Master class: a rose from a satin ribbon. Ideas for needlework and creativity

Each person has his own hobby. And no matter what a person does, it is important that this brings him pleasure. However, often, in addition to simple pleasure, this can also be useful.

DIY handmade comfort

Take a look around. How many familiar things surround us! Sometimes you want to make some kind of variety, to get something new, but there are a lot of reasons why this is not always possible. Then, our imagination and our hobbies can come to our rescue. Let's look at ideas for needlework and creativity together that will help us transform the familiar things around us.

In order to revive the interior, it is not necessary to re-glue the wallpaper, purchase new furniture or curtains. Sometimes it’s easy enough to show imagination. And in order to give ordinary things a new life, it is enough to recall your hobbies. And even if there are none, visiting the vast expanses of the Internet, you will quickly find exactly what will inspire you to transform.

master class satin ribbon rosette

Transformation Ideas

One way to revitalize a room is to decorate it. And to run to the store for this is completely optional. We will be helped to make flowers from satin ribbons, which you can make with your own hands. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that you never did this or even held a ribbon in your hands. The process of their manufacture is very exciting and simple enough. And let your first flowers become not the perfection that you see in the picture - practice, and you will certainly succeed. To do this, just find and view an interesting master class. A rose from a satin ribbon looks quite impressive and will be a wonderful decoration for sofa cushions, floor lamps, photo frames and other interior items. You can decorate clothes with small flowers, focusing on special details. And you can find another use for hand-made products. Often needlewomen even make bouquets of satin ribbons.

bouquets of satin ribbons

Of course, you can use such flowers to decorate not only the room, but also many other things. However, let's first look at how a rose from a satin ribbon is performed step by step.

Handicraft Secrets

First you need to cook everything you need to work. This is a fairly simple and straightforward set. And most of what comes in handy is probably already available at home. So, you need a needle, multi-colored threads, scissors and, in fact, ribbons. For the learning process, you can use the tapes that are at your fingertips. And then get satin, different colors. The width of the ribbon will depend on what size of flowers you want to receive. For example, small roses made of satin ribbons can be used to compose a composition. And large ones can be used both individually and as part of compositions. Later, having mastered all the intricacies of manufacturing, you can organize your master class "Rosette from a satin ribbon." Indeed, when mastering the general recommendations and rules, you will be able to bring something of your own to this process.

ideas for needlework and creativity

When everything necessary for work is prepared, we make roses from satin ribbons. It’s worth noting that the techniques used for this are different - choose the ones that you like for work. You can make a rose by twisting the ribbon, comparing the previously cut petals, skillfully folding the ribbon in the right direction, and sometimes just immediately sewing it on the decorated element.

Learning to make roses from satin ribbons

Let's have a workshop. We will make a rose from a satin ribbon by twisting.

To do the job you will need a piece of tape 40-50 cm long, a sewing needle and a thread matching the tape, scissors.

make flowers from satin ribbons

Stage One - Preparatory

Keep the tape in your hands in a horizontal position. Before we begin to twist the rosette, we need to make sure that its center is tight, does not unwind, and that no threads spill from the edges. To do this, wrap the edge of the ribbon at a right angle. Thus, the free edge of the tape was outside the middle of the flower.

Next, we will begin to twist our rose. But not immediately, but gradually. After performing several turns, you need to fix the result with a thread with a needle. A few stitches will help the future flower not lose shape, and it will be much more convenient for us to continue working. The thread does not need to be cut, as it is still useful for securing the petals.

Flower formation

After the central part is completed, go to the petals. You probably paid attention to the random arrangement of the petals on the vibrant colors of the rose. That is what makes it so unique. Therefore, we need to show imagination and with further twisting give a certain position to the rose petals. To do this, you need to bend the tape and again make a revolution around the central part. This will be our first petal. It must be fixed with a thread and a needle.

Further we will form the flower itself. To do this, twist the ribbon and attach the resulting petal to the finished center, securing the result with a needle and thread.

The main thing in work is inspiration

Further work is done similarly. The number of petals depends on the desired flower size. It is important to correct the tape and give the petals the desired shape and position. Due to the twisting, we will change the position of the ribbon and, accordingly, its satin side will alternate with the matte. From this, the flower will look more natural.

More experienced craftswomen use ribbons of different colors for making roses. This allows in the future to combine the resulting flower with a common composition.

rose from satin ribbon step by step

The abundance of relevant literature and materials allows you to implement almost any ideas for needlework and creativity. Therefore, having made a certain number of individual flowers, it is simple enough to find them practical application. For example, bouquets of satin ribbons are in high demand among brides today. Relatively small products can be used for decoration. And you can decorate almost everything. It can be interior items, souvenirs and even clothes.

Work Options

There are many ways to make flowers out of satin ribbons. And only by trying to master certain techniques can you come to the conclusion about which is right for you.

The easiest way to make a rose out of a ribbon is to twist a snake

Let's consider one more master class. A satin ribbon rosette will be made using a completely different technique. Let's try to make a flower by making certain blanks.

small roses made of satin ribbons

Take 50 cm tape of the desired width. We’ll start work in the middle. As shown in the diagram, wrap one end of the tape so that a right angle is obtained. Then we wrap the other end of the tape, crushing the resulting square with your fingers. Thus we fold the tape into a square, alternating the right and left ends. When the whole ribbon is folded, it is necessary, firmly holding the edges, pull on one free end of the ribbon, forming a rosette. You need to pull it carefully, since the folded blank can crumble, and then you have to start all over again. However, if the flower does not work the first time, you will have to iron the tape with an iron. Because working with an uneven tape is not quite convenient.

Composing a flower from individual elements

make roses from satin ribbons

Twist the middle for the flower as described above and fix it with a needle and thread. Then we cut out the petals from the wider ribbon with scissors and, in order to avoid sprinkling of threads, carefully burn their edges with the help of matches or a lighter. Petals can vary in shape and size.

When a certain number of petals is prepared, we begin to form a flower. We attach individual petals to the finished center, not forgetting to fix them with a thread and a needle. In the process of inflorescence formation, you can arrange the petals on different sides with respect to the center. This method of performing roses is the most creative, requires imagination from you. Its feature is that the resulting flower, like a natural one, will be unique.

Thus, we examined various ways of making roses from satin ribbons. Let your handmade flowers give you joy.


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