Papakha Caucasian: customs and traditions

More recently, Papahu was considered to be an integral accessory of proud highlanders. On this occasion, they even said that this headdress should be on the head while it is on the shoulders. Caucasians invest in this concept much more content than the usual hat, even compare it with a wise adviser. The Caucasian cap has its own story.

Caucasian cap

Who wears a hat?

Now rarely are any of the representatives of the modern youth of the Caucasus appearing in society in popes. But for a few decades before that, the Caucasian Papakh was associated with courage, dignity and honor. To come with an uncovered head to the Caucasian wedding as an invitee - this was regarded as an insulting attitude to the guests of the celebration.

Once the Caucasian papakh was loved and respected by everyone - both old and young. Often one could find a whole arsenal of popes, as they say, for all occasions: for example, some for everyday wear, others for a wedding option, and others for mourning. As a result, the wardrobe consisted of at least ten different hats. The pattern of the Caucasian papakha was the wife of every real mountaineer.

Military headdress

In addition to horsemen, the Cossacks also wore a hat. Among the servicemen of the Russian army, the cap was one of the attributes of the military uniform of some military branches. It was different from that worn by Caucasians - a low fur hat, inside which there was a lining of fabric. In 1913, the low Caucasian cap became the headdress in the entire tsarist army.

In the Soviet army, according to the charter, the cap was to be worn only by colonels, generals and marshals.

Customs of the Caucasian people

It would be naive to think that the Caucasian cap in the form in which everyone is accustomed to see it has not changed over the centuries. In fact, the peak of its development and greatest distribution occurs at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Until this period, the heads of Caucasians were covered with fabric caps. In general, several types of hats were distinguished, which were made from the following materials:

  • felt;
  • the cloth;
  • fur;
  • combination of fur and fabric.

Little known is the fact that in the 18th century for some time the representatives of both sexes wore almost the same headgear. Cossack cape, Caucasian cape - these hats were valued and occupied an honorable place in the wardrobe of men.

Caucasian cap pattern

Fur hats gradually begin to dominate, replacing the rest of the types of clothing. Adygs, they are Circassians, until the beginning of the 19th century wore hats made of felt. In addition, peaked cloth towels were common. Turkish turbans also changed over time - now fur hats were wrapped in white narrow pieces of fabric.

The aksakals were sensitive to their hats, kept in almost sterile conditions, each of them was specially wrapped with a clean cloth.

The traditions associated with this hat

The customs of the peoples of the Caucasian region obliged every man to know how to wear a hat, in which cases to wear one or another of them. There are many examples of the relationship of the Caucasian papakha and folk traditions:

  1. Checking whether the girl really loves the guy: you had to try to throw your daddy at her window. Caucasian dances also served as a way of expressing sincere feelings towards the fair sex.
  2. Romance ended when someone knocked down a hat for someone. Such an act is considered to be offensive, it could provoke a serious incident with very unpleasant consequences for someone. The Caucasian papakha was respected, and it was impossible to tear it off your head for nothing.
  3. A man could leave his hat somewhere out of oblivion, but God forbid someone will touch it!
  4. During the argument, the temperamental Caucasian took off his hat from his head, and threw it next to him to the ground in a heated manner. This could only mean that the man was convinced that he was right and ready to answer for his words!
  5. Almost the only and very effective act that is able to stop the bloody battle of hot dzhigits is a beauty of a certain handkerchief thrown at their feet.
  6. Whatever the man asks for, nothing should force him to take off his hat. An exceptional case is to forgive blood feud.

Caucasian cap in the Caucasus is more than a hat

Caucasian papakha these days

The tradition of wearing a Caucasian cap over the years goes into oblivion. Now you have to go to some mountain village to make sure that she is still not completely forgotten. Maybe she’s lucky to see her on the head of a local young man who decided to flaunt.

And among the Soviet intelligentsia there were representatives of the Caucasian peoples who honored the traditions and customs of their fathers and grandfathers. A vivid example is the Chechen Makhmud Esambaev - People's Artist of the USSR, the famous choreographer, choreographer and actor. Wherever he was, even at receptions by the country's leaders, a proud Caucasian was seen in his crown-papa. There is either a true story, or a legend, supposedly the Secretary General L. I. Brezhnev began a meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR only after he found Papakh Mahmud among the delegates through his eyes.

Caucasian Cossack

You can have a different attitude to wearing a Caucasian hat. But, without any doubt, the following truth must remain unshakable. This headdress of peoples is closely connected with the history of proud Caucasians, traditions and customs of great-grandfathers-great-grandfathers, which every contemporary must sacredly honor and respect! Caucasian hat in the Caucasus - more than a hat!


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