Stroller "Navington Caravel": description, features, characteristics and reviews

The appearance of the baby is not only a wonderful and amazing process. It is accompanied by a huge amount of purchases. The choice of children's products is huge today, it is quite difficult to find something specific and the best. Therefore, today we will try to pay attention to the purchase of a stroller for a child. What about the Navington Caravel? Can I trust this product? What characteristics does he have? What are the pros and cons? Numerous customer reviews will help determine this. True, get ready for the fact that there will never be an unambiguous opinion. Indeed, for everyone, the evaluation of a pram is based on different characteristics. So you should not be surprised at some ambiguity.

navigationton caravel

Wide selection

The first advantage of Navington Caravel is its wide selection of stroller models. Yes, most of them are similar in characteristics, differ mainly in prices, colors and design. Nevertheless, there are some differences between the models. For example, in its functionality.

You can find simple cradles for the baby. A very common product that is in great demand among parents. The "Navington Caravel" (cradle) is ideal for babies up to about 6 months of age.

There are also 2 in 1 models. They are more versatile. Equipped with several blocks - a cradle and a "walk". No less successful solution. “3 in 1” are also found, but less frequently.

In principle, as buyers say, "Navington Caravel" offers different strollers for every taste. Here and "walks", and universal, and cradles. But transformers are impossible to find. But this is not a reason to refuse to purchase.


And now a little about the characteristics of children's vehicles from the selected manufacturer. It has already been said that most models have similar features. So you can consider strollers in general terms.

stroller navigationton caravel

True, they differ in design. Not significant, but still. Most often, as buyers assure, there are models in the "retro" style. No features, simple minimalism. At the same time, all “Navington Caravel” look fashionable, albeit “simple.”

Thus, this manufacturer offers goods for those who like to keep up with the times. The color scheme is varied, but there are no "flashy" colors. Rather, they are all calm. At the same time, you can choose models for both boys and girls. Universal strollers are also found in colors. So there will be no problems with this characteristic.

On wheels

One of the most important indicators that play a huge role in choosing a children's vehicle is nothing more than wheels. Many parents primarily pay attention to them. The right decision - due to this component, the product is passable on roads in general.

Fortunately, the Navington Caravel stroller (no matter which model) has quite good performance in this area. She has 4 big wheels. As a rule, they are rotary. Rubberized with metal knitting needles. Easy to remove and wash.

navigationton caravel cradle

That is, it is not a simple plastic or inflatable "options". Not at all. Rubberized wheels are in great demand among buyers, but they are very rare. The only thing that parents are not particularly comfortable with is the fact that the wheels of our product today are swivel. Especially when it comes to cradles. To deal with such a design will be difficult. Nevertheless, her passability is wonderful - she moves well in the snow, both on asphalt and on the ground. Just what many need! In particular, when it comes to the 2-in-1 model.


Pay attention is still on the chassis. It is approximately the same in characteristics of most models of the Navington Caravel. And parents are overwhelmingly satisfied with their purchases.

The designs are made of stainless steel. This means that the strollers are not afraid of temperature extremes, nor frost, nor rain, nor the sun. Further, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the chassis is folded up by a “book”, which allows you to easily store the structure in the house.

The bottom of the stroller is usually a shopping basket. And just for her, “Navington Caravel” reviews earn not very good. After all, she is not too big. And all because of what a shopping basket is a metal frame. In some models, it is additionally covered with fabric. There are not many things to put here. And this indicator upsets buyers. But not enough to refuse to purchase.

stroller navigationton caravel cradle


Next, a few words about the blocks of strollers. They also play an important role. It’s not enough to buy a solid construction. It should also be comfortable for the child. Otherwise, you have to look for another stroller. Fortunately, parents have no particular complaints in this area. But too much delight too.

Stroller "Navington Caravel" (cradle) is covered in eco-leather. That means it will not cause allergies. Her size is not too large, although it is more than enough for a newborn. All cradles have an adjustable backrest (3 positions). True, a similar block is used only for about six months. Next, you will either have to buy another model (if you just have a cradle), or change to a walking block.

For walks

It also has its advantages. It is found in 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 models. It has approximately the same characteristics in all "Navington Caravel", wherever it takes place.

Equipped with an adjustable backrest (several positions, namely 3), soft upholstery. There is a pen in front of the baby. Only here one drawback is emphasized - it is extremely difficult to remove the bumper in the walking blocks. Five-point safety straps are available. They provide a stable position of the child in the block. This is exactly what many parents need. A guarantee of safety and quality is the perfect combination. There is a sun visor, big. It is also available in cradles. Perfectly copes with its task.

navigationton caravel reviews

Price tag

But if we talk about the price, then "Navington Caravel Retro Royal Snow" (and generally models from this manufacturer) upsets the buyers. More precisely, it disappoints to some extent. After all, the majority indicates that this is an elite product. So, it costs a lot.

Indeed, it is. On average, a stroller will cost parents 40-50 thousand rubles. Moreover, according to the experience of parents, nothing special stands out. Is that trim - eco leather. You can find a less expensive analogue that will be upholstered in fabric, but in general terms it does not differ from the “Navington Caravel”.


The main characteristics of our strollers today, we found out. But now it’s worthwhile to conclude - is it possible to buy these models? Honestly, here parents can not decide. Someone says that you should pay attention to the strollers "Caravel" - this is an elite and high-quality product. True, all models are bulky and heavy (about 17.5 kilograms). And someone points to the inflated cost of the design and advises looking for analogues.

navigationton caravel retro royal snow

What to do - it's up to you. In any case, there is no frank negativity about the Caravel’s strollers. So you can trust them. Basically, it all depends on your budget. Can you afford these elite quality models? Then without any problems get something from today's manufacturer. Not? Look for analogues. It is not as difficult as it seems.


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