Adjusting the plastic windows yourself - instructions and recommendations

Over time, PVC windows begin to be capricious: the wind starts to blow out from the outside, the windows themselves do not fit snugly, the sound insulation deteriorates by an order of magnitude. The main thing is not to panic and not to start their full replacement. Moreover, this situation is quite acceptable and is relatively easily eliminated by adjusting the plastic windows. Sometimes the hardware after many cycles of opening and closing fails. In the vast majority of cases, almost everyone can repair and adjust plastic windows independently.

Plastic window hinge adjustment

What tool will you need to work?

To work with windows from different manufacturers, the set of tools may vary, but not particularly significantly. To solve the most common problems and adjust the plastic windows yourself, you must have the following tools at hand: a screwdriver with interchangeable bits (Phillips, star-shaped and conventional flat nozzles), pliers and a set of hex keys.

In addition, in order to extend the life of the hardware and windows in general, it is necessary to handle all friction pairs with a special aerosol lubricant type WD-40. This tool lubricates surfaces well and protects the metal from the corrosive effects of moisture.

To adjust the plastic windows in the vast majority of cases, it is enough to have only one set of hexagons. But still, some manufacturers equip their windows with non-standard components, for work with which you will need a screwdriver with a nozzle in the shape of a star. Such windows are quite a rarity in our latitudes. Nevertheless, it is better to play it safe and stock up on all kinds of instruments. Standard Phillips screwdrivers are required to install the handles and locking mechanism of the plastic windows. Adjustment of fittings is also carried out with the help of this simple tool.

Plastic window adjustment

Adjustable window system components

The arrangement of the mechanisms of modern windows is rather complicated. But, despite this, the maintenance and adjustment of plastic windows can be carried out by each householder without involving outsiders. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common and typical problems that arise during the long-term operation of PVC window systems.

Most often, the following nodes fail and need adjustment:

  • hinges that hold windows and balcony doors;
  • handles actuating the locking mechanism, as well as setting the angle and plane of rotation of the window when opening;
  • clamping mechanism.

Adjustment of force of pressure of a window to a frame

As a result of long-term operation, coupled with harsh weather conditions and sharp temperature drops, the rubber seal loses its original elasticity, is deformed and is no longer able to properly seal the window. And if in summer this problem is not so critical, then for the winter adjustment of plastic windows is simply necessary. If you neglect this, the further condition of the fittings and other systems will rapidly deteriorate. But the most important thing is the health of all family members. Drafts have never benefited anyone and can cause serious ailments. Particular attention should be paid to the correct operation of windows if small children live in the house.

The designers provided the property of rubber to lose elasticity over time and provided the ability to adjust the plastic windows on their own. The instruction, if you follow it exactly and do not violate the technology and the order of work, will allow you to do this quickly and efficiently. After such adjustment, the window will serve faithfully for more than one season without replacing the gasket. Other experts do not recommend changing the seal to a new one. They claim that it will quickly shrink, while the old one will serve reliably for a long time.

To reduce the gap between the window and the frame, a simple adjustment of the hooks and trunnions is required. In particular, this becomes relevant with the onset of winter. It usually takes a little time to independently adjust the plastic windows. The so-called hooks are located at the ends of the valves and have a characteristic elliptical shape, due to which they cannot be confused with anything else. When the window closes, the hook and pin form a reliable connection and are attracted to each other with great effort. The necessary clamping force allows you to get the leverage of the locking mechanism.

In accordance with the instructions for self-adjusting plastic windows (these leaflets are developed independently by each manufacturer and may have some unimportant differences), the clamping force is changed by simple manipulations with either a trunnion or a clamp. So, to tighten the clamp (reduce the clearance), it is necessary to rotate the pin inward. And vice versa - rotating this element in the opposite direction will increase the gap and reduce the force of the clip.

The mechanism is very sensitive. Therefore, at first, no more than two full revolutions of the journal are carried out around its axis. If the selected distance is not enough, you need to repeat the procedure. Only for the second time should it be limited to one revolution. This operation is repeated until the seal tightness is satisfactory. As you can see, the instruction for self-adjusting plastic windows for the winter is completely uncomplicated and easy to understand.

It should be said that too much clamping force is also extremely undesirable: accelerated wear of the seals and all window mechanisms will occur.

If due to corrosion damage for other reasons (lack of the necessary tool, for example) it is not possible to adjust the trunnion, then the clamping force can be changed by adjusting the hooks. In this case, you need an ordinary hexagonal internal key, which is available in the arsenal of any amateur cyclist. These structural elements are attached to the window frame with ordinary bolts. It is necessary to loosen one of the bolts, and shift the hook by the required amount. In this case, it is not necessary to completely (or even partially) unscrew the bolt. It is enough to loosen it a bit and carefully move the hook in the right direction with a hammer. Otherwise (when the bolt is unscrewed significantly) it will take a lot of time trying to find its correct position.

Thus, if you follow the instructions, adjusting the plastic windows (namely, the trunnion-clamp connection) will not cause any difficulties. All that is needed is basic technical literacy and the ability to handle the tool.

Plastic window with mosquito net

Solving the Shattered Double Handle Problem

Sometimes the need for repair and adjustment of frames arises not only in anticipation of winter. Adjusting plastic windows in the summer is also not a rare occurrence. Well, who, say, is pleased to inhale the aromas of the exhaust gases of cars or toss and turn for a long time and not fall asleep due to increased noise? These problems are especially acute in houses and apartments that overlook busy avenues in large cities.

Nevertheless, the most common problem with windows, which makes you take up a tool in the summer, is a loose handle. Many simply do not pay attention to such an insignificant thing. But experts recommend eliminating such problems immediately, as they arise. But why? Yes, because it is only at first glance an insignificant nonsense. In fact, the backlash in the system of the locking mechanism can lead to rapid wear and complete replacement of parts of the latter.

Do not wait for the failure of the lock mechanism and the handle of the plastic windows. With your own hands, the adjustment of the above elements is elementary simple.

So, it’s enough just to tighten the handle mount so that it does not break the bolt mechanism. To gain access to the screws that secure the base of the handle, you need to remove the decorative trim. This is simple to accomplish - the decorative element stretches toward itself, and then rotates 90 degrees clockwise. Now you can tighten the screws so that the handle does not hang. It remains only to install the decorative overlay in its place. That's all. A few minutes - and the problem is solved.

If the manufacturer, in order to save money, bought cheap components, then problems with the decorative overlay are not excluded: it may not be delayed. Many in this case nervously clutch at a screwdriver and start struggling to pick plastic. This should not be done in any case, otherwise plastic may be damaged.

Plastic window with lock

Installing a lock on windows

A castle on the windows is simply necessary if children live in the apartment. At a young age, curiosity leads them to know the world around them. Unconsciously, children jerk everything that comes to their hand. And here there is absolutely something incredible and surprising - the street is full of bright colors, cats and dogs walk on it, birds fly. Periodically, terrible information appears in the media about the fall of children from the windows of apartment buildings. This is terrible. And if earlier it was necessary to install metal grilles on the windows, today it is possible to mount a handle with a lock, and the window cannot be opened without a key. It is very easy to mount such a lock in winter and summer with your own hands. There is no need to adjust the plastic windows.

In fact, installing a handle with a key lock is no different from installing a regular handle. The difference lies only in the design of the products themselves. Therefore, the decorative cap is removed and all threaded connections are loosened (usually four of them). After completely unscrewing all the screws, the handle is easily removed from the frame. All that remains is to install and secure the new handle. Everything is extremely simple.

Elimination of a problem of jamming and increase of smoothness and ease of the course of the handle

If the window closes with great effort on the handle, and it often seizes, the cause is most likely the lack of lubrication and a small gap between the window sash and the frame itself. It is the incorrect operation of the handle that is the most common reason for adjusting plastic windows in the summer. With your own hands, this problem is eliminated as soon as possible. But on vacation, to put it mildly, there is something to do besides repair. Therefore, it is better to initially adjust the system carefully and in good faith.

To lubricate the mechanism, you need to remove the handle. The procedure for performing this operation is described in the previous section. The surfaces of the mechanism are lubricated either with a brush or with the use of special aerosol agents. When using aerosols, the lubricant is supplied through a hose or tube. This will avoid contamination of the window elements and wasteful lubrication.

Lock adjustment

The solution to the problem of jamming the handle

It is far from always that window jamming is the result of a breakdown and failure of window mechanisms. This problem can occur completely unexpectedly in both winter and summer. Do-it-yourself, self-adjusting plastic windows, in most cases, fixes this problem.

The most typical malfunction leading to a jamming of the handle is a malfunction of the lock when the window is closed. The locking mechanism is located at the end in the area of ​​the handle. The jammed mechanism is brought to the normal position by the finger of the hand, after which the handle starts to work correctly. This measure is temporary, and it is necessary to replace the mechanism with a new one as soon as possible.

Plastic window hinge adjustment

Sagging sash adjustment

This problem especially often reminds of itself if the window is large, when the window remains open for a long time, that is, in summer. Adjusting the plastic windows and hinges completely restores the work and ensures the normal closing and opening of the wings.

The procedure for resolving the problem largely depends on what hardware and accessories were used by the manufacturer of window systems. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully inspect the hinges and find the manufacturer's logo on them. Further on the official website of the plant you can find detailed instructions. Self-adjustment of plastic windows for the winter when studying the information presented in them will become quite an exciting and interesting activity and will only bring pleasant feelings to the owner.

If the hinges are loosened significantly, then the sagging is accompanied by the friction of the lower leaf on the frame when opening and closing the window. In some cases, you even have to lift the window frame with your hands to close it.

The solution to the problem lies on the surface and is quite simple. In the vast majority of cases, sagging can be eliminated by simply tightening the hinge screws. Alternately, the lower and upper loops are twisted and the window is checked. In the absence of experience, this procedure can cause certain difficulties. But in the future it will take a little time.

Plastic window fittings

Breakdown prevention

It is advisable at least once a year to inspect the window for irregularities, lubricate the mechanisms. This will prevent unexpected failure and damage to mechanisms. When doing these simple things, windows will last a long time and will not require expensive repairs and replacement.

Experts advise

If the window and its functions deteriorate, there is no need to panic and draw premature conclusions about the complete unsuitability of the window, even if it happened in winter. Instructions for adjusting plastic windows on the manufacturer’s website will help to fix the problem on their own in the shortest possible time. If you have experience working with windows and elementary skills in working with the tool, then all the nuances will be intuitive and it is quite possible to do without instructions.

It is necessary in a calm environment to analyze the problem that has arisen, climb up by the window, try to understand the principle of operation of this or that mechanism, and find out the cause of the disturbances in the work. And then, following simple recommendations, eliminate the problems that arose.

In summer, it is recommended to increase the pressure of the flaps to the frame; in winter, on the contrary, reduce it. So in the gasket and mechanisms will create favorable stresses, contributing to an increase in the service life of the entire system.


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