The most beautiful unusual names for girls

When future parents find out the good news that they will soon have a daughter, the first thing that comes to mind is the question: what name should she give? Very often all sorts of relatives and friends of the family are connected to this process, offering their options for their favorite names. And if the name was not invented long before conception, young parents face a responsible choice that can affect the fate of the unborn little man. After all, as the famous proverb says: "As you name a ship, it will sail." That is why we suggest you familiarize yourself with beautiful and unusual names for girls. And perhaps today's article will help make the right choice.

Rules for choosing a name

The most basic thing you should pay attention to when choosing a name for a little princess is his combination with a middle name. Together they must be well-spoken. The same applies to the surname. Intricate names with foreign roots in combination with original Russian surnames look absolutely ridiculous. Also, do not name the girl in honor of the beloved deceased grandmother. Thus, not only her name is transmitted to her, but also some characteristics of her character and life lived. It is especially dangerous to call a baby by the name of a relative with a not very happy fate or even died early. Another of the undesirable examples of the selection of a name is the name of the heroine of the film, actress, writer or just a famous person. This is due to the same as the example with grandmother - the transfer of character traits and the predetermination of fate.

beautiful names for girls

It also happens that the parents of a newborn girl like outdated and long-obsolete names. And here it is worth thinking three times before you name the child by that name. After all, it is expected that Thekla and Dunya in the future will most likely be expected to be ridiculed by classmates. You should not particularly refine your wit and desire to stand out due to the name of your child. The name should be beautiful, relevant to the place of residence and suitable for the girl herself.

What can be the criteria in choosing

In fact, there are a lot of criteria for choosing a suitable name. And each family does it, relying on its life outlook. The options for selection can be as follows:

  • by value;
  • according to the church calendar;
  • by time of year;
  • horoscope;
  • numerology;
  • non-standard approach.

Let's consider each criterion separately with examples of the most beautiful and unusual names for girls.

Choosing a name by its meaning

The most popular way to make a choice in favor of a particular name is to turn to the dictionary and find out its meaning. No wonder scientists and psychologists say that every name carries not only a set of letters, but also a hidden meaning, a huge force that can influence a person, his character and destiny. So, beautiful, unusual and modern names for girls:

  • Aglaya (Greek) is brilliant. Girls with this name are born leaders with a strong character.
  • Alice (French) - noble. Most often they are neat, frugal and unusually charming.
  • Aurora (Greek) - the goddess of the morning dawn. Strong-willed, decisive and well-developed creatively.
  • Angelina (Greek) - messenger. This unusual name for the girl promises her a cheerful disposition, stubbornness and good housekeeping.
  • Bogdana (glor.) - Divine. Excellent academic success, lack of conflict and positive character make the girl with that name a favorite of parents and teachers.
  • Valeria (lat.) - healthy. Lera are often caring, unpredictable and go to their goal no matter what.
  • Violetta (lat.) - violet. They have excellent taste, beautiful and emotional.
  • Dana (glor.) - Granted. An inquisitive and energetic Dana, often has a rather unyielding character.
  • Darina (glor.) - presented. From a restless and sociable child, Darina grows into a beautiful swan. Proud, handsome and very confident in his own appearance.
  • Eve (Heb.) - life. Balanced, courageous and independent.
  • Elizabeth (Heb.) - worshiping God. For the most part, Lisa is a purposeful, very sociable and friendly, but somewhat quick-tempered person.
  • Zlata (glory.) - gold. They say that such children are developed beyond their years. Zlata is responsible, honest and, in general, grows up as a very capable child.
  • Ilona (Greek) - the moon. The owner of this rare and unusual name for the girl, as a rule, is mysterious and extremely charming.
  • Inessa (Greek) is pure. Girls with this name are stubborn, firm and very creatively developed.
  • Carolina (German) is the queen. The meaning of the name perfectly reflects the essence of Carolina. Usually this is a bright, beautiful and talented girl.
  • Lily (lat.) - Lily. A big dreamer, an original personality and an excellent friend.
  • Maya (Greek) - the nurse. Definitely a leader in essence, with a large supply of internal energy.
  • Melania (Greek) is dark. Tender and open, but very persistent girl.
  • Ninel (Soviet) - Lenin's surname on the contrary. Owners of this name are distinguished by sensitivity and the presence of many talents.
  • Pelagia (Greek) - marine. We can say that this is a happy name for a girl that promises her good luck throughout her life. Both professionally and in family relationships.
names for girls
  • Regina (lat.) - Queen. These are friendly, solid and independent individuals.
  • Stephanie (Greek) - crowned. From an early age, these are serious, obedient girls, but often with a difficult character.
  • Taisiya (Greek) - late. Representatives of this name have a very mixed character. They can be both soft and compliant, and real rebels.
  • Ulyana (lat.) - happiness. Very cheerful, kind and open personality. However, not a leader at all.
  • Emilia (lat.) - zealous. Confident and independent Emilia, it seems, does not need parenting, because she educates herself.

According to Saints

At all times, many faithful parents preferred this particular method of choosing a name for a newborn baby. Newly made mothers and fathers believe that when naming a child in honor of a saint, he is given special protection and even holiness. To date, the Saints contain more than 1000 names of saints. Among which there are both obsolete variants of names, and quite modern. Usually, the name of the child is given in accordance with the name of the saint to whom his birthday is dedicated. If on this day the church calendar does not offer any names, then it is worth looking at the names of the next day or every other day. Exactly the same rule applies if the proposed names of the saints did not suit the parents.

beautiful name for a girl

By seasons

Another interesting way to come up with a beautiful and unusual name for a girl is to refer to the list of names by season. Experts argue that in this way you can adjust or emphasize the characteristics of a child born in a particular season.

little girl

Spring names

Psychologists believe that girls born in the spring have such traits as indecision and suppleness. Often fall into situations where they can not stand up for themselves. And despite the many positive traits of the nature of spring babies, they should learn to defend their point of view. Therefore, the name for them should be solid, as if in contrast to natural softness. Among the unusual Russian names for girls born in the spring, one can distinguish: Rostislav, Vasilis, Akulin, Sofia, Nick, Ruslan and Stella.

Summer names

Born in the sunniest time of the year, they are distinguished by their liveliness, emotionality and hard work. In general, the summer princesses are very active and not at all vindictive. Therefore, the choice of a beautiful, unusual and modern name for the girl should rather emphasize their cheerful disposition and slightly hide their inherent impulsiveness. Summer names include: Kira, Nelli, Anfisa, Margarita, Magdalene and Anita.

Autumn names

Girls born in a rainy and thoughtful autumn, as a rule, stand firmly on their feet, understand everything about themselves and about others. They are prudent, calm and almost non-conflict. Most of all, the names will suit them: Ariadne, Veronica, Zoya, Nastasya, Elizabeth and Ulyana.

a rare and beautiful name for a girl

Winter names

Those who were lucky enough to be born in the winter season are distinguished, first of all, by their free character and firmness. And if in some areas, for example, work, these traits can be attributed rather to pluses, then in life they obviously lack pliability and patience. And determining what to name the baby, one should be guided by softer and smoother names. It is in this connection that it is worth paying attention to such unusual and modern names for girls as Ivona, Mirra, Mikhailina, Agniya, Aksinya and Regina.

Zodiac sign

Astronomers have long believed that the name of a born person should be given on the basis of which zodiac sign it belongs to. Since then, nothing has changed dramatically, and current astrology advises to stop choosing the name of the baby, focusing on the stars. So, for example, a modern horoscope offers options for names:

  • Aries: Alice, Asya, Alevtina, Bozen, Roxanne, Inga, Yaroslav;
  • Taurus: Polina, Yana, Venus, Victoria, Maya, Marina;
  • twins: Eliza, Gelena, Inessa, Olga, Ksenia;
  • cancer: Lydia, Julia, Diana, Anita;
  • Leo: Augustus, Elina, Lada, Lolita, Rose;
  • Maid: Agnes, Natalya, Christina, Zinaida, Inga;
  • scales: Angelina, Victoria, Zlata, Olesya;
  • scorpion: Agnia, Larisa, Sarah, Isabella, Sabina;
  • Sagittarius: Alexandra, Marta, Tatyana, Sofia;
  • Capricorn: Catherine, Emma, โ€‹โ€‹Susanna;
  • Aquarius: Albina, Jeanne, Evelina;
  • fish: Valeria, Vladislav, Nina, Valentina.
rare name for a girl


Also an unusual approach to choosing a name for a girl can be a numerological method. It is calculated based on the date of birth of the child and time. After calculating, parents are offered a choice of a few of the most suitable names. It must be borne in mind that only a professional numerologist can make an accurate calculation.

Custom Names

If none of the above methods you liked, maybe you should take a look at what rare and unusual names exist for girls. Today, the fashion for non-standard has actually captured the world. Everyone is trying to stand out, show their "I", their uniqueness.

beautiful little girl

And of course, unlike previous generations, there have probably never been so many borrowed foreign names. Now, kindergartens are crowded with children with unusual names. And more surprising is rather a little Light, rather than Zemfira. So, below is a selection that may help you choose the most unusual name for a girl:

  • Aksinya, Aelita, Amir, Agatha, Alberta.
  • Barbara, Beatrice, Benedetta, Bianca.
  • Vanessa, Venus, Violanta, Veda, Power.
  • Gabriella, Helianna, Hera.
  • Darian, Dominica, Deya.
  • Evangelina, Evdokia, Emelyana.
  • Jasmine, Genevieve.
  • Zara, Zvenislava, Zalina.
  • Ivanna, Yvona, Idel, Hilaria.
  • Katarina, Katholina, Callista.
  • Lyme, Liana, Lubomir, Lucia.
  • Michelle, Mia, Meliana, Marcelina, Melissa.
  • Natella, Neolina, Nicole, Nora.
  • Oktyabrina, Ornella, Olivia.
  • Patricia, Pavlina, Petrina.
  • Rebecca, Ruslana, Radmila.
  • Stepanida, Suzanne, Svyatoslav, Severin.
  • Tamara, Thea, Teresa.
  • Ustinha, Ursula.
  • Faina, Felicia, Fedosya, Faustina.
  • Chloe, Christina, Holly.
  • Emiliana, Estella, Esmeralda, Emma.
  • Juno, Justin, Junia.
  • Yasmina, Yasna.

Summing up, we can say that choosing a rare, beautiful and unusual name for a girl is not easy. But if you follow one of the above methods and carefully listen to your intuition, then the babyโ€™s name will get the most suitable and happy.


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