Do-it-yourself metal staircase manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process of stairs made of metal may involve the use of different materials, for example, shaped pipes. This allows you to get designs with a lot of advantages, although the work is accompanied by high labor costs.

Features of a metal ladder from pipes

making metal stairs

The described staircases are the most suitable option for interfloor spaces indoors, the latter of which can have completely different purposes, for example, private or commercial. You can use profile pipes to create spiral staircases. Whatever design the staircase has, it will have strength and reliability. The frame will be based on pipes, the cross section of which can be selected independently. However, the most common in this regard are products with a cross section of 60x40 mm. If the process of manufacturing ladders from metal is carried out using pipes that have not so impressive parameters, then the design will not have reliability, but if you exceed this indicator, you will make it unnecessarily cumbersome.

The manufacturing technology involves fastening the profile pipes in each march in pairs, and only then you can fix the risers and the steps themselves, which can be made of any material, including metal. However, the whole system in this case will gain significant weight, and the design will exert increased pressure on the foundation. In order to exclude such a phenomenon, it is possible to apply wood as a material for the steps.

The advantages of staircases from the profile

manufacture of metal stairs sizes

Those who still have not decided whether to start the process of manufacturing metal stairs for their home or office should consider some of the advantages of such structures over those that are made using other materials. One of their most important advantages is a long service life. You will not have to spend a lot of money on work, as the technology does not involve the use of additional equipment. Moreover, it will be possible to complete the creation of the product in the shortest possible time, after which you can immediately proceed with the installation.

The process of manufacturing staircases from metal is quite simple, it still allows you to implement unique forms of balusters and supports. In tandem with these systems, various decorative elements can be used. The stairs can also be decorated with the method of painting with powder paint, this will allow you to harmoniously fit it into the interior. If there is a need to create a design with a direct march, then this will allow you to get the frame rotations at a right angle and 180 Β°.

Manufacturing Features

making metal stairs with your own hands

Before you begin the process of manufacturing stairs from metal with your own hands, it is worth analyzing the strength of the base on which it is supposed to be installed, since the structure will have significant weight even if the conditions of use for the steps of wood are observed. But if the steps are made of metal, then for their manufacture, profile pipes can be used, the cross section of which is 50-75 mm. In order to exclude the effect of vibration, it is necessary to reduce the struts in the spans, or rather, their length. Before making a ladder from metal, it is necessary to prepare a welding machine.

Technological process

how to make a ladder from metal

Work should begin with the marking and cutting of the material, then you can weld the frames for the steps. At the next stage, concreting of treads and installation of kosour should be carried out. Now the corners are welded to the steps, and after the elements are strengthened by welding among themselves.

Ladder manufacturing example

how to make a staircase of metal to the second floor with your own hands

If you are thinking about how to make a staircase of metal to the second floor with your own hands, then it is preferable to make it easier. To do this, pipes can be used as the frame, and massive birch plywood as the material for the steps. It is often preferred by pine, for the reason that it has a less impressive cost and excellent strength. In addition, birch does not bend when it loses moisture.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the number of steps, as well as their parameters. For the frame, a pipe should be used, the cross section of which is limited to 100 x 100 mm, and a corner of 40 x 40 mm will be required. It is recommended to replace the channel with a pipe, as it has impressive rigidity and does not create a vibration effect during mechanical stress, which is inevitable when walking.

At the next stage, you need to make a pedestal for the structure, which will create a canopy. At the edge of this element, you need to set the starting point of the system. If you decide that the staircase will be straight, then the creation of the pedestal should be abandoned.

Tools and materials

making metal stairs drawings

To carry out the work, it is necessary to prepare some materials and tools, namely:

  • profile pipe;
  • grinder;
  • level;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • corner;
  • roulette.

Installation work

The manufacturing process of metal stairs, the dimensions of which will be determined by the parameters of the room, the next step involves the installation of the pipe. It has to be fixed to the pedestal, but to the wall in the upper part it needs to be pressed with anchors. The dimensions of the stairs - as an example - can be seen in the pictures for the article. Now comes the turn of the corners. They are fastened by welding. Vertically, the corner must have exact dimensions, while horizontally it can be longer, but care must be taken to ensure that the part does not extend outside the pipe, otherwise this will interfere with the casing.

Steel railings are attached to the side of the profile. If you install them not on the side, but along the edge, then you will narrow the design. The manufacturing process of metal stairs, the drawings of which are presented in this article, can be considered completed on this. It is not so complicated if you have the skills to work with a welding machine.

It should be noted that other materials, such as glass, can also be used to create steps. It will perform two functions at once, the first of which is to solve the issue of reducing the weight of the structure, and the second is to give a more attractive appearance to the entire system. In addition, in a room with limited space, the glass looks more lightly, does not burden the interior. However, it must be taken into account that the staircase will cost you a little more, because you have to use tempered glass and order the manufacture of steps according to individual sizes.


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