Is it possible to exchange old gold for new?

Gold is a precious metal that never loses its value. However, gold jewelry is highly fashion dependent. Many people will find jewelry that they have not worn for a long time. If the gold jewelry does not suit the owners, they can simply be exchanged for more modern products.

What is the exchange of gold

If a person has precious items that are already out of fashion or broken, he can exchange old gold for new. You can even exchange jewelry or any other items of gold that are simply fed up. Jewelers process such objects and give them a second life.

Many jewelry stores offer an exchange of old gold for new at an additional cost. In this case, you can almost immediately pay extra and choose your favorite gold items or entrust your gold to the master. In this case, the jeweler can process the handed over gold for new jewelry, taking money only for his work.

exchange of old gold for new

Exchange cost

How much the exchange of gold for a new one will cost depends on many factors. The main parameters that affect the exchange price are the type of jewelry (ring, earrings, pendant, bracelet, necklace, etc.) and the complexity of its implementation. Also, many jewelers pay great attention to the appearance of gold items. So, in the presence of damage, scratches or other defects, the master may refuse to exchange old gold for new.

You also need to take into account the fact that for all pawnshops and jewelry stores, the cost of taking gold may vary.

exchange of old gold

How is the exchange

Each outlet that deals with the exchange of gold, the conditions of this process may be different. But in general, all exchange points work according to one scheme. So, first, a jeweler or a competent employee of the company assesses the appearance of a gold product. Thus, the master determines whether the gold is exchanged. If gold is in good condition and does not have any damage, it is accepted for exchange or processing.

Then you need to leave the product for a while to conduct an examination of authenticity and determine the sample. This usually takes several days. After a positive examination result, the exchange of gold continues. The product is carefully weighed before the customer, and then the terms of exchange are discussed. If the client wants to process gold, you need to discuss with the master the type of future product and its design. The jeweler calculates the cost of additional materials and his work.

In the event that the client wants to exchange gold for new jewelry, the difference is calculated, which the buyer must pay.

If the master refused to exchange the product due to defects or serious damage, then you need to look for another exchange point that agrees to accept such gold.

exchange of gold for a new

Who has the right to donate gold

According to the law, only a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can exchange and hand over gold to a pawnshop. In every jewelry store or any other place of gold exchange, an employee will require a passport.

is gold exchangeable

What kind of gold is exchanged

Only gold of such samples is subject to exchange: 374, 500, 583, 585, 750 and 999. Products on which the sample is not indicated and there is no brand of the manufacturer, as a rule, are accepted at a lower cost.

Gold of any color is subject to exchange, both domestic and foreign production.

The following items cannot be exchanged for new gold items:

  1. Gold semi-finished products: plates, wires, contacts, sprues and various raw materials that contain gold.
  2. Precious Nuggets.
  3. Industrial products.
  4. Precious metal alloys.
  5. Production raw materials and waste.
  6. Award medals, insignias that contain precious metals.
  7. Semi-finished products of denture and jewelry production.
  8. Firearms and knives decorated with precious stones and metals.
  9. Golden coins.

In these cases, the exchange of old gold for new, as a rule, is not carried out.

exchange of gold for jewelry

Where can I exchange

Old gold is exchanged at pawnshops, jewelry stores and workshops. In each case, there are pros and cons. Consider in more detail the different options for the exchange of gold.

1. Exchange of gold items in a pawnshop - in this option, the seller will offer to exchange the client’s products for any jewelry with the appropriate payment. Using this exchange path, one should not rely on the great profit from such a transaction. The consultant will recalculate the client’s gold at a relatively low price. As a result, the buyer will have to choose from cheaper jewelry or pay a considerable amount. The only advantage of this exchange option is time saving.

2. Ordering gold jewelry from a private jeweler. In this case, there is no need to exchange gold for jewelry. The jeweler can process the client’s gold jewelry into any possible jewelry. The only service you have to pay for is the work of the master. At first glance, this option is the most profitable. But in this case, there are pitfalls. The fact is that among private jewelers there are many scammers. And even the recommendations of relatives and best friends do not always save from the hands of a swindler. Such situations very often happen: when a private master’s jewelry falls into the hands of an experienced jeweler or pawnshop appraiser, it turns out that the item is not made of gold.

The fact is that not all private jewelers have the right to put a test on their creations. To do this, you must have a license or contact the state body that conducts the examination of the product and finally puts the sample. Therefore, many jewelry masters abuse this state of affairs. The only mark that all jewelers can put is their own brand. But it practically does not mean anything and does not confirm the conformity of the product to a specific sample.

Therefore, you can order gold jewelry only from a trusted master.

The advantage of this option is the ability to order something original. Cons: a big risk of becoming a victim of scammers; the opportunity to receive not what was ordered, and not at the right time.

3. Ordering jewelry at a jewelry factory - in this case, the principle of operation is the same as in the previous version. Only the client is completely protected from fakes, because the plant must deliver a sample. An important advantage of this exchange option is the lower cost of work. As for the shortcomings - the client can not always get the desired result.

exchange of gold for new jewelry

The most profitable way to exchange

According to experts, the ideal option for exchanging gold is through a trusted jewelry store. Before the client, the store employee will definitely weigh the gold and immediately offer to choose finished products with this breakdown and a guarantee. In the case of an exchange, a check is necessarily issued to the client. This exchange option is the most reliable and fast. But in this case too, you can become a victim of tricky counting. So, in the description of each product the following parameters are indicated: weight of the jewelry, weight with waste (the weight of gold that must be handed over for exchange) and the cost of the exchange service. The last parameter means the amount that must be paid for the entire product. Some stores multiply this cost by the weight of the product.


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