How to counter Slark? Heroes and items

Choosing the right character is an important part of team play. Each hero has both weaknesses and strengths. Some heroes are good against wizards, others successfully cope with dodgers, but there are also generalists, for example, Slark.

Character Features

Heroes Locking Slark

Deciding who to counter Slark is very difficult. The character is quite versatile and shows good results against almost any enemy. All the problems of the heroโ€™s counter peak are in his abilities.

Slark as the first skill is able to drop most of the skills. Accordingly, camps, debuffs, gaps, and other skills are most often wasted. The mobility of the hero also becomes the headache of the enemy. The second ability allows the hero to jump. Slark is simply able to escape at any moment.

Separately, it is worth noting the ultimate character. The skill allows the hero to go into invis and unnoticed attack the enemy. The victim is not able to detect the enemy neither by gaps, nor by heme or wardama. But still, who is the counter to Slark?

Initial game

Who counter Slark in the beginning

Up to 15-20 minutes Slark is not a very formidable opponent. The hero lacks important objects and abilities studied by just a few points. Deciding who counts Slark is pretty straightforward. The character must have mills, hexes or silence.

An excellent decision in who to counter Slark will be Rasta or Lyon. Both heroes have two skills that make the enemy helpless. In Rasta, this is a hex and a grid, which, with proper pumping, can hold the enemy for 5-6 seconds. During this time, to kill Slark is not difficult. Lyon, which has a hex and a camp, has a similar control time.

Most supports are capable of causing a lot of trouble to Slark. The same Bane will be a difficult enemy on the line. The presence of skills to reduce damage, put the enemy into sleep and steal life, makes it possible to avoid Slark's attacks and prevents him from farming. There are a lot of heroes similar to Bane, but they are useful only at an early stage.


A long game allows Slark to get useful things and the necessary level. In late, the hero is almost invincible and is a nimble and complex opponent. Heroes who block Slark must have blocking abilities, dodges, or other useful passives.

Pretty effective in this case is Tiny. The character has good skills that allow you to inflict damage and become an enemy. However, attributing Tinnie to those who counteract Slark allows only his passivation. Attacking the enemy, Slark begins to become. With proper luck, each hit will enter the enemy in a stupor, and Tiny will freely kill the enemy.

Having misses also gives a chance to deal with Slark. Character Phantom Assassin has passive dodges and crit. Even with little luck, the hero can kill Slark.

Disabling abilities

Who to counter Slark

Failure to use Slark's skills makes him virtually useless. In the late, this is especially true, but only a few heroes can create such a situation. So who is the counter to Slark in DotA 2?

One of the more effective heroes is Doom. Ultimate character cannot be reset by Slark, deals pure damage and blocks all skills and objects. The skill acts for a long time and allows you to easily kill the enemy. Under the Duma ult, the opponent has only damage from his hand, and the remaining advantage is leveled.

An excellent choice (we figure out by whom to counter Slark) is Disruptor. Having โ€œAganimโ€ the hero can โ€œthrowโ€ a cloud into the area, which blocks skills and objects. The hero also has the โ€œbarrierโ€ ability, which does not allow Slark to leave the limits of the abandoned skill. For the "cloud" team Disruptor is not difficult to get rid of a dangerous enemy.

Unpleasant for Slark, the enemy is the Legion Commander, or rather his ultimate. The hero has the ability "Duel", forcing the enemy to fight with the character for 3-5 seconds. At this moment, Slark is deprived of the ability to apply skills and is vulnerable to the enemy team.

Perfect opponent

Who counter Slark in DotA 2

Although there are many characters suitable for the role of counterpeak, there is a more effective choice - this is the Blood Seeker. Why is this the best decision as to who to counter Slark with? It's pretty simple.

Slark's passivation allows him to restore his life over time, but on condition that he is not visible. However, Fornication Sicker has the ability to track and see a wounded adversary. Thus, Slark's passivation becomes completely useless.

Although the benefits do not end there. Slark cannot throw Sicker's ultimate, dealing damage while moving, and is forced to stand still. The second ability of BS deprives the opponent of the ability to use skills. In fact, Seeker is effective both in the early and late stages of the game.

However, there is another interesting feature. Passive Blood Seeker allows you to see Slark under his ultimate. This is the only ability to enlighten the hero.


Who counter Slark

There are situations when at the peak there is no one to counter Slark, what to do in this case? There is a way out, and it lies on the surface. It's about buying useful and effective items. What things will help in the fight against a dangerous and mobile enemy?

First of all, you should buy Orchid Malevolence. The item will allow hanging on Silenca silence and prohibiting the use of skills. This will deprive the hero of mobility and the ability to go into invisibility. However, you should be careful and apply Orchid only when Slark does not have the first skill.

Scythe of Vyse will also benefit, in other words, a hex. The item will help turn Slark into the animal for a few seconds. This situation will deprive the enemy of the opportunity to use not only skills, but also objects.


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