Tomato "explosion": grade description, characteristics, reviews

The selection of tomato varieties for growing in personal plots is huge. Some prefer varietal plants, for someone there is nothing better than a hybrid. At the same time, everyone is trying to choose fruitful, unpretentious plants, with tasty fruits. These characteristics are fully consistent with the tomato "explosion." Magnificent in its characteristics, the variety was loved by many gardeners. Bushes that do not require special care, delight with a good harvest and excellent taste of the fruit.


The tomato “explosion” is the result of the work of Russian breeder Kozak Vladimir Ivanovich (he is the originator). The hybrid is based on the well-known variety "white filling". In 2007, it was registered in the State Register for the Russian Federation and recommended for personal household plots. It can be grown in all regions of Russia, including in areas of risky farming.

Tomatoes on the bush

The culture was tested in the field and has proven itself for cultivation both in the open ground and under the film. The variety was highly praised for friendly and early fruit formation. It gives a good crop even in adverse weather conditions. "Explosion" is able to grow and develop in any climate.


A brief description of the tomato "explosion":

  • Belongs to early ripening varieties. From planting in the ground until the appearance of the fruit - 100-110 days.
  • Differs in a friendly crop. The average weight of a tomato is about 200 grams. From one bush remove up to 3 kg of fruit.
  • Tomatoes are determinant, cease to grow after the first fruits are set, not standard, the height of the spreading bush is within 60 cm.
  • The leaves are medium in size, there are not many saturated green colors on the bush. The inflorescence is a simple, peduncle with an articulation.
  • The trunk is stable, strong, does not need garter and reinforcement with supports.
  • Tomato "explosion" is a hybrid variety that can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses (in more northern regions). The hybrid does not give seeds for growing.
  • Resistant to adverse weather conditions, tolerates drought. It develops well in any soil.
Seedling preparation

Fruit characterization

Product characteristics of the tomato "explosion":

  • average weight 120 grams, maximum up to 250 grams;
  • rounded, slightly flattened, with slightly pronounced ribbing;
  • the fetus usually has 6 seed chambers;
  • the pulp is moderately dense, the tomatoes themselves are fleshy, with a pleasant aroma;
  • the color of ripe tomatoes is saturated red;
  • differs in good safety for a long time;
  • on the beds do not crack;
  • Easily carry transportation over long distances.

Taste good. Fruits are perfect for fresh consumption: salads, mashed potatoes, juices. Also used for salting, pickling, tomato paste, ketchup. The flesh of the tomato “explosion” is juicy and fleshy, has average dry matter content, contains vitamins C, A, K, and the antioxidant lycopene. The fruits themselves are classified as diet foods. A distinctive feature is the successful combination of sugar and acids contained in the pulp.

Growing Features

Hybrid is grown in almost all climatic zones of Russia. They know him in Ukraine and in Moldova. Tomato "explosion" can be planted in two ways.

Reckless method. Friendly germination of seeds is very high, it can be sown immediately in the ground, without preliminary seedling cultivation. Before planting, the seeds are recommended to soak in melt water, adding aloe juice to it, keep for 6 hours. Enough 1 teaspoon of aloe juice in 200 ml of water. This increases seed germination. After that, the seeds are dried and sown in heated soil. 3 seeds are lowered into the holes, sprinkled with a 1 cm layer of earth. After germination, the seedlings are inspected and the strongest seedling is left. Sown in such a way that the distance between the rows was 40 cm, and between the plants - 50 cm. This method is good for the southern regions. Practice sowing seeds in small containers with nutrient soil. After emergence, they are planted in open ground along with pots. This allows you to keep the root system intact and prevent possible diseases that happen if it is damaged.

Seeds for sowing

Seedling method (recommended). Variety of tomato "explosion" can be grown in seedlings. The timing of sowing seeds depends on the region, in the south - the end of winter-early spring, in the north - late March - early April.


  • disinfect seeds with manganese solution or aloe juice;
  • seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator;
  • soil is calcined in the oven;
  • seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of 1.5 cm;
  • cover with a film and expect the appearance of sprouts, subject to temperature and water conditions, this occurs on the 4th-5th day;
  • remove the film and put the shoots in a well-lit warm place, be sure to control the soil moisture;
  • after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves, the first top dressing and dive are carried out;
  • a week before planting in open ground, it is recommended to conduct hardening of seedlings;
  • plants are transplanted to the beds in the presence of at least one flower brush, 6-8 true leaves and a bush height of at least 20 cm;
  • planting pattern, as for sowing seeds, 40 cm X 50 cm.

Usually seedlings age reaches 2 months, these are quite strong bushes that take root well. You can plant seedlings in the greenhouse. Tomatoes of this variety, although they can grow in various soils, prefer slightly acidic slightly moistened soil.

Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground


Tomato "explosion", reviews of gardeners confirmation of this, is satisfied with minimal care:

  • the landing site is chosen sunny, with moist soil and good air circulation;
  • moderate watering - twice a week, preferably in the morning or after sunset, drip irrigation can be used;
  • weeding, loosening of soil (after irrigation or heavy rain);
  • fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • mulching with straw or sawdust;
  • for large fruits, it is recommended to conduct stepchildren;
  • timely harvesting will ensure the formation of new ovaries;
  • good resistance to diseases allows you to do without "chemistry", usually the bushes are periodically sprayed with folk remedies.
Tomatoes have great taste.


There are practically no shortcomings in the plant. The only negative is the impossibility of collecting seeds. There are many advantages, not without reason the tomato “explosion” was recognized as the best hybrid of 2016. Feedback from practitioners noted the following points:

  • unpretentious in leaving;
  • tolerates drought and temperature changes;
  • the hybrid is rarely sick, resistant to apical and root rot;
  • early harvest;
  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • You can sow seeds immediately in open ground;
  • good productivity - up to 4 kg from 1 m 2 ;
  • does not need a pick;
  • resistant to disease;
  • fruits have a high dietary value;
  • Tomatoes have excellent commercial qualities: they are well preserved and withstand transportation, do not crack on the beds;
  • universality of the use of fruits.


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