Dog concussion: symptoms and causes, first aid, diagnosis and treatment

Head injuries are found not only in humans, but also in animals. Dogs are particularly susceptible to such damage. These animals love outdoor games and an active lifestyle. Each owner should be aware of the symptoms of a concussion in a dog. With head injuries, the pet requires urgent veterinary care. Without treatment, such injuries can lead to serious neurological disorders.


A concussion in a dog can be caused by the following:

  1. Head bruises. During a game, training, or running, an animal can hit its head on furniture corners, trees, or large stones.
  2. Traffic accidents. Dogs making independent walks often fall under cars.
  3. Blows to the head. Most often, such injuries are formed due to the fall of heavy objects on the pet's skull. This is the most dangerous type of damage. Such strokes can lead not only to concussion, but also to fractures of the bones of the head.
  4. Fall from a height. Such injuries are often seen in small dogs when dropped out of their carrying.
  5. Gunshot wounds. This is a rare type of damage. Hunting dogs are usually affected by this type of injury.
Dogs are injured during games


There are several degrees of concussion in a dog:

  1. Easy. It is accompanied by minor damage to tissues and blood vessels. Symptoms of concussion are very mild and pass quickly. However, the animal should still be shown to the veterinarian. Sometimes even minor injuries can cause serious consequences in the future.
  2. Medium. Neurological symptoms are moderate. Without treatment, such injuries lead to complications from the central nervous system.
  3. Heavy. It is accompanied by pronounced signs and traumatic brain injury. Often, such damage causes the death of the pet.

Symptoms and treatment of concussion in a dog depend on the degree of damage. Next, we will consider in detail the signs of this disease.


With a slight injury, the dog’s behavior may not change at all. Such damage is often asymptomatic. With severe head injuries, the following signs of concussion in a dog occur:

  1. Lethargy and weakness. The animal becomes apathetic and inactive. Such symptoms are most often observed with mild bruises.
  2. Headache. If the pet constantly shakes his head after a bruise or avoids unnecessary movements, then this indicates a pain in the skull.
  3. Motor impairment. In an animal, coordination of movements is impaired. The pet staggers and falls when moving. This symptom of a concussion in a dog indicates a severe degree of injury.
  4. Strange behavior. The dog becomes either too shy or aggressive.
  5. Dyspeptic manifestations. The pet has nausea and vomiting that is not associated with eating. The animal refuses food.
  6. Loss of consciousness. Fainting is especially dangerous if the dog is nauseous. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to the animal, otherwise the vomit can get into the respiratory tract.
  7. Sleep disturbances. A sick dog sleeps unusually much. The animal avoids people, clogs in a corner and lies.
  8. Disorders of cardiac and respiratory activity. The pet is breathing heavily after an injury, too frequent or rare heartbeat is noted.
  9. Dilation of the pupils and the lack of their reaction to light. This symptom indicates a very serious injury.
Dog after a head injury

Extensive skull injuries in dogs are also accompanied by trembling eyes and involuntary urination and bowel movements. These are signs of a severe neurological disorder. In such cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance at home. Otherwise, the pet may die.

It should be remembered that these symptoms do not always appear immediately after an injury. There are times when signs of brain damage occur several days after a bruise.


Symptoms of concussion in a dog cannot be ignored. Head injuries without treatment can lead to the development of the following complications:

  • a stroke;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • persistent disorder of coordination of movements;
  • impaired vision and hearing;
  • intestinal motility disorders.

To avoid such dire consequences, you should contact your veterinarian at the first sign of a concussion in a dog. The prognosis for this pathology directly depends on the timeliness of medical care.

Dog Concussion Treatment

First aid

When a dog has concussion symptoms, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. At the pre-medical stage, the pet must be given first aid:

  1. Be sure to remove the collar and muzzle. These accessories can constrain the dog’s breathing.
  2. Do not iron and soothe the pet. At this point, the dog’s behavior often becomes inadequate, and the animal may bite its owner.
  3. The pet should be placed on a hard surface. The dog should be lying on its side.
  4. The tongue must be removed from the mouth and kept in the protruded position. This will help prevent it from sinking.
  5. It is necessary to control the breathing and pulse of the animal.
  6. A cold compress is placed on the head to reduce pain.
  7. In case of loss of consciousness, the dog should be given artificial respiration.

After first aid, you should immediately take the animal to a veterinary clinic. If the pet has not only a skull injury, but also other injuries (fractures, open wounds), then the doctor must be called to the house.


If a concussion is suspected, the veterinarian prescribes the following examinations:

  • MRI of the brain. This study helps to identify the extent of traumatic injuries.
  • Roentgenography. Using this method, bone damage can be determined.
  • Electroencephalogram. Examination helps reveal the hidden effects of injury.

It is necessary to show the pet to a veterinary ophthalmologist for examination of the fundus, as well as a specialist in neurology to evaluate reactions to irritants.

Treatment methods

A mild to moderate concussion is treated on an outpatient basis. In case of severe damage, the dog should be placed in a hospital.

In order to prevent cerebral edema, intravenous (drip) and intramuscular administration of the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Mannitol
  • Calcium Chloride;
  • "Furosemide."
Diuretic "Furosemide"

To avoid the serious consequences of injury, veterinarians administer to animals nootropic drugs:

  • Mexidol-Vet;
  • "Cerebrolysin";
  • "Actovegin";
  • "Piracetam".
The drug "Mexidol" for dogs

Symptomatic treatment is also indicated:

  1. For headaches, analgesics are prescribed: Baralgin, Traumatin.
  2. In case of nausea, antiemetics are indicated: Tserukal, Ondasetron, Serena.
  3. After severe injuries, medications are prescribed to maintain cardiac activity: Cordiamine, Caffeine-Vet, Sulfocamphocaine.
  4. If the dog shows signs of agitation and aggression, then the introduction of sedatives is indicated: "Clonazepam", "Vetspokoin", "Seduxen", "Spitomin".
  5. To strengthen the body and accelerate the regeneration processes, vitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed: Gamavit, Neurobeks, Vitam.
Vitamin preparation "Gamavit"

It is important to remember that only a veterinarian can prescribe drugs and determine their dosage. Self-treatment in this case is absolutely unacceptable.

The duration of treatment for concussion in a dog depends on the degree of damage. The animal is far from being restored immediately after an injury. With minor bruises, therapy and the recovery period take several weeks. In severe injuries, rehabilitation can last for many months.

Animal Care Rules

With symptoms of concussion in the dog, it is necessary to ensure complete rest to the animal. The pet should be placed in a quiet, darkened room. It should be remembered that any sharp sounds intensify the headache and cause anxiety.

It is necessary to protect the animal from games with young children. Also, do not temporarily take your pet out for long walks. Dog training should be delayed until the symptoms of concussion in the dog have completely disappeared.

It is also important to protect the animal from hypothermia. The room in which the pet is lying should be warm. You should pay attention to feeding. During the period of illness, the dog should be given light food so as not to provoke vomiting. It is useful to transfer your pet to special diet foods.

Dietary nutrition for the disease


How to prevent concussion in animals? To protect your dog from injury, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Do not let the pet out on independent walks.
  2. During walks, let the dog off the leash only in safe places.
  3. Outdoor games and training classes can only be carried out in open spaces. It must be ensured that there are no large stones and trees nearby.
  4. You should remove all dangerous objects in the apartment that may fall on the dog’s head.

Following these simple steps will help keep your pet healthy.


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