Installation of open wiring in cable ducts

Owners of a house or apartment often decide to independently install electrical wiring. This is a responsible event requiring a certain knowledge from the master.

To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to consider how to properly install open wiring .

Varieties of electrical installation

Today, two types of installation can be used to create an electrical communications system in a house or apartment. The first of them is called hidden, and the second - in an open way. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Installation of open and hidden electrical wiring must be performed in accordance with existing building regulations, fire safety requirements.

Installation of open wiring

A hidden type of wiring takes place in special mines. They are cut in the surface of walls, floors or ceilings. The process is accompanied by a large emission of dust. In this case, a major overhaul will be required. When the wires are laid in the prepared channels, they are plastered. You will need to re-do the decorative decoration in the room (paint the walls, glue the wallpaper, etc.).

Open wiring is easier. The wires in this case pass immediately along the wall surface. In this case, you do not need to carry out decorative decoration indoors. This is a quick, easy installation method.

Open Mount Options

Installation and repair of open and hidden wiring is most often trusted by an experienced specialist. He can do all the work correctly and quickly. However, if you wish, you can save and carry out all the actions yourself. It should be considered what types of installation of open wiring exist today.

Installation of open wiring in a wooden house

Many owners of private real estate believe that open wiring spoils the interior. However, today there are many methods that allow you to harmoniously fit the wires into the design of the apartment.

You can mount the wires in special cable channels. They will hide communications. In this case, the cable channels have a different configuration, color and texture. You can also bring wiring to electrical consumers using special skirting boards. In some cases, you can lay the wires in the corrugated pipe. One of the most stylish today is the method of creating open wiring antique using special insulators.

The disadvantages of open wiring

Considering what are the features of installing open wiring, it should be noted, in addition to the advantages, and a number of disadvantages. They must be taken into account before installation. Experts say that far from always special designs can be entered into the interior of the room. For some styles and design features, this option is not suitable.

Technology for installing open wiring

Cable channels will occupy some space in the room. Because of them, it will not work, for example, to put the cabinet close to the wall, etc. However, the wires themselves are poorly protected from mechanical damage. If you accidentally touch the system, you can tear out the channel and cut off the wire.

When creating the presented type of wiring, soft multicore cables are used. They are softer, they are easier to lay in prepared channels. However, the cost of such conductors will be higher than single-core varieties. Indoor installation of a bathroom or kitchen is not recommended. If there is no other option, you need to buy a special moisture-resistant cable. Its isolation is different from normal.

Application of cable channels

Installation of open wiring in cable channels is one of the most popular methods today. It allows you to hide all the wires. Moreover, there are a large number of options for their texture, color. With proper installation, such cable channels will look stylish.

Installation of open and hidden wiring

To conduct the wire in this way, you will need to purchase the necessary materials. First of all, it will be plastic cable channels. Their dimensions are selected in accordance with the features of the wiring. Next, you will need to purchase junction boxes. They are also made of plastic.

Having developed the installation scheme, it is necessary to fix the junction boxes in the corresponding sections. They need to bring the cable channels. They are mounted on the surface of the wall. In this case, it is desirable to monitor their position on the surface. It should be clearly vertical or horizontal. Next, wires are laid inside the channel. They are closed by the top panel. This is a quick and easy way.

Skirting Application

Outdoor wiring in the apartment can be carried out in special skirting boards. This is also a fairly popular option. However, it will not work if the wiring power is large. In other cases, it will be possible to simply and quickly hide the wires in special cable channels that pass inside the baseboard.

Installation of open wiring in cable ducts

All electrical communications will run along the floor surface. The baseboard will reliably hide all the wires. Moreover, it can have different textures and colors. This type of channel is no different in appearance from ordinary skirting boards. Only inside it has special compartments for wires.

First, the bottom of the baseboards is mounted. Then a cable is laid in the respective channels. There are models of skirting boards in which you can hold not only electric, but also network or television cable. Then the whole system is covered with a decorative cover.

Corrugated Pipe

One of the most inexpensive is the technology of installing open wiring in a corrugated pipe. This is a non-combustible and fairly durable material. However, this installation option is often chosen for utility, non-residential premises. The fact is that corrugated pipes are difficult to fit into almost any interior. But in rooms where installation aesthetics is not a priority, this option will be most suitable.

Outdoor wiring in the apartment

During installation, plastic junction boxes are used. They are installed in appropriate places, in accordance with the developed plan. Then conduct corrugated pipes. They are attached to the surface using brackets. They must be mounted with a distance of not more than 30 cm. This will ensure sufficient rigidity of the system. The staples can be plastic or metal.

Then, with the help of a wire, a wire is pulled into the channels. It must be connected to the junction box. Next, the wires are connected into a single system. This option does not require large financial and time costs.

Pipeless wiring

In some cases, you can do without the use of special cable channels. Installation of open pipeless wiring has many advantages. It looks better, takes up less space in the room. At the same time, installation can be done very quickly.

The disadvantage of this mounting option is the insecurity of the wire. It is easy to damage. This type of installation is not recommended in a wooden house. Only for concrete, drywall walls, this type of installation remains acceptable. You will need to purchase special clips. The wire in this case must have special insulation. VVGng or NYM is best suited for this.

For wires of other brands under the wire you will need to install a gasket made of asbestos or metal. It should protrude 10 mm on each side of the wire. This installation method is quite simple. However, the type of wiring will be unaesthetic. Therefore, in a private house or apartment, a different installation method is used.


One of the most aesthetic methods for installing open wiring in a wooden house or room with a different type of wall is retro-wiring. This method was often used in the middle of the last century. In this case, special porcelain insulators are used. The wire is twisted into a pigtail. This is one of the best options for installing hidden wiring in a wooden house. The interior will look stylish.

What are the features of installing open wiring

To mount such wiring, you will need to purchase a special cable. For retroconducting, a wire with the marking GPVOp, PVOP is used. His veins can be easily twisted. The presented cable has a higher price than conventional wires. This is one of the disadvantages of the presented method.

It should be noted that special rollers on which the wire will be installed are also quite expensive. Special sockets, switches that will match the retrostyle will be required. It also increases installation costs.

Installation Start

Installation of open wiring requires careful planning. For each wall individually developed its own scheme. It is necessary to provide for the location of junction boxes, switches, sockets, cable channels or other elements of the system. After that, you can calculate the required number of wires. Their cross section is selected in accordance with the total load on the line.

Plan Features

In the planning process, you must select a wiring diagram. It can be a "European". In this case, several lines will depart from the distribution panel . Each will be brought to a specific group of consumers. For each line you will need to connect an RCD. This option is quite inconvenient with an open installation method. In this case, you will need to conduct a lot of wires.

In another scheme, the supply of one trunk wire is provided. Cables to each separate zone of electricity consumption will depart from it. This will require junction boxes.

Installation process

After a thorough planning process, preparatory work, you can install open wiring. Most often, a similar procedure is carried out using cable channels. This is a simple, relatively inexpensive and reliable installation method. Cable channels can be entered into various type of an interior.

If there are 2 to 3 wires inside the structure, you can glue the base of the plastic box to the wall. In other cases, dowels are recommended. First, you need to mount junction boxes, prepare places for installing sockets and switches.

After that, straight lines are drawn from the listed system elements. Further, according to the marking, the lower part of the cable channel is applied. Small holes are drilled in plastic, outlining places for fasteners. Next, the cable channel is removed from the wall and drilled with a drill or punch for dowels. Next, the lower part of the box is firmly mounted on the wall. The wires are being laid. The upper decorative strip is put on after connecting the system and checking for operability.

Having considered the features of installing open wiring, you can do all the work yourself.


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