Amphibians are amazing creatures. Interesting facts about amphibians

The word "amphibians" speaks for itself. These creatures cannot live without water; they are inhabitants of swamps and rivers, lakes and moist forest litter in the tropics. Frogs, salamanders, newts - everyone knows them, and all of them are members of the Amphibian class. Interesting facts about them are collected from all parts of the world, it is difficult to find more amazing creatures.

Who are amphibians?

Interesting facts about amphibians.

Their second name is amphibians. This group of vertebrates should be attributed to the most primitive among terrestrial species. A characteristic feature is that reproduction most often occurs in the aquatic environment, and already mature individuals live on land. All of them have skin rich in endocrine glands, it is smooth and always moist due to mucus secreted. Interesting facts about amphibians begin with their structure. They breathe simultaneously with gills, lungs and skin. Some are able to regenerate parts of the body that are lost. There are species that live in salt water, but mostly amphibians are still inhabitants of fresh water bodies.

Frogs are interesting!

There are so many creatures on the planet, but everyone knows the frogs. The attitude, frankly, to them is twofold. Meanwhile, in Japan they are considered a symbol of luck. Not always presentable appearance and not very melodic sounds of special love did not provide them. But among them there are such instances that, to put it mildly, are surprising. In general, all frogs have an amazing structure of the visual apparatus, which allows you to simultaneously look up, forward and sideways. We will name only the most interesting facts about the amphibians of this detachment. The smallest representative of frogs lives in Cuba and has a size of only 8.5 mm. While the largest - African Goliath (pictured above) - reaches a length (excluding paws) of 30 cm and a weight of three kilograms. Such an impressive size does not prevent her from jumping to a distance of three meters, but at the same time, thanks to them, she became the object of fishing for local residents and therefore is threatened with extinction.

The most dangerous frog lives in South America. Its poison, secreted out by the secretion glands, is much more dangerous than that of a cobra. An amazing toad lives there, she herself is small, only 4-5 cm, but her offspring (tadpoles) outgrow her mother 3-4 times. But as they grow older they return to standard sizes. This species for this feature was called "paradoxical frog."

Interesting facts about amphibians (squad tailed)

Amphibian class: interesting facts.

In the eggs that the salamander lays, green algae are added . This is a mutually beneficial symbiosis. The embryo receives oxygen from the plant. Algae feeds on nitrogen, which contains waste from the embryo. Everyone knows about the fire salamander, it has a characteristic color (black with bright yellow spots). A live birth is characteristic of her, and of course her amazing ability not to burn in a fire that has long been the subject of legends. The explanation is simple: the body of the salamander is covered with special mucus and this allows it to gain time and retire. The largest representative of this detachment lives in Japan (pictured). It is called a giant salamander, the average length of one meter. This is a predator resembling some kind of prehistoric creature. With poor eyesight, he navigates in space with the help of smell and touch.

Legless amphibians: interesting facts

To put it mildly, these are strange creatures resembling snakes and earthworms at the same time. This is the smallest amphibian detachment, known since the Jurassic period. They have no limbs, and the tail is greatly reduced. Their skin is completely bare, although some have reduced scales, the color is usually dark, matte. These are the inhabitants of the forest litter near water bodies, some are characterized by live births.

Legless amphibians: interesting facts.

Interesting facts about amphibians are very numerous, every year scientists make amazing discoveries about the features of their life, reproduction, structure, adaptation to the environment and even find new species in places where a person’s foot has not yet set foot. The world is full of amazing creatures - this is a fact.


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