Precious stones of green color: list, names, features and description

Gems have long attracted the attention of man. They seduced with their splendor, variety of properties and colors, durability, excellent flexibility during decoration. Researchers watched the gems, comprehending their properties and discovering new opportunities, carefully studied the effect of minerals on the fate and nature of their owners. Green is the color of nature itself. He is able to maintain balance, harmony in the human body. It will also help regain strength and youth.

Green precious stones make up the largest group of minerals. Their palette is as close to natural as possible. Green with its diverse shades does not cause irritation, acts soothingly. This color is characterized by the best qualities of a person: generosity, kindness, ability to sympathize and willingness to always come to the rescue.


What is the green gem called? The first thing that comes to mind is an emerald. A very beautiful gem, dear and valuable. There were times when they gave more money for him than for a diamond.

green precious stones
Emeralds are precious green stones. Their palette is very saturated, with a touch of dark green. Emerald is always inserted into jewelry and used in magic rituals. The history of this stone goes back centuries. Its extraction began from Egypt during the reign of Queen Cleopatra. It is very difficult to find an emerald in nature.

The largest specimen was found in Russia in 1920. There are many legends associated with this green miracle of nature. They say that an emerald is ready to serve only a bright person in thoughts and a pure soul. He does not tolerate lies and falsehood. In combination with other minerals, emerald gains new properties. In a frame of gold, he can save a person from insomnia. The mineral protects sailors from shipwrecks. And if you wear it around your neck, you can improve your memory. It has a calming effect on the psyche.

green gem name
To people born under the sign of Leo and Cancer, the emerald will become a faithful helper and reliable protector. Banish insomnia and annoying nightmares, strengthen the heart and develop the ability to make the only right decisions - all this can be an emerald.


Of particular popularity are malachite, jade and chrysolite - stones, precious, green. Very mysterious and vibrant minerals.

silver hoof green gem
Malachite since ancient times is considered a stone of scientists and doctors. At first he was recognized and appreciated for his strength, a little later they began to celebrate beauty. They mined a gem in the Urals. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed that it is best combined with silver.

The talisman of malachite allows its owner to grow spiritually. For children, they make an amulet of stone, hang it around the neck or tie it to a crib. The baby sleeps calmly, his breathing is facilitated. Malachite is necessary for creative people to attract the attention and love of the audience. People who were born under the sign of Libra, Taurus and Leo need it. They are advised to wear jewelry made from this mineral.

the name of the green gem
This gemstone has unique healing properties. Malachite bracelet enhances hair growth, can alleviate an asthmatic attack, improves eyesight. Malachite plastics will help get rid of rheumatism if applied to problem areas.


Jade is another stone from the group of green minerals. It is durable, does not crack against impacts, and is resistant to acids and high temperatures. Due to the incredible strength, jade was used in weapons. From this heavy-duty mineral, inscriptions for tombs were made. In some countries, jade was more expensive than gold. It is known that the gem prolongs life, protects from evil forces. If it is placed in a frame of silver, it will turn out a wonderful amulet from the evil eye. Jade has always been considered a stone of mind, humanity and goodness. Scientists and the military, who wore gem jewelry, quickly achieved their goal. And the balls made of mineral, perfectly helped with massage. The fact that they positively affect the state of the body was known by ancient people.


This stone is primarily distinguished by its rich green color. Its popularity dates back to the mid-19th century. It was then that the mystical properties of the mineral were discovered. By the way, they are very unusual: it can save from fires, treats burns.

what a gem of green color
The gem will be able to dispel depression, eliminate depression, give energy and vigor. The mineral is recommended to be kept in the form of a mascot for athletes. Such an amulet will protect from envy and the evil eye. People-Pisces, using chrysolite jewelry, will gain confidence. Getting rid of scary nightmares, improving eyesight, treating stuttering is an incomplete list of what this stone from the green jewelry group can affect.


Green minerals also include beryl, pomegranate, sapphire, tourmaline.
Beryl is an extremely heat resistant gem. It is quite rare. Without beryl construction of rockets and aircraft is not complete. Mining is carried out in Siberia and the Urals, in Kazakhstan and India. Beryl takes negative energy from the body, filling it with new forces. The stone keeps travelers, protects its owners from the evil eye.

Beryl has long been considered the keeper of the outbreak of the family. It improves relations between generations of senior and younger family members. An amulet with him will help you climb the career ladder. Stone favors women. All signs of the zodiac, except Gemini, can use amulets with beryl. This unique gemstone can heal many women's diseases: a ring with a stone heals the prolapse of the uterus, earrings relieve toothache and headache, and the bracelet prevents ovarian inflammation.


A stone unlike its brethren. He is very unusual and original. It is a green-blue gem. But such a shade can only be seen when heated. Aquamarine is a relative of beryl. The presence of iron gives it a blue color. The mineral is designed to protect the relationship of husband and wife, able to make them happy. Aquamarine saves people in the water from all sorts of troubles; it calms the storm. If the owner is in danger, the stone will change its color.

As a folk healer, aquamarine has a positive effect on such areas of the human body as the heart, lungs, skin and nervous system. The gem also protects against diseases of the throat and teeth. People born under the signs of Aquarius and Libra choose aquamarine as a talisman. It was always interesting to know which green gem is the most useful, beautiful, bright. But it is impossible to answer this question, since each of these minerals is admirable.


Alexandrite is an expensive and rare stone. It is not only beautiful, but also a dangerous mineral. To protect its effect, you need to wear it together with another jewelry containing alexandrite. Previously, only royalty and court ladies could buy the mineral . At the end of the 20th century, the only Ural mine was closed where this unique gem was mined. Now it’s almost impossible to get it.

The color of alexandrite changes from daytime, evening and electric lighting. The name of the green gem, “alexandrite,” is associated with the name of Tsar Alexander II. By the way, the mineral reduces the choleric nature of its owner. Therefore, people suffering from neurosis, can not do without alexandrite. This stone cleanses the blood, stimulates the brain. Only strong-willed people can wear it: if they pass all the tests, luck will always be there.

Green Hoof Gemstone

There are a great many such unusual stories devoted to precious stones. Some of them were even in literary works. Especially the master of mentions about minerals was Pavel Bazhov. One need only recall the green stones from the "Silver Hoof". In this work, the minerals that fell into the hands of the heroes were called chrysolite.

blue-green gemstones

It was they who flew out from under the hoof of a wonderful goat. Chrysolite has a second unofficial name, which is used by the people - "evening emerald." The people were always observant. I noticed that chrysolite in the dark is brighter and greener. Bazhov in his creation does not hide the name of the gemstone, he himself directly says about it: "They began to find stones ... They call them chrysolites ...".

Demantoid, tsavorite and other transparent stones

A group of such minerals has many shades, one more beautiful than the other. There are translucent and transparent gems of green color. Their first subgroup includes a demantoid - a rare mineral that was loved very much by Russian tsars. He was often used by the famous jeweler Faberge. This is a stone of calm. As for the tsavorite, it is also transparent. It is more often referred to the family of garnet gemstones. Instead, diopside, another transparent gem, is often used in jewelry as inserts in pendants and pendants. Mining is established only in Yakutia. There are several other valuable specimens that must be mentioned: translucent jadeite with a dark green color, transparent apatite in the color of young greenery, sapphire crystals in an emerald palette.

Amazonite and diopside

And what are the famous gems of blue-green ? There are a lot of them: for example, amazonite and diopside. The first is a blue-green opaque stone. It calms, has beneficial effects on mentally unstable people. Sagittarius, Amazonite is contraindicated. But it positively affects Aries, Cancers, Taurus and Scorpions.

green transparent gemstones
Diopside is used by almost all jewelers in the world. The stone is very interesting for its coloring: the palette ranges from gently malachite to blue-green. Jewelry and various crafts are in incredible demand.


Now you know what green (precious) stones exist. We hope that the information was useful, and now you can easily find the right mascot for yourself.


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