Hungarian names: origin and features

"As you call a ship, so it will sail ...". Of course, the well-known words of Captain Vrungel Christopher Bonifatievich can be laughed at and pondered at the same time. The name is undoubtedly the fate of man. It determines its character, connects it not only with close relatives, but also with the place of birth, with the people living in the area, with culture, life, and history. And the Hungarian names, what features do they have?

Hungarian names


When does a person get a name? First of all, it is given to him at birth. And here the main characters are the parents, and it is from their choice that the future fate of the child depends. Unfortunately, not always parents act freely and independently. History, fashion, idols, heroes of novels and films, as well as special respect for great-grandmothers-great-grandfathers - all this makes its own corrections. And what about Hungary?

All children in Hungary have several personal names. The first is the main name and it is necessarily recorded in all official documents. The second is assigned to the infant at baptism. And finally, the third - during the sacrament of anointing or confirmation. As a rule, the last two are not used in everyday life.

Hungarian female names

Other features

Hungarian names not only stand out against the motley background of other European names. Firstly, they are inherent in the eastern order, that is, the surname precedes the name. And secondly, by law , Hungarian citizens must give names to children only from the official list. He is rather big, so no one is left without his unique name. Non-indigenous residents are allowed to choose a name to their liking. What are the Hungarian names on this list?

Hungarian nameserver

Any state in the name of its not only prosperity, but also existence itself is obliged to protect its so-called national gene. What does it consist of? From language, culture, history, religion, including the name. Hungary is no exception and supports this policy.

Therefore, the main part in the official linguist is traditionally national names, many of which were created on the basis of common nouns or adjectives: Ambrus - immortal, Ferenk - free, Ozzkar - a deer lover and others. The following is a considerable list of names of Turkic origin: Balaban - “a kind of falcon”, Soltan, Attila, Geza, Gyula and others.

In third place are names of biblical origin or borrowed from the Catholic calendar. It is interesting to note that many of them were not just borrowed, not transplanted from one soil to another, but adapted, rooted and acquired their unique appearance. For example, Gabriel turned into Gabor, there was Alexander - became Sandor, Louis - Lajosh, Vlasiy - Balazh, Aaron - Aron, Susanna - Zhuzhanna, Agniya - Agnes, George - Gyorgy, Louis - Lajosh, and so on.

And finally, the Hungarian names of the fourth group are relatively recent borrowings from other European languages: Bnka (Italian), Georgette (French), Blanca (Italian), Bernadette (French) and others.

Hungarian names for men

Amazing facts

This article has repeatedly talked about the peculiarities of the Hungarian nameserver. There is one more: Hungarian female names and their varieties. A girl who gets married has the right to choose one of several options for the name. What kind? First of all, and this is the most traditional option, in marriage she can bear not only the surname, as is customary in our country, but also the name of her husband, adding only the suffix -né. For example, Anna Németh (Németh Anna) marries Mate Szabo (Szabó Máté), and now she is called Szabó Máténé. Also, along with her husband's last name and first name with the suffix -né, she can keep her first and last name: Szabó Máténé Németh Anna.

But that is not all. There are other options. First: leave your name and surname and add to them the name of the husband with the same affix: Szabóné Németh Anna. Second: personal name plus husband's last name without any changes: Szabó Anna. And the last: to be married on your own name and with your own name: Németh Anna.

By the way, the name Mate is in second place in popularity in the category "Hungarian names for men."

popular hungarian names


And yet, everything in the world is not just like that. Not just like that, these or those names and surnames arose. Each of them has its own meaning, its source. What or with whom are popular Hungarian names associated? We will not announce the entire list. We give only examples of the most famous. Among men, the most common are the following:

  • Benz (Vinze) - from Latin “to win”.
  • Mate - from the Hebrew "gift of Yahweh."
  • Levente - from the old-Hungarian “living”.
  • David (Daco, Doge) - from the Hebrew "beloved".
  • Balazs - from Latin “lisping”.

Among women, one can note the following:

  • Yazmin - which from Hungarian means the flower "jasmine".
  • Anna or Hannah - from the Hebrew "grace, mercy."
  • Eleanor - from the Greek "mercy, compassion, sympathy."
  • Blogarka - with a Hungarian flower buttercup.

As for the Hungarian surnames, the most common ones are:

  • Nagy - "big, great.
  • Kovacs is a “blacksmith”.
  • He is a "Slovak."
  • Sabo - the “tailor”.
  • Horvath is a Croatian.

Thus, it becomes clear that both native Hungarian names and those from other nations are popular, and they mainly mean character traits, spiritual qualities or are associated with external data, a profession.


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