Heavy Rain: player reviews, reviews, plot and walkthrough

What do they say about the game, which was the predecessor of the unique Detroit: Become Human development from Quantic Dream? Why is the game for PS4 - Heavy Rain, the reviews of which are extremely positive, continues to be one of the best developments of David Cage? Why did people buy all the disks from stores in 2010? Today you will find out about it.

History of creation

The game was created in 2006, in which the announcement of this project was also released. Screenwriter and director David Cage said in an interview that she was filmed by recording the actions of real people, actors. This was one of the first large-scale games, in which not only a group of computer experts took part, but also the people based on whose movements Heavy Rain was created.

heavy rain reviews

In 2007, the official trailer and poster came out. The picture showed an origami bird with blood at one end. Also this year, virtual players were introduced. David Cage was very proud that in the project you can play for 4 characters, and the users themselves wrote reviews about the game Heavy Rain, as one of the best developments of the Quantic Dream team, both in terms of plot and graphic design.

In 2009, there are 2 more new people who also became available to players. The demo on PlayStation4, released in 2010, included only 2 episodes, but impressed many viewers with its atmosphere and plot. In the same year the official game was released.

Heavy Rain story review. Part 1: the loss of children

After starting the player and getting to know the control through the fees of the protagonist, you are thrown into the screensaver, in which the following occurs: Ethan Mars, being in a large store, loses his son. The boy leaves the hypermarket at the opposite end of the road. Father runs out in search of Jason and after he finds him, runs to him, but the child is hit by a car. Architect Ethan falls into a coma for 6 months.

After leaving a coma, he does not stop blaming himself for Jason's death, which leads to a divorce from his wife, and the other son, Sean, begins to move away from his father. In addition, Ethan suffers from amnesia: his memory lapses can last for hours. One day he receives a very unusual letter with a story about a married couple who could not find their children who were lost after going to church. Ethan did not really attach importance to this letter and this weekend decides to take a walk with Sean, but after a memory failure he falls and faints. When the main character woke up, his son was no longer there.

game heavy rain reviews

Part 2: The Origami Master

After Ethan turned to the police, he learns about a mysterious maniac who abducts boys aged 8 to 13 years. Moreover, the killer does not scoff at them, the children die in the water. They have an origami figure in their hands and an orchid on their chest. There is no particular connection between the boys, but if you look closely, all of them are from the morally poor strata of society and are not particularly needed by their parents. 2 new characters appear here: FBI agent Norman Jaden and Lieutenant Carter Blake. The FBI agent believes that the killer repents of his crime when he puts an orchid on the children’s chest. Also, the maniac acts in rainy times, which means they have no more than 3 days to save Sean.

Ethan receives a letter with the coordinates where you need to come. This turns out to be a storage cell in which there is a gun, a mobile phone and 5 origami figures. After turning on the phone, the main character sees his son in a hole closed by a grate. It turns out that every figure has a test. And for his passage, the man receives a card with a code where you can find Sean.

It is worth noting that the tests are very dangerous and abnormal, up to cutting off the limbs. In the course of action, Ethan meets Madison Page, and together they begin to investigate.

Madison and Ethan

Part 3: suspicions and the killer found

At the same time, police agents go out to two people whom they suspected of drowning boys, but the options are wrong. On the way to the department, they meet the architect’s ex-wife and learn from her that Ethan can be crazy. Once he told her that drowned children everywhere seemed to him. This leads Blake to the idea that Sean’s father is the “Origami Master,” and after talking to his psychologist, the lieutenant becomes convinced of his suspicions while Norman continues the investigation.

When the player switches to 4 characters of Scott Shelby, who is a private detective, he will know everything. It turns out that as a child, Scott played with his brother at a construction site, but he accidentally fell into a pipe with water and could not get out. The drunk dad of the boys did not even listen to his son's pleas for help. Scott's brother choked, and his father was deprived of parental rights.

Scott Shelby

Scott moved to a foster family and from now on wanted to understand what parents were ready for for their sons. Being a private detective and at the same time "Origami Master", he dumped the burden of all sorts of suspicions.

Part 4: the final scene

It all depends on the choice of the player and the speed of his actions. In the game you can be 5 people at once. A person must correctly prioritize, and be sure to keep all the heroes to the end, otherwise a good ending will not work. There are 17 of them, among which Ethan either rescues Sean, or the boy dies. Either the killer will be found, or not. Police can catch a man after completing half the game! All of these Heavy Rain storyline options can be made by the gamer. From the best ending to the scary and incomprehensible.


The game Heavy Rain, the reviews of which are very positive, is an interactive movie in which you simultaneously decide the fate of the heroes and observe the development of the plot. In total, four characters can be distinguished, for which you will play, but the fifth is the Origami Master himself, and they will eventually be a private detective:

  • Ethan Mars. The main character, on which the whole plot is twisted. Ethan is an architect who falls into a coma after losing his son. A man suffers from amnesia and often faints. He loves Sean very much, so he is ready to pass all the tests of a maniac, even cut off a part of his little finger. In the end, Ethan begins to think that he himself is the "Origami Master" when he finds a figure in his hand.
  • Madison Page. In appearance, she is an ordinary journalist who makes reports with spicy photos for the newspaper. It turns out that the girl is a former war correspondent and her hobby is the investigation of the killings. She, having met Ethan by chance, begins to help the architect in finding a son. Madison very often sacrifices herself to save Sean, in some endings (when the character is saved), the girl becomes the wife of the protagonist.
Madison Page
  • Norman Jaden FBI agent. He alone did not believe that Ethan was the "Origami Master." Players left exactly about this character Heavy Rain reviews in the largest quantity. Norman is a rather strange hero, because he is very dependent on failures and is sometimes afraid of them. It has special URS glasses with which it can virtually search for evidence, watch tasks or files.
  • Scott Shelby A private detective who was hired by a family. He is a former policeman, good in martial arts, although due to excess weight he became clumsy. As a child, Scott's brother got into a hole (pipe) with water and could not get out. Scotty called his father for help, but he was drunk and did not want to listen. After the death of his brother, a matured boy with psychological trauma wanted to see how dear their children were to their fathers, and therefore became the "Origami Master." He cleverly leads police around eliminating evidence.

Passage of the game Heavy Rain in Russian

The game has a unique control system. It all depends on the level of button clicks or the number of clicks. The left side of the joystick is used primarily for turning cameras, and the right side is needed for combat scenes or any action events. Using the L2 button, the player can see and listen to the thoughts of the person he is playing for. Sometimes they are blurry or run around the screen very quickly, so it's hard to figure out the right solution. The future of the character depends on the choice.

heavy rain ps4 reviews

Many players for a long time could not cope with the management, so they left not the best reviews about Heavy Rain. During the fight, you can help your character with the correct keystroke combinations that occur in a chaotic manner. They are not too complicated, it is important to find the right time. In addition to pressing, controller shaking and tilting are possible. All controls can be studied during the game, on the scenes of the introduction to the plot.

What do they say about the product?

Very positive reviews about Heavy Rain on the PS3. On various gaming sites and magazines, she won first place in 2010. Even the creator was surprised at the highest ratings. CHIP magazine spoke of the product in such a way: "This game is really unique! It all depends on the choice of the viewer and, who knows, maybe this is a new branch in the game world."

heavy rain ps3 reviews

Cons and pros

From the positive, we can distinguish:

  • an exciting story that goes well with an intriguing atmosphere;
  • the end of the story depends on the player’s actions, so decisions need to be made quickly and concentrated;
  • interesting characters;
  • high-quality graphics with improved textures.


  • sometimes the animation freezes and becomes "wooden";
  • the game is not suitable for all users.

The developers themselves were amazed at the work done. In 2010, the product was bought more than 3 million times! Programming, which lasted 5 years, gave a breathtaking result, providing excellent profit to the creators. That is why reviews of Heavy Rain continue to replenish the world collection!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12797/

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