Sotuar - what is it ... Sotuar DIY: a master class

Today there is a wonderful trend. The times of faceless trinkets irrevocably sunk into oblivion, giving way to unique jewelry, clothes and accessories created by the skillful hands of craftsmen. The big word "fashion" gives way to no less sonorous words "individuality", "style", "taste".

sotuar what is it

Not only designer clothes and shoes are very popular, but also accessories. And today we will make an unusual decoration - a stewar. What is this, not everyone knows yet, but the history of this accessory has more than one decade. It's time to fill in all the gaps and pay due attention to this wonderful little thing.

Come from past eras

Some women have very special jewelry boxes. Fashionable novelties are unlikely to be found in such treasures, but grandmother’s amber necklaces from the 50s or coral earrings in which my mother showed off in the 70s are yes. But is there, among other things, a long string of pearls that can be wrapped around the neck 2-3 times? Or, say, a chain with a pendant hanging almost to the waist does not hide there? Or maybe a bead thread has been curled in the corner, which can be wound from head to toe? If you are lucky enough to find something similar in your bins - rejoice! This is the sotuar. What it is, you might not know, but you must have seen it before, or maybe even worn it. It's just that the word seemed unusual. This often happens. The fact is that the sotuar is not a new phenomenon, and today it is not experiencing its first or even second youth. The world was already crazy about this accessory, and now it was time for him to return to jewelry boxes.

Sotuar with a brush master class

Well, if you were not lucky enough to find this accessory among your favorite and forgotten jewelry, you should not be upset. It can be done independently. Yes, such that everyone just gasps!


It is believed that the sotuar appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century. What was happening then in the fashion world! This period is marked by the reign of the Art Deco style with its insane combinations of boyhood and femininity, minimalism and luxury. It was then that fashion began for long thin beads hanging down to the waist. And the most progressive natures went even further and began to throw these same beads on their backs or to pass one arm through them. So the word "sotuar" appeared. What it is? It's simple - translated from French, it means "worn over the shoulder."

honeycomb with a brush

Should the official version be considered the only true one? Indeed, in many cultures of the world something similar has existed from time immemorial. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle: the sotuar had many prototypes, and for the first time it became fashionable in the 20s of the last century. By the way, in those days, most of these decorations were made by hand. This means that we can do it.

Types of Sotuar

Before you begin, it’s worth deciding what our future accessory will be. Very popular today are sautoirs made of beads, beads, natural and artificial pearls, ornamental stones, crystals, chains and even thread plaits.

sotuar what is it

Sparkling jewelry made of stones or beads "Swarovski" - this is a great option for a wedding, graduation, anniversary. No less solemnly looks pearls and its imitation. If you plan to make an accessory for every day, choose glass, metal or plastic to make a sautoir. A master class will help you figure it out. Very bright summer looks are obtained using beads.

Making a sautoir with a brush pendant

honeycomb with a brush

To make this classic accessory, we need a brush made of silk threads, a chain for jewelry, a few beads matching the brush and a few transparent ones, hugs (two for each bead) and bijouterie pins. The tool will require round-nose pliers, pliers and scissors for metal.

Sotuar with a brush: master class

  1. Through all the beads we pass the pins, not forgetting about the hugs. We round off the tips of the pins with pliers, cut off the excess metal.
  2. We cut the chain into pieces of 3-7 cm.
  3. We connect alternately chains and loops of pins, forming a sautoir.
  4. When the product reaches the desired length, we connect its ends, we fasten the bead, we fix the brush to it.

Using the same principle, you can make a sautoir with a brush not on a chain, but on a string with beads. And if you know how to knit bead tows, this skill can come in handy here. The main condition is that the length of the product must be sufficiently large.

How to make a bead from a bead

Bead ware is very beautiful and elegant. It is important to comply with the measure. The product should be not only long, but also quite lush. To do this, collect it from several bead threads. In no case do not try to use cheap beads of low quality! Choose even and equal in size. Then your sautoir will look neat and beautiful.

Sotuar master class

Both plain and color are good. You can use the "soup" - a mixture of different colors of beads of the same kind. And you can string beads of the same color on each thread. Assembled, it will look very bright. It remains only to fix all the threads together at the ends, put on hugs and attach a lock.

Easy peasy

If manipulating with beads, choosing colors and working with an instrument is not your option, but the soul asks for something unusual, do not despair. Start with the simplest. Make an exquisite thin dorsal sautoir. What is it, you can see in the photo.

do it yourself

You will need a thin bijouterie chain and two beads. Choose pearl or Swarovski. Attach the beads to the ends of the chain as described above, and simply tie the sotar with a knot. Of course, a nodule can be done on the back and on the chest. It depends on the style of clothing with which you intend to wear the jewelry.

What to wear with

Agree, making a sautoir with your own hands is not difficult at all. And when the simple begins to turn out, the turn will come for the more complex and sophisticated.

It is believed that this jewelry is suitable not only for evening dresses, but also occupies a worthy place among things of casual style. It will be appropriate for a walk, and in the office, and on a picnic.

If you intend to complement their dress with a laconic bare back, do not be afraid to throw the stewar back. In addition, it can be wrapped several times around the neck in the form of short beads. This versatility once contributed to the popularization of the sotuar.


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