How to answer rudeness to rudeness?

There are such people - boors by nature. They cannot communicate normally with others, and just about what is wrong, immediately begin to respond rudely. Rudeness of a person testifies that he is in some way wrong, but does not want to accept it. As Prometheus said to Jupiter: "You are angry - that means you are wrong."

how to answer rudeness to rudeness
We often encounter this phenomenon at work, on the road, in the store. What to do? Is it possible and how to answer rudeness to rudeness? In some cases, it’s best not to. If you see that a person is behaving completely inappropriately, do not provoke him even more. Since this can end badly for your health, take pity on yourself. In such cases, you need to remain completely calm, just do not pay attention to this lump of irritation and nerves, which wants to unbalance you. There are such people - energy vampires. They snarl, and then enjoy the reaction to their provocations.

If you do not want to silently stand aside, you need to know how to respond to rudeness beautifully. This does not need to be studied for long, it is enough to have a couple of phrases in stock that can be used in a particular situation. An example would be the expression: “Yeah, your intellect can overshadow the light from a lamp!” or “What should I scare you with? I’m not your reflection. ” There can be many such phrases, the main thing is that they correspond to the situation in which you are.

how to respond to rudeness beautifully
Do not forget that a smile and a raised chin can help you unbalance the offender. He is rude to you, and you just laugh at him. Offended by human nature, what can you do? The main thing is that this does not spoil your mood, do not be upset about such people.

Very often there are situations in which in addition to how to respond with rudeness to rudeness, there is no more way out. For example, in stores. Most often people go there after work, tired and tormented, and rudeness is their way to throw out negative energy. Answer the insolent in their language. Maybe then they will realize how ugly it is.

How witty to answer rudeness? Very simple! Very often we meet him in minibuses and buses. Insolent people can seriously rub your nerves, but it's okay, the main thing is to give them a fight. Answer them with a phrase like: “I don’t understand, do you have life insurance?” Most likely, the person will not find what to answer, and the incident will be exhausted, and you will be satisfied with yourself.

how witty to answer rudeness
There are ways to respond rudeness to rudeness rudely. But be careful, after all, do not speak to such a huge man, two to two tall, if you are not confident in your abilities. Still, the phrase: "Go chew the curtains, a mole bitten," or something like that, will help you close your mouth to the offender.

How to answer rudeness to rudeness, you now know, but do not forget that silence is gold. In any case, no matter how the verbal skirmish ends, you will only have negative. In a conflict situation, it is better to remain neutral. Imagine the face of an insolent person who was rude to you if you were just silent. He will not receive any moral satisfaction from his anger. He will only have to shut up, and this will be your win.


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