What gift should I choose for a girl for 9 years?

Kids grow up fast, especially strangers. You don’t notice how yesterday the baby was a year old, and a few days later she was already at school. If you were invited to a girl’s birthday, you need to responsibly approach the choice of a gift. It is necessary that the little lady after your arrival be satisfied.

Which is better to choose a girl a gift for 9 years? How to please her? Now we will answer these questions and help you make the right choice.

Important factors

To choose the right gift, you need to consider several factors:

  • Character.
  • Interests of the child.
  • Material well-being of the family.
  • Addictions (to dancing, languages, sports, etc.).

gift for 9 years to a girl

Good gifts according to parents:

  • netbook;
  • smartphone;
  • the tablet;
  • a laptop;
  • a computer.

girl gift for 9 years

You can buy not a gaming tablet, but a training one with a large number of necessary programs and educational toys. The young lady will be eternally glad to such an “adult” present.

How to choose a gift for a 9 year old girl? One that awakens a child's love of reading. You can give a girl:

  • coloring comics
  • electronic “reader”;
  • Children's Bible
  • colorful encyclopedia;
  • book of your favorite writer;
  • reference on a topic of interest;
  • a book in the style of young adult.

Cosmetics for children - a great gift for a child

a gift for a girl 8 9 years old

For 9 years, the girl grew up without makeup, of course, not counting hygienic. Well, the time has come. The baby is already a real lady, so she can already be presented with some kind of skin and hair care product. As you know, even from the cradle of babies, cosmetics and fashion begin to interest. What gift for a 9 year old girl to choose? Now the market has a wide range of high-quality children's cosmetics, which does not cause allergies. Here are some good gift options:

  • trip to the children's cosmetologist;
  • a cosmetic bag with a beautiful mirror;
  • a set of perfumes (for children);
  • a trip to the makeup artist, of course, for children;
  • fashion encyclopedia;
  • a set of cosmetics (children's);
  • stylish handbag.


How to choose a gift for a girl of 9-10 years old? You can please the little fashionista with a new little thing, however, it is better to choose her along with the baby so as not to make mistakes in preferences. The best options for a gift:

  • fashionable jeans;
  • stylish swimsuit;
  • skirt;
  • topic;
  • accessories;
  • blouse.

Let's dwell on accessories

If a young lady is a fashionista, and especially she likes accessories, then she should give her a gift from this category. What to choose? How to choose a girl a gift for 9 years?

gift child 9 years old girl


  • Hair ornaments, especially if the baby has long curls. It can be: hoops, elastic bands, bows and invisibility.
  • Bead jewelery. Such gizmos should please the girl. It is desirable that the accessory fit the outfit of a little princess.
  • An original gift for a girl of 9 years is a watch. Colored, bright, or, conversely, classic, which are similar to adults.
  • Fashionable backpack.

fashionable backpack gift for girls 9 years old

  • Gold jewelry. Chains, earrings, pendants and bracelets. Such things can be made of another metal, for example silver. You can choose jewelry with or without precious stones.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Bright diary is a good gift for a girl. It can be with or without a lock.
  • Gloves.

what to give the girl for 9 years

Live “gift” is a great idea

How to choose a girl a gift for 9 years? Present a living creature. Just consider some of the nuances in advance:

  • Is the baby herself against it? Not every child is delighted with animals.
  • Are other family members opposed?
  • Will the family be able to provide another tailed “gift”?

You can give these animals:

  • chinchilla;
  • a puppy;
  • decorative rabbit;
  • a kitten;
  • a parrot;
  • guinea pig;
  • ferret;
  • aquarium with fish;
  • a rat;
  • hamster.

original gift to a girl of 9 years

A girl with a gift for 9 years can be supplemented with the following things:

  • expensive feed;
  • a cage (if you are giving a budgie or a rodent);
  • An interesting book about the features of the presented animal.

Sports gift

Almost every child has a hobby. If the girl is interested in sports, then present the following things:

  • children's scooter;
  • set of balls;
  • Skate
  • skates;
  • skiing;
  • bike;
  • hoop;
  • necessary sports equipment;
  • roller Skates;
  • badminton;
  • simulator etc.

Unusual presents for creative kids

Choosing a gift for a girl of 8-9 years old, pay attention to her interests. Good presentations for creative people:

  • paints;
  • gypsum modeling kit;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • album;
  • stand for canvas;
  • beautiful pencils;
  • scrapbooking;
  • a set of brushes for drawing from natural material;
  • picture frames;
  • set for making jewelry.

birthday present for a girl of 9 years old

If the girl is interested in the interior, you have finances, then by the day you can make an original repair in the little girl in the room. If this is not possible, then you can give a decoration element:

  • an icon depicting a saint who guards the baby;
  • a vase;
  • lamp;
  • original carpet in the room;
  • beautiful bedding;
  • statuette of a guardian angel;
  • a beautiful picture;
  • set of figurines;
  • stylish night light.

gift girl 9 10 years

In addition, you can give more original gifts. You can present the following things:

  • an exciting outdoor game;
  • home puppet theater;
  • set for the theater of shadows;
  • entertaining board game.

Of course, every child is not a homebody, he likes to go on interesting excursions, go on exciting trips.

You can give a little girl:

  • visit to the amusement park;
  • a trip to the circus;
  • visiting the tape maze;
  • theater ticket for children's performance;
  • hike on a fascinating tour;
  • visit to the zoo;
  • ticket to the ice show.

You can also visit the following places:

  • planetarium;
  • unusual rides;
  • dolphinarium (communication with these marine creatures positively affects the psychological state of the child);
  • aquarium
  • rope park;
  • hippodrome.

Of course, in this matter it is worth considering the features of the psyche of a little girl. Since some funny, in your opinion, adventures can really scare her.

Giving impressions to a little girl

You can give the baby impressions that will be remembered for a long time. It could be:

  • ticket for an idol concert;
  • horse walk in a park or other interesting area;
  • unusual treat;
  • autograph of an idol (singer, singer or actor);
  • a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers;
  • ordering an original cake, for example, in the shape of a flower or a teddy bear;
  • participation in the master class.

Advice to those who are thinking about the present

If you do not know what to give the little girl, then ask her. Maybe the baby has long been dreaming of some sort of thing. You can also ask parents about what their girl wants.

Little conclusion

We hope that now it is clear to you which girl to choose a gift for 9 years. Our recommendations will help you make the right decision. The main thing is to give a present from a pure heart!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1268/

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