Monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev symbolizes the baptism of Russia

The monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev is located on the hill of the same name and is the oldest and most famous. Before the opening of the monument in 1853, the Mikhailovsky Monastery was located here, where, according to ancient legend, the inhabitants of Kiev were converted to Christianity. In those days, the area was called Mikhailovsky Gorka.

Monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev

Background of the appearance of the monument

From the school bench, we all know that the baptism of Russia took place in 988. It is with the Mikhailovsky Hill that historians connect this event. Therefore, initially, in order to pay tribute to the past, they wanted to build a small chapel here. But in 1843, the then-famous sculptor Demut-Malinovsky proposed to Nicholas II to immortalize the saint and erect a monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev. But the church felt that it was not worth putting a zealous fighter against the worship of pagan gods as an idol. However, the Russian Tsar was still able to negotiate with the Kiev Metropolitan and proposed an alternative solution to the problem. Along with the erection of the monument, the laying of the Vladimir Cathedral begins.

Property Description

Ten years after the proposal was made, a monument to Prince Vladimir was opened in Kiev. Its solemn presentation took place on an autumn day of 1853. The authors were the architect P. Klodt, who worked directly on the statue, the sculptor Demut-Malinovsky, who executed the bas-reliefs, and A. Ton, who embodied the pedestal for the statue in stone.

The monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev is made of bronze. But it turned out to be so powerful that the pedestal made of bricks was reinforced with cast-iron plates for strengthening. They even wanted to paint, but it looked a little depressing.

Monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev photo

The holy prince himself is depicted in a magnificent pose in a cloak swaying in the wind. In one hand he holds a cross, the other Vladimir holds the prince's hat. The total height of the monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev is 20.4 meters. Of these, a whole 16 meters is occupied by a pedestal erected to hold a weighty figure of a prince 4.4 meters high.

The symbol of ancient Kiev

Every year during Christian holidays, a prayer service is held near the monument to Prince Vladimir. The ceremony is always attended not only by clergy, caring citizens, but also by the city administration.

In 2013, on the 160th anniversary of the opening of the monument, clergy from many dioceses not only of Ukraine, but also of Russia, gathered in Kiev. Along with this event, it was decided to illuminate the Nikolaev Chain Bridge, which leads to the monument.

in Kiev painted a monument to Prince Vladimir

His story is also unique. Despite the fact that the bridge was blown up twice in Soviet times, when atheism dominated, neither the monument to Vladimir, nor the road leading to it across the river were damaged.

Time of atrocities

During the reign of the Bolsheviks, many church sites and shrines were destroyed. But they still did not dare to touch the monument to Prince Vladimir. They say that people who completely do not believe in God are allegedly frightened of retribution, about which an ancient legend warns. So, it is believed that a powerful pedestal is set here for a reason. It serves to hold a stormy underground key. Therefore, if the monument is blown up, like many others, then hundreds of cubic meters of water will spill throughout the district.

To appreciate the power that a monument to Prince Vladimir has in Kiev, photos may not be enough. But to enjoy the grandeur and beauty of creation is entirely possible. The prince is depicted with his head uncovered, because, according to the authors, he performs the sacrament of baptism. But despite the sacred fundamental, the monument continues to cause discontent among some categories of people.

The ugly act of modernity

This is not the first time that a holy place has been attacked by a bully. In Kiev, they doused the monument to Prince Vladimir with paint, and a criminal case was opened on this fact. The first to discover the perfect act was the people taking part in standing on the Dnieper when they came to bow to the sculpture.

A terrifying fact is associated with the fact that in Ukraine a vote was launched for the most outstanding Ukrainian from the past. In the first place, Prince Vladimir goes by a wide margin. Following him was S. Bandera. Apparently, therefore, local Ukrainian nationalists considered this an insult.

Monument to Prince Vladimir desecrated in Kiev

And although a monument to Prince Vladimir was defiled in Kiev in retaliation for circumventing the Nazi accomplice, many are even happy about this turn of events. But they forget that at the time of the prince even such a thing as Ukraine did not exist at all.

A few facts about the monument to St. Vladimir

The monument to the prince is one of two that survived in Ukraine after the atrocities of the revolutionary movement that captured the city in 1917. Another monument, which was also lucky, belongs to B. Khmelnitsky.

Not only did the Bolsheviks believe in the legend of a powerful spring walled up under a pedestal. The Nazis during the occupation also did not dare to touch the pedestal on which the monument to the saint was erected, fearing possible punishment.

On the Order of Vladimir are engraved letters that stand for "Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir". But, apparently, an error occurred at the plant, and the letters are mirrored. However, they are so small, and the height of the monument is quite impressive that a similar incident to ordinary visitors is invisible.

the height of the monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev

The Ukrainian Museum of History presents a small copy of the monument, a draft of which was also submitted to the court of Nicholas I. Because of his warlike appearance, the king did not agree to the installation of such an object. However, the construction promised to be more grandiose, so a small statue was made for display in a museum window.


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