DIY composition of fruits and vegetables: step-by-step instructions with photos

Vegetables and fruits can be used not only as food. This is a great material for various crafts. Any composition made of fruits and vegetables, made by yourself, can decorate your holiday table or diversify your daily meals. At the same time, even a child of preschool age can do some crafts. And also vegetables and fruits can be used for drawing still lifes.

Giraffe from carrots and potatoes: instructions with photos

If you want to surprise guests with the original design of dishes, then you will not find a more successful way than a composition of fruits and vegetables. One of the easiest to make is a giraffe made from potatoes and carrots. So, the body of the animal will be a large potato, the head - a small potato, and for the neck a long and even carrot is perfect, from which you need to cut off the tip. These three elements will need to be fastened together using toothpicks. Ears can be made from seeds or small leaves, and eyes from blueberries.

composition of fruits and vegetables

But what is a giraffe without legs and tail? For limbs, you can cut cylinders from potatoes or carrots and attach them to the body with toothpicks or just use tree branches. The tail can be made from any greenery. Of course, it will be impossible to eat such a giraffe, but it will decorate any dish. And if boiled vegetables are used to make it, then it can become a snack. Such a giraffe may include any composition of fruits and vegetables.

People from apples

All housewives love to serve fruit on the table, but not every one of them thinks that this can be done in an original way. For example, serve apples in the form of men. Moreover, their manufacture does not require any special knowledge and skills. The simplicity of performance is far from every composition made of fruits and vegetables made by oneself. In the case of men, the result will be quite interesting.

So, you will need apples of different sizes, some apple seeds, toothpicks and a sharp knife. First you need to take two fruits of different diameters, fasten them together with a toothpick and set so that more is the basis. These two apples will become the body of the future man. Next, you will need another fruit, from which you need to cut 4 pieces: two of them will be legs, and two - with hands. These parts are also attached with toothpicks to the corresponding places on the body. From the seeds you need to make eyes and nose, and cut the mouth with a knife directly on the apple. And you can perform it, for example, from a tomato and fix it on the "face". A half of an apple attached to the head with the same toothpick will serve as a hat for a little man.

Eggplant Penguins

Not only adults, but also children can use vegetables to make various crafts. Of course, not every composition of fruits and vegetables for children is available, since some elements are made quite difficult. However, such a craft as eggplant penguins does not apply - children will be happy to make this figure.

It is important that the eggplant is with the spine. The vegetable must be rotated so that the spine is bent forward - this will be the penguin's nose. The front side of the figure must be peeled, and wings should be cut on the sides. As the eyes, you can use any berries, attaching them with a toothpick. In order for the penguins to be more stable, it is necessary to cut off the lower part of the vegetable, achieving a flat surface. It is interesting that with all its simplicity in manufacturing, eggplant penguins look no less original than any other composition of fruits and vegetables. Photos of these figures can be seen below.

do-it-yourself composition of fruits and vegetables

Cheburashka and Gene

Who in childhood did not like the cartoon about Gena and Cheburashka? So why not remember these heroes again and decorate the table with them? Moreover, their production will take much less time than, for example, a carving composition of fruits and vegetables. With your own hands to create a Cheburashka you will need to cut the potatoes into circles (if you plan to eat the figure, then the vegetable must first be boiled) of different diameters - it is important that they are not too thin. Details should be as follows: body, head, arms, legs, ears. The body will be a circle of the largest diameter, the head - a little smaller, for pens and ears you will need four small circles, and the legs are best made from halves of potatoes - then the figure will be more stable. Cheburashka's face can be made with black pepper.

And now Gene! For the body of this character you will need a curved cucumber. The head and tail will be the halves of a cucumber cut along. On the part of the vegetable that will be the head, it is necessary to shape the teeth using a sharp knife. From the third cucumber, you need to make legs. All parts of the figure are fastened together with toothpicks. Eyes are made out by any berries.

composition of fruits and vegetables photo

This is how a composition of fruits and vegetables can be made with your own hands. It is important not to forget to take a photo immediately after completing the work on the figures, since such beauty must be preserved as a memory while walking in digital form.

Fruit and vegetable bouquets

This is another interesting composition of fruits and vegetables. With your own hands, you can make a real masterpiece that can be used not only when decorating a festive table, but also presented to someone as a gift. Fruits are mainly used for making bouquets, although some elements also require vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrot, etc. In addition, for making the bouquet you will need wooden barbecue sticks, a knife, an ice cream spoon, cookie cutters, scissors and a container for setting the bouquet , the bottom of which must be covered with foam or salt dough, so that you can fix fruit and vegetable flowers.

From a pineapple sliced ​​in circles, you can cut a flower of any shape, and use a piece of pumpkin pulp cut with a round ice cream spoon as the middle. Both elements of the flower must be fixed on a barbecue stick and put in a container. Strawberries and grapes can simply be chopped onto skewers and placed in the same vase. If you make a few incisions on the strawberry, you get a flower of a completely different shape. You can also decorate such bouquets with living plants - then you will get magnificent compositions from flowers, fruits, vegetables.

flower fruit vegetable compositions

Carving: history and features

In recent years, an increasing number of professional chefs, and ordinary housewives, have become interested in carving, because the former need to withstand competition among their own kind, and the latter simply want to surprise their relatives or guests. We are talking about carving for fruits and vegetables, which originated in Southeast Asia and today is a national tradition in eastern countries. This is due to the fact that in the East they consume a lot of plant foods, and it was carving that became a great way to diversify the diet. The compositions of vegetables and fruits made in this technique today impress with their splendor, because they have turned into real art.

In order to learn this skill, you will need sharp knives of different sizes (it will be ideal to purchase a special set for carving), a huge amount of patience, and, of course, materials that are excellent for Chinese cabbage, apples, carrots, peppers, pumpkin, watermelon, beets, etc. Further, the whole thing is beyond the imagination of the master. The first works will probably not be as beautiful as we would like, but over time, such a composition of fruits and vegetables, the photo of which is posted below, will become your strength. The main thing is not to give up!

carving composition of fruits and vegetables

Still life: first steps

An important role for artists is played by the composition of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to her, you can draw a real masterpiece. In addition, a still life is the best way to educate the artist, accessible to both adults and youngest lovers to paint. Thanks to this technique, a person learns to look at them with the eyes of an artist, that is, in terms of their shape, tone, contour, texture, proportion and color.

To start creating a still life is necessary with the layout and construction of objects. The artist should stand in such a place that, considering the composition, there is no impression that some object is standing on another or obscuring it. Still life should be 2-3 meters from the master. Drawing must be done with a hard pencil. First you need to draw geometric shapes that still life objects look like, and add details later. The next step is to learn how to hatch and create volume in objects, which in most cases are fruits, vegetables and various vessels.

composition of fruits and vegetables still life

Possible errors when creating a still life

When all the details have been drawn, you need to make sure that your composition of fruits and vegetables is correctly executed. Still life may have a number of errors. Among them are the construction of symmetrical objects without axial lines, the "isolation" of the object from the composition, as well as the violation of the relationship of the elements with each other.

And now in order! The centerlines help symmetrically build the parts; otherwise, many inaccuracies arise. By "isolation" is meant that when considering a still life it seems that some objects are separated from others. As for the ratio, in order to avoid mistakes, it is important to compare elements with nature and with each other in time.

Baba Yaga from fruits and vegetables

Another character of the fairy tale beloved by all children is Baba Yaga. It turns out that it can also be made from the fruits of plants. Moreover, this craft can be a joint work between an adult and a child, resulting in a magnificent composition of fruits and vegetables.

So, for the manufacture of Baba Yaga, you need 3 potatoes, an apple, a banana, toothpicks, matches and a knife. A stupa must be cut out of a large potato with a knife - to do this, cut off the top and bottom of the potato and, on the one hand, make a recess in which you can place Baba Yaga. For the manufacture of the body of the figure you will need a smaller potato, and as hands you can use strips cut from one more root crop. The nose is also cut from potatoes. Next, hands are attached to the body with toothpicks. An apple will be used as the head, so it is important that it be smaller than the potato, which is the body. The nose is attached to the apple, and matches must be used as eyes, piercing the fruit with their heads forward. Next, you should fasten both parts of Baba Yaga and place it in a mortar. The banana peel can be used as hair for the character. Such a composition of fruits and vegetables in the Kuban quite often decorates children's tables during various holidays.

Banana dachshund

This is another interesting and quite easy to manufacture craft. For her, you need to take two bananas: one large, the other small. Big will become a body, smaller - a head. The legs of the dog will be incised in four places and bent to the outside of the banana peel. For the head, you need to take a smaller fruit and peel it halfway so that the peel is divided into two even parts - these will be the ears. In the second part of the banana, the pulp should be left and eyes made from raisins on it. After that, both parts of the dachshund must be fastened together with a toothpick.

composition of fruits and vegetables for children

Such a composition can be an excellent decoration of the festive table for children, because most of them are very fond of this fruit.


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