Sayings and proverbs about happiness and sorrow

For a long time people have been thinking about the vicissitudes of fate. A lot of literary works and philosophical treatises have been written about the variability of her temper. Folk wisdom also did not ignore this topic. Proverbs about the happiness and sorrow of different countries are often very similar. Since their authorship belongs mainly to ordinary people. And who, if not the poor, should know how cool Fortune is.

Proverbs of happiness and sorrow

Russian proverbs about happiness and sorrow

Severe living conditions and hard work have taught ordinary people to look at what is happening from a philosophical point of view. This approach helped not to lose heart and survive adversity, while maintaining a purity of soul, faith and love of life. That is why many proverbs about happiness and sorrow among the Russian people are filled with sadness and hope at the same time.

  • Happiness lives in time, and grief is outside of it.
  • Joy with misfortune, like the sun with bad weather - they live ficklely.
  • Happiness - man straightens, and grief - humps.
  • Happiness lives with grief.
  • Without tasting grief, you do not know happiness.
  • For joy, sadness walks on the heels.
  • Happiness does not last forever, but the trouble is not endless.
  • Grief comes on horseback, and leaves on foot.
  • Unhappiness, like years, leaves a groove on the face.
  • Trouble in the forest does not roam, but comes to people in the house.
  • Grief and joy in a sleigh ride.
  • A smile is happiness right under your nose.
  • Finding happiness is hard work, and losing is nothing.
  • Unhappiness heart sharpens like a worm nut.
    Russian proverbs about happiness and sorrow

English proverbs and sayings about happiness and sorrow

The English poor also had a hard time. Endless wars and epidemics have done their job. And the simple people had no choice but to apply to life and accept it with faith in the best. This perception of the environment and is saturated with English proverbs about happiness and grief.

  • The only cure for grief is work.
  • There is no greater pain than the memory of past joy in woeful times.
  • Tears are the silent language of grief.
  • Sorrow drains, joy fills.
  • Do not worry. All that you have lost will return in another likeness.
  • Everyone chooses whether to be happy or not.
  • Grief is the price we pay for happiness.
  • Common misfortune binds stronger than common joy.
  • Idleness is happiness for children and suffering for the elderly.
  • Shared joy is always greater; shared grief is always less.
  • Unhappiness is like tidal waves. May cover with head or move away. All we can do is learn to swim.
  • Misfortunes do not fall in the rain, but in a downpour.
  • Happiness is like fragile glass - easy to break.
    Proverbs and sayings about happiness and sorrow

Arabic sayings about trouble and joy

Sadness and a certain doom fill the Arab proverbs about happiness and grief, which are a reflection of the difficulties suffered by ordinary people.

  • He who hides his grief will not find a cure for it.
  • Discord is forgotten in grief.
  • The biggest misfortune comes through beloved people.
  • If you have not tried the bitter, then you will not be able to appreciate the sweet.
  • The trouble comes through the wide doors.
  • Just come to terms with one misfortune, another is already on the threshold.
  • Grief falls upon a man on the head with his tongue.
  • Each is given as much as he can bear.
  • Happiness - a pinch, and grief - in bags.
  • He who does not value his happiness is approaching grief.
  • The time of happiness is short.
  • Many works bring many joys.
  • Better to live through misfortune than live in fear of it.


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