Name for a boy with patronymic Andreevich: a wide selection, beautiful phonetic sound, meaning, origin, name day, correspondence of name and patronymic

Surely even skeptics who completely disbelieve in various horoscopes and predictions are not without interest studying information about what a particular name means, how it affects a person and his fate. And even more relevant is this knowledge for future parents. Wanting to choose the perfect name for their baby, mothers and fathers are guided by their own motives: someone reads horoscopes, someone turns to numerologists, and someone just looks for a beautiful and melodious nickname for their child.

But many of them make a choice, not taking into account other components of the full name (middle name and last name). This is a mistake, because they also have their own power to influence the future of the baby. And this is not about some sacred, secret meaning, but about a completely everyday phonetic and logical combination of two words. Today we will talk about what names of boys are suitable for the patronymic of Andreevich. We will offer a list of correct and incorrect names, as well as give a brief description of the most common ones.

How to choose a name for a boy

The mystery of the name

Why is this information needed at all, why is it so important to correctly name a person at birth? Since ancient times, people have noticed that, despite the unconditional difference in fate, the lives of those to whom parents gave the same name are very similar. What is it - a coincidence or a pattern, is it really so, or are people just giving out the wishful thinking? Some experts in the field of psychology confirm that the name really affects a person. So, the famous Russian scientist Boris Higir, who has a diploma of professor of psychology, also proves this point of view.

We, in turn, will figure out how the name of the father affects the boys, if his name is Andrey. This name is of ancient Greek origin and is interpreted as “courageous”, “brave”, “man”. Both children and adults, who were named that way, are people with a difficult character. From the side, they seem to be good-natured merry-men, striving for all to bring benefit and good. So it is, but Andrei often hide their true desires, do not stand dirty linen in public. But if these men decide to go into conflict, their opponent needs to be on the alert. But how does this affect the fate of their sons? How to choose a name for a boy with patronymic Andreevich?

How to choose a name for a boy with patronymic Andreevich

General characteristics of the middle name

Those who were lucky enough to be born Andreevich are real lucky ones. They have a complaisant character, tolerant of other people's shortcomings, have an inquiring mind and good oratorical abilities. In addition, they are endowed with an excellent gift of persuasion, and along with innate communicative abilities, this character trait opens before them the path to science, culture, and helps to reach heights in creativity. By the way, Andreevichi is also successful in art, because they have a very rich imagination.

At the same time, guys with such a middle name, knowing how and what to do, may not put their knowledge into practice in all cases. The soft nature and lack of willpower do not always give them the opportunity to achieve heights in those areas of life where you need to be punchy and purposeful. Another minus of the middle name - men whose father's name is Andrey, have a lot of bad habits, they are gamblers, and unlucky. Despite this, their family life usually develops well, because they are faithful and reliable husbands, caring, loving fathers who never abandon their children to their fate.

Specialists in the selection of names have identified several nicknames for boys, which counterbalance the shortcomings of patronymic Andreevich. A little further we will provide this list. We also briefly describe the most popular names for the boy, suitable for the patronymic of Andreevich, indicating their strengths and weaknesses.

Suitable name for Andreyevich

Esoteric Recommendations

Especially for those who believe in the fateful meaning of a name, imagine a list on which numerologists rely, choosing a nickname for a boy who has a middle name Andreevich. In this list are quite popular and modern names that do not cause people bewilderment or laughter. Each of them has its own origin - Slavic, Greek, Roman. So, a suitable name for the boy with the patronymic Andreevich (list):

  • Anton (“join the battle”);
  • Vadim (“tame”), Valery (“be healthy”), Vyacheslav (“most famous”), Vladimir (“who owns the world”);
  • George ("farmer");
  • Dmitry ("owned by Demeter, the goddess of fertility");
  • Yefim ("bringing good");
  • Rostislav (“increasing glory”);
  • Philip ("loving horses").

Most of the items on this list are names of Greek origin, like Andrew. Therefore, they not only approach this patronymic in their deepest sense, but are also consonant with it. If you do not pay special attention to horoscopes, you can complete the list and choose a name for the boy under the patronymic of Andreevich based on the beauty of the combination.

Suitable names for patronymic Andreevich

Original combinations

When choosing a name and patronymic, linguists recommend paying attention to the length of both words. If the father has a long name, then the middle name is difficult to pronounce, therefore it is not necessary to call the child too sophisticatedly. Nevertheless, there are beautiful options that no one will call trivial, and here is a list with the help of which parents will be able to choose the name of the boy, consonant with the middle name of Andreevich. At the same time, they soriginalize, but will not be cranks in the eyes of others:

  • Arkady ("happy");
  • Vsevolod ("omnipotent");
  • German (“brother”);
  • Demid (“God's thought”);
  • Konstantin (“permanent”);
  • Lubomyr ("loving world");
  • May (“warm heart”), Miroslav (“glorifying the world”);
  • Radimir ("joy in the world");
  • Stefan ("crown");
  • Timothy ("worshiping God");
  • Yaroslav ("strong, glorious").

In recent years, it has become popular to call boys old Slavic names, as you see, they are also on our list.

Inappropriate name for patronymic Andreevich

Phonetic Consonance

If you still couldn’t make a choice based on the options proposed by us above, pay attention to the following boys' names combined with Andreevich’s middle name. Most of them are not so common, although they certainly do not deserve oblivion:

  • Bogdan;
  • Boris
  • Victor;
  • Leonid;
  • Maksim;
  • Nikita
  • Peter.

Each of these names has a beautiful phonetic combination with patronymic Andreevich. We will now briefly outline their meaning and origin.

Names consonant with patronymic Andreevich

The meaning of the main names

So, Bogdan is an Old Slavonic name, literally meaning "given by God." Men who are so called, calm, confident in themselves and their abilities, do not trifle over trifles. They know how to find a way out of seemingly deadlock situations, but sometimes nervous tension breaks out, and Bogdan can greatly flare up, even show aggression. Another drawback is excessive self-love and selfishness.

Boris is also a Slavic name. His translation sounds like "a man fighting for profit." Boris are powerful and strong men, self-sufficient and a little secretive. It’s hard, but interesting to communicate with them, you can’t rely on them especially, since such men are ready to sacrifice their own interests and family for the realization of more significant goals.

Victor is a Latin name meaning “winner”. Men with this name have a special character - they are purposeful, but not ambitious, hardworking, punctual and obligatory, sometimes even unnecessarily. They absolutely do not know how to lose and in case of failure they are very annoyed.

Leonid is an ancient Greek name, meaning "descendant of a lion." This is a male diplomat who always recognizes a lie and absolutely does not tolerate it. He is smart, insightful, loves everything beautiful. Those who are lower in rank are looked down upon, and from this it seems arrogant and arrogant.

Maxim - from Latin is translated as "the greatest." Maxim are good friends, smart, energetic and responsive, always come to the rescue. But they often do not finish their business, because they are afraid of difficulties and failures.

Nikita is a Greek name that translates as “winner”. The boys, who were so named, from a very early age show miracles of independence, they are ready to work for the achievement of their goals and do it against all odds. However, categoricality, sometimes even stubbornness, hinders them in life.

Peter is also a name originally from Greece, translated as “stone”. Peters are really strong, like a rock. They are smart and insightful, fearless and independent, which helps them succeed in life. But sometimes Peters move to the other extreme - they become real despots. Their character is exacerbated by maximalism, which does not pass even in adulthood, and resentment.

Inappropriate name for a boy with patronymic Andreevich

First of all, it is worth saying that you do not need to call the boy as well as the father. This is fraught with the fact that the negative properties of the name will double, which will bring the child misfortunes in the future. Of course, one can not believe in such mysticism, but one cannot dismiss the banal household confusion of household members.

But seriously, it’s not so difficult for a boy with the patronymic of Andreevich to pick up a name. It is quite universal and consonant with almost all names. The exception is only some ancient Greek nicknames, for example, Thomas, Leo, Roman, Fedot, Miron, etc. They sound beautiful, but somewhat old-fashioned.

In the end, we’ll tell you when Andreyevich needs to celebrate his name day. In addition to the fact that the calendar has its own personal holiday, they can please themselves for Andrei, who according to church canons happens three times a year - July 13, September 1 and December 13.


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