible to avoid pulling out young, still fragile shoots.

Delving into the question of how to mow grass , it is necessary to consider the existing options for technology. The appearance of the lawn will depend on the quality of the tool. Today, several varieties of equipment are used that allow you to quickly and efficiently care for the vegetation of the site.


There are several popular options for mowing grass on a personal plot. The choice depends primarily on the size of the cultivated area. The tool can be autonomous or work on a certain type of fuel.

Hand varieties of tools include Lithuanians. This is a special scythe for the lawn, which does not need to be connected to the mains or any other type of fuel. Such a tool is convenient to use in a small area. However, the quality of processing with such tools is inferior to other types of equipment.

How to mow grass

If the plot is small (up to 150 mΒ²), you can mow the grass with a manual trimmer. It is connected to the mains and has a low weight. This is a comfortable unit that will quickly bring the lawn into perfect condition. For large areas, gasoline mowers, mini tractors or riders are used.

Hand braid

Mowing the grass with a scythe , which is called Lithuanian, is suitable for strong people. When using it, you will need to first practice at the test site. Only then can you start processing the lawn.

How to mow a manual scythe

The blade is made of high strength steel. The handle and tiller are made of wood. Before starting work, the blade must be sharpened well. In this case, the process of processing the site will be faster. This equipment option is ideal for a garden with no electricity.

It is important to know how to mow a manual scythe . An untrained person will not be able to perform all the actions qualitatively. At the same time, there should not be hills, stones, or overgrown trees on the site. Such objects will damage the hand tool. In this case, it is better to give preference to other types of equipment. When using them, the result will be better, and the work will be completed faster.

Electric trimmer

Using a trimmer, you can quickly and efficiently process small and medium sections. This equipment can operate on a gasoline or electric engine. The grass is cut with a fishing line or a special disc. Compared with the previous version of the tool, the trimmer allows you to cut the lawn three times faster. An employee does not have to be physically fit.

Mowing grass oblique

Considering the best grass trimmers , you should pay attention to electric varieties. Their cost, depending on the power and feature set, can range from 1,100 to 13,000 rubles. This tool has the shape of a cane. There is a switch on it. An electrical cord allows you to connect the device to a household network.

Electric trimmers are lighter than gasoline mechanisms. They are quiet and efficient. The maximum motor power can reach 1.3 kW. Such equipment is simply manageable. Therefore, electric trimmers are used almost everywhere today. There are battery models. They can work autonomously for about half an hour.

Choosing an Electric Trimmer

The best grass trimmers today are delivered to the market by foreign companies Hitachi, Bosch, Honda, etc. Black & Decker, MTD, AL-KO, Gardena, and many other brands are very popular. When choosing, you must pay attention to the power and type of cutting element.

Best grass trimmers

There are models of trimmers in which the engine is located below. Their power varies from 200 to 500 watts. They are used for lawns with soft, low grass. For taller and tougher grass, appliances with a top engine type are used. Their power is 600-1300 watts. Moreover, such equipment is less susceptible to the negative effects of moisture.

Even the best electric-type lawnmowers are not designed to work in wet weather. The availability of a cable limits the capabilities of the presented tool. If you use the device in standalone mode, it will not work longer than 30 minutes. Therefore, electric type trimmers are used on small lawns near the house. The grass here should be soft.

Petrol trimmer

The ideal lawnmower for uneven areas and large areas runs on gasoline fuel. Instead of an electric motor, such equipment has a two-stroke or four-stroke motor. It works on a mixture of gasoline and oil. This is a powerful, productive equipment. It is able to quickly process large areas that are overgrown with dense, high vegetation.

Lawn mower for uneven areas

Such equipment does not require a connection to the mains, there is no cord coming from it. Also presented units can work even in rainy weather. However, gas trimmers also have several drawbacks.

The weight of the device is quite large. The unit can weigh up to 5 kg. This significantly reduces maneuverability and comfort during work. Also, a gasoline engine makes a lot of noise. Exhaust fumes are constantly present in the air. Serving a gas trimmer is quite difficult. Therefore, the presented tool is used in most cases in large, complex areas.

Choosing a gas trimmer

Gasoline trimmer is the best lawn mower for uneven areas , difficult surfaces. It is recommended to use this equipment for the most inaccessible places. The gas trimmer is designed for plots from 150 to 1000 mΒ². For this equipment, it is important to use the correct proportion of fuel. To do this, you need to purchase high-quality gasoline and oil. The choice of fuel is specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

Many gas trimmers make a lot of noise. In some models, this figure is negligible. Less noise is characterized by devices with a four-stroke engine type. Oil and gasoline must be filled separately.

The most popular, quiet models of gas trimmers are Caiman VS255W, Honda UMK 435 T, KAAZ VSP255S, MTD 800 41HD800G678 and many other manufacturers. The cost of such equipment ranges from 3.5 to 37 thousand rubles. They consume less fuel, are comfortable to use.

Wheel machinery

For very large areas, mini-tractors or riders to mow grass can be used . Such equipment can also be powered by electricity or gasoline. The difference from the trimmer is the presence of wheels. This greatly facilitates the processing of the lawn. This advantage is especially important in large areas.

Grass rider

The equipment presented may have a lot of additional functions. Some models have a container for collecting grass. A garden vacuum cleaner and many other functions may be provided.

The equipment presented is intended for garden plots with an area of ​​at least 10 acres. Riders and wheeled vehicles cannot carefully process hard to reach areas. This is a dimensional technique that is used exclusively for rectangular large spaces.

Model selection

When choosing how to mow grass over a large area, it is necessary to consider the most popular rider models. Such a mini-tractor is an intermediate link between heavy garden equipment and a trimmer.

First of all, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the wheels. They should be large enough, firmly attached to the body. These units are designed for uneven areas with tall, stiff grass. The most popular models today are Husqvarna DB 51 5048544, Murray TM6000, Craftsman 77374.

When purchasing the presented equipment, you can choose the necessary additional functions in accordance with the characteristics of your site. If such opportunities of the rider will not be used during the work, preference should be given to simple models. The presence of additional functions makes the unit an order of magnitude more expensive.

Having considered the options for mowing grass in various areas, you can choose the best option for caring for your lawn.


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