Annual dahlias. Planting and care: some useful information for beginner gardeners

Among the representatives of the Astrov family, after the asters themselves, the greatest attention of gardeners is probably attracted by annual dahlias. Planting and caring for these plants, despite their seemingly capricious-aristocratic nature, will not require special efforts even from beginning gardeners, but all summer and autumn, until the first frosts, dahlias will delight everyone with a riot of colors of their luxurious terry, semi-double and non-double inflorescences .

annual dahlias planting and care
One-year-old dahlias: getting to know each other and getting ready for landing

In fact, this variety of dahlias is perennial, only grown as an annual. Bushes grow up to 80 cm in height, inflorescences are up to 12 cm across, a wide variety of shades and shapes of flowers, the ability to please the eye with a large number of blossoming buds (up to 15 flowers per plant) are all annual dahlias. Planting and care for them begins with the acquisition of seeds. Today, in flower shops you can find the seeds of a wide variety of varieties of annual dahlias, sometimes even eyes run wide. As a rule, the best option, if you can not decide on the choice of a particular variety and color, is to purchase a mixture of seeds of various hybrids.

Soil preparation and seed sowing

Usually sowing seeds of annual dahlias is done at the end of April. In autumn, fertile soil is harvested. Immediately before planting, it is recommended that the soil be calcined and treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection purposes. The seeds of annual dahlias are quite large, so it is easy to sow them: spread them on the surface of the soil, sprinkle with sand and slightly compact, and then water. Put the greenhouse in a warm place where there are no drafts, and wait for the hour when the annual dahlias show seedlings. Caring for seedlings will not require much effort from you. With the advent of two true leaves, the plants are transplanted (each preferably in a separate container), and closer to the beginning of summer, when it becomes warm enough, seedlings are determined in a permanent place - a sunny area with loose fertile soil. Plants are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm.

annual dahlias care


Annual dahlias are drought-tolerant garden plants, so they prefer moderate watering: once a week is enough during active growth. On especially hot days, dahlias will not refuse a cool shower. Since the end of August, when the heat subsides, watering is slightly reduced.

We are waiting for flowering and enjoy the explosion of bright colors in their infield

One-year-old dahlias, planting and care of which on your flower bed begins with planting seedlings in the open ground, will bloom much earlier - after about one and a half to two months, that is, when you plant seedlings at the end of May, you will see the first buds that have opened in July. At the same time, undersized hybrids bloom much earlier than their tall counterparts. For this reason, dwarf non-terry varieties of annual dahlias, which are also called border dahlias, are most popular in the design of flower beds and flower beds. Perfectly able to solo in a group planting dahlias annuals. Photos show how stunningly beautiful flower beds can be. Also looks great and long stands this look in bouquets.

dahlias annual photos

We collect seeds for the next season

To keep in their collection those annual dahlias, planting and care of which are planned in subsequent seasons, it is possible to note on the bush several of the most powerful and developed inflorescences. Seeds in them ripen within about one and a half months. However, it should be remembered that the color of flowers in plants of the second generation may differ from the parent. Fully this trait is inherited only through tubers.


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