Is it possible to change the middle name of the child: reasons, necessary documents, submission, terms of consideration and compliance with the necessary legal norms

Is it possible to change the middle name of the child? This is a very interesting question that worries many citizens. Nevertheless, not everyone knows that it is still possible to change a child's middle name. The law allows you to do this in two cases. In the case when the baby is already fourteen years old or adopted by another man. Learn more about all this from this article.


parents argue about changing the name of the child

Of course, parents are not chosen and the middle name assigned to the child at his birth by the father (if mom and dad were married or lived together) is considered an integral part of the babyā€™s name. However, it often happens that after the end of the relationship, the man leaves, and the woman marries again and wants her child to have a new dad who would give the latter his middle name and last name. But is it possible? Practice shows that it happens in different ways.

The procedure for changing the patronymic is very complex and has many different legal nuances. Nevertheless, if you wish, you can still achieve a change, even the full name of your child. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly.


woman with a child and her ex-husband

What could be the reasons for changing the middle name of the child? This is a very interesting question. In fact, these reasons may be different. For example, someone just doesn't like their middle name. Or, a citizen wants to wear the patronymic of the person who raised him instead of his father. There are times when women themselves want to change part of the name of the child in order to forget their past.

Replacement of the middle name is carried out after the adoption of the baby by another person. This is important to know.

Legal basis

what the law says

Is it possible to change the middle name of the child? In this case, it is necessary to more accurately answer this question. To do this, you need to clearly study the norms of existing civil law.

So, according to legal norms, it is impossible for a child to change his middle name up to fourteen years. However, you can change the first and last name.

But there is one exception. If the child is adopted by another man, then, therefore, he assigns the baby his middle name. This is absolutely legal.

In addition, if a minor is already fourteen years old, then he has the opportunity to change his middle name. But for this he needs to get permission from his parents.


man writes on paper

So, after studying the legal side of the issue, we can proceed to active action. If the parent still wants to change the patronymic of his child, then he must prepare some documents (originals and photocopies).

What is still necessary to provide? To complete this procedure, you will need:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • parental permission to change the patronymic, which must be notarized (otherwise the registry office simply will not accept it);
  • passports of legal representatives;
  • an application written in the prescribed form (issued at the registry office).

Depending on the reason for the change of patronymic, a certificate of marriage or its dissolution should be attached to the package of documents. Do not forget that the service is paid, and you will need to attach a check on the payment of state duty to the rest of the securities.

The following actions

woman visited the registry office

After all the documents are collected, it will be necessary to visit the registry office at the place of residence or the authority where the birth certificate was issued. There, employees will check all the documents and if everything is fine, then the procedure for changing part of the childā€™s name will not take more than one month. You must be aware of this.


Is it possible to change the middle name of the child if the woman is a single mother? What do I need to do? Unfortunately, this question is asked by many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Here it is immediately necessary to say that to resolve this issue may require permission of guardianship. Because it is indicated by law.

Nevertheless, custody can go towards a woman, if it concerns the interests of a minor. Although, it is better to wait until the child reaches the age of 14, receive a passport, and with the consent of his mother he will be able to change his personal data. It is necessary to think about this in advance.

Is it possible to change the middle name of the child if the woman is married and wants her chosen one to become the dad of the baby? Of course, this is possible if a man adopts a daughter or son of his wife. In this case, the middle name of the child will be assigned automatically. In practice, this happens quite often.

Can a child change their last name and patronymic? As mentioned earlier, it is best not to do this before age 14.

In addition, the patronymic can be changed after adoption. If the baby already has a father who is recorded in the documents, then with this procedure it is worth the wait until the child is growing up. Because after his coming of age, a young citizen will be able to independently change his middle name, first name and surname without the consent of the guardianship and parents. You also need to know about this.

Can a guardian change a childā€™s middle name

guardianship woman

This issue has become very relevant at present. Indeed, many parents, deprived of their rights to children, do not try to help and disappear forever from the life of their own offspring. Situations are different, but this question still requires a certain, direct answer.

Immediately it should be said that the guardian does not have the right to decide on the replacement of the middle name of a minor until he reaches the age of fourteen (because guardianship is appointed only over a young child, that is, under the specified age).

According to the law, only the trustee can give his consent to the fact that the minor under his care changes his personal name. This is a must know. In the absence of the trusteeā€™s consent to the change of personal data, the minor may do so on the basis of a decision of the justice authority.

Small characteristic

How to change the middle name of the child? And is it necessary to do this? Many women who marry other partners and end all relationships with ex-husbands are concerned about these issues.

In this case, it should be said that not always replacing a childā€™s middle name can radically change his life as a whole. Therefore, this issue must be approached very thoughtfully. Even if you deprive your own father of his rights to the baby, it is not a fact that the man who adopted the child will love him as a native.

Moreover, under the law, the replacement of a middle name is allowed by the child himself, when the latter is fourteen years old or after adoption by another person.

If the father of the minor changed his name, then the child's middle name must be changed in the registry office on the basis of an existing document (certificate of change of name). It is very important.


How to change the last name and patronymic of the child? Parents can do this. If, this concerns the interests of a child under 14 years of age (for example, the legal representatives themselves have changed the first and last names), then in this case it will simply be necessary to change the data of the child. Otherwise, parents will have to prove their kinship with the minor. To do this, you will need to visit the registry office.

How to change the middle name of the child without the consent of the father

parents and baby

If the parents have not lived together for a long time and the babyā€™s mother does not know where her ex-husband is? When solving this issue, it will be necessary to take into account the opinion of the guardianship, but only when the child is not yet 14 years old. Moreover, the consent of the father is not required for this if he does not fulfill his parental duties and does not participate in the life of the baby, as well as if he is deprived of his parental rights. You also need to know about this.

If a woman is a single mother, then fatherā€™s consent is not necessary for changing the middle name. It is only necessary to coordinate this issue with the guardianship authorities and if the child is not yet 14 years old. This is the order.


After the child is ten years old, he has the opportunity to express his opinion on the change of name. Accordingly, if the baby is against changing his middle name, then changing the personal data of the latter will be impossible. That is the law.


How to change the middle name of the child in the birth certificate? To resolve this issue, you need to contact the registry office. As mentioned earlier, there are legal subtleties and nuances here.

For example, until the child reaches the age of 14, no one will change his middle name. This should be known to all mothers who are going to take any action to change the patronymic of their baby.

If, however, the childā€™s middle name is changed, then new data must be entered into the birth certificate. This is done by the employees of the registry office in which this legal procedure took place.


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