The subject and tasks of microbiology: what studies, the role in the system of sciences

Consider the subject and tasks of microbiology. This is the science of the life of small microorganisms, which can only be seen under a microscope. Microbes are an independent large group of lower, for the most part unicellular organisms that are genetically related to the animal and plant world.

In order to study them, microbiology was highlighted as a science. The subject and tasks of microbiology allow us to consider biochemistry, physiology, ecology, genetics of microorganisms, to evaluate their significance for the productive biosphere.

subject and tasks of medical microbiology

Communication with other sciences

Microbiology owes the success of its development to the achievements of chemistry and physics, enriching it with original research methods. These methods allowed microbiologists to decipher the specifics of metabolism. The electron microscope, which scientists armed themselves, made it possible to analyze the fine structure of the bacterial cell.

Chemistry shared innovative analytical methods for conducting experiments, which led to a review of the path and nature of the flow of energy metabolism, and made it possible to clarify the chemical nature of the biosynthesis of certain substances.

subject and tasks of microbiology and immunology


Microbiologists also made a great contribution to genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry. The use of microorganisms in the form of objects of biochemical and genetic research has led to the discovery of a new era in natural science. It is precisely with advances in microbiology that the possibility of solving the problems of general biology and medicine and its use in the national economy are closely connected. Thanks to microorganisms, it was found that DNA is necessary for the transmission of hereditary information, the complexity of the gene structure and the dependence of mutation processes on changes in DNA are confirmed.

Studies of the biosynthetic activity of microorganisms have demonstrated their predisposition to the synthesis of valuable compounds that are necessary for the full development of the national economy.

observation microscope

General microbiology

Given the different environmental characteristics of microbes, the conditions of their functioning, relationships with the external environment, and practical value for humans, a division of the science of microbes into separate disciplines took place.

The subject and tasks of microbiology of a general nature are connected with the study of the structure and vital activity of all microorganisms. This industry considers their prevalence in nature, genetics, as well as classification and taxonomy issues. General microbiology is the basis for other sectoral microbiologies (technical, geological, industrial, veterinary, medical, agricultural).

At the moment, those sections that were part of veterinary microbiology have become independent disciplines. Among them:

  • virology;
  • immunology;
  • sanitary microbiology ;
  • mycology.

The main purpose

The subject and tasks of microbiology are associated with a detailed study of molecular organization, the metabolism of microorganisms, and the influence of various environmental factors on their functioning. This science pays close attention to the microbiological synthesis of new products, as well as methods of combating a variety of infectious diseases of humans, plants, animals.

The subject and tasks of microbiology help humanity coexist with invisible beings, use the products of their life and work. For example, people have learned to use the products of alcohol, lactic acid, acetic fermentation.

microbiology as a science subject and tasks of microbiology

Historical information

People’s guesses that a variety of infectious diseases are the result of the activity of small creatures arose back in the days of Hippocrates, Lucretius, and Virgil. They believed that diseases caused living things that people can not see. The Italian astronomer and doctor D. Frakastro came up with the idea that it was the smallest living things that transmit the disease from one person to another. But, given that at that time there were no electron microscopes, he could not confirm his hypothesis.

The subject and tasks of medical microbiology could be identified only after a microscope appeared. The pioneer in the consideration and description of microorganisms was the Dutch scientist Anthony van Levenguk. It was he who managed to construct a microscope that allows you to enlarge the image three hundred times. The naturalist considered everything that was under his hands in the created device: blood, lake water, plaque. The scientist was able to detect the smallest creatures in the analyzed samples, which he called animalalkuly (living animals). Scientists have studied with interest the book "Secrets of Nature, discovered by A. Levenguk", in which the biologist outlined the results of his research.

The discovery of the Dutchman became the basis for the emergence of microbiology, but for several decades, biologists were only concerned with the description of microorganisms.

subject of the purpose and objectives of microbiology

Louis Pasteur

The subject and tasks of microbiology and immunology were determined after the chemist Louis Pasteur carried out the first studies in the field of microbiology, which made it possible to study fermentation processes. The scientist was able to prove that the cause of fermentation and decay are microorganisms that produce a variety of enzymes.

For each fermentation process, a specific pathogen is assumed. For example, rotting is caused by a group of putrefactive bacteria, and the souring of milk is caused by lactic acid bacteria. In the process of studying oil-acid fermentation, Pasteur was able to establish that Bac.butyricum is formed without oxygen. This observation allowed the scientist to discover the process of anaerobiosis. With L. Pasteur is also connected with the solution of the question concerning the spontaneous origin of life on our planet. He was able to experimentally prove that in the case of complete sterility of nutrient solutions, rotting processes will not occur in them.

The scientist said that microorganisms enter the nutrient solution from the outside. He found that the spoilage of beer and wine occurs due to the entry into the wort of third-party microorganisms or wild yeast. He proposed to heat these drinks to 100 ° C in order to get rid of microorganisms. We know this method as pasteurization.

It was Pasteur who managed to detect the causative agents of chicken cholera, establish the etiology of anthrax, and detect streptococci, staphylococci. This predetermined the subject, goals and objectives of microbiology.

Exploring the nature of infectious diseases, as well as their pathogens, Louis Pasteur revealed an important property of pathogenic microorganisms - their weakening of virulence. According to the results of research, he developed a harmonious theory of attenuation of virulence of microbes. He used weakened cultures for vaccination against infectious diseases.

microbiology features

Era of immunology

Thanks to the discoveries of Louis Pasteur, immunological microbiology appeared. The subject and tasks, the development of microbiology - all this interested Robert Koch. He developed a methodology for conducting microbiological observations. It was a German scientist who became the pioneer in the use of a nutrient medium for laboratory research. On the basis of meat-peptone agar, he was able to isolate and study pure cultures of various microbes.

Koch developed methods for staining microbial aniline dyes, and also used microscopy of the immersion system and Abbe’s capacitor, scientifically substantiated the theory and practice of disinfection. His merits in the study of microorganisms that are causative agents of infectious diseases are also significant, and tuberculin was invented.

the importance of microbiology

Contribution of Russian scientists to microbiology

I.I. Mechnikov helped to highlight the subject and tasks of medical microbiology and immunology. He studied tuberculosis, syphilis, the pathogenesis of human cholera, and relapsing fever. It was Mechnikov who became the founder of the doctrine of microbial antagonism, which became the basis for the formation of the science of antibiotic therapy. Based on antagonism, the Russian scientist explained the theory of longevity. To prolong life, Mechnikov suggested that mankind use sour milk, which they began to call "Mechnikovskaya."


Thanks to experiments conducted by microbiologists in large research laboratories, humanity has been able to effectively deal with numerous harmful microorganisms and use bacteria for their life.


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