When can I show the newborn? Signs and tips

Having a baby is a great miracle. At this moment, parents are ready to share their happiness with the whole world. But it is important to understand correctly when you can show a newborn. After all, the baby is still completely defenseless. The first time after birth, he has enough warmth and parental care. In addition, there is an ancient belief that one should not show a baby to the first 40 days after birth. Is it worth listening?

Majority opinion

Information on when to show a newborn baby is quite popular. And basically the figure 40 appears in it. Why is it exactly ?! This opinion arose long ago, before the advent of the Christian faith. In the past, people protected their babies from outsiders like that. After all, childbirth was considered to be a very complex process, which consists in the transition of the soul from one world to another. According to these beliefs, the soul fully settles in the body of the child only after 40 days. And this process should not interfere.

when you can show the newborn to relatives

In the old days, and in modern society, it is customary to baptize babies no earlier than forty days after birth. And only at the time of the sacrament does the child receive a Guardian Angel, which will further protect and preserve it. It is believed that outsiders can jinx the baby. Therefore, relatives are not advised to see him before baptism. There is a belief that mommy should not be shown to people during this period either. Since her poor health as a result of any troubles or problems can negatively affect the baby.

According to the church

When can I show the newborn? Probably not one of the priests will tell the young mother about the ban on showing a child up to forty days. There is no information in the Christian faith about such a tradition. Although the origins of this superstition really belong to the church. As for a woman who has recently given birth, she is not allowed into the temple due to bleeding. By the way, even a church minister cannot conduct a service if he has wounds on his body. And all because there is no place for blood in the Temple of God.

Perhaps that is why the concept of a period of forty days arose. After all, mother cannot be absent from the church when her baby is baptized.

Is it possible to show a newborn baby

In the old days, people were very superstitious, therefore they baptized the baby right away, as soon as the mother had all the consequences of the postpartum period. People believed that the protection acquired by the baby during the sacrament would protect him from the evil eye and misfortune.

Number value

Religion agrees that up to 40 days of life, the baby does not have protection from negative forces. As mentioned earlier, the guardian angel appears in the baby only after baptism.

This superstition also applies to when you can show a photo of a newborn. Some priests are of the opinion that the baby should not be photographed in the postpartum period, not to mention showing his image.

A mysterious number carries a strong energy:

  1. 40 days lasted a global flood.
  2. 40 days is necessary for the soul to gain a foothold in the body of the baby.
  3. For 40 days, the soul of the newly deceased is next to the body.
  4. Great Lent also lasts 40 days.
  5. Moses drove his people through the desert for 40 years, and only after that did people find the Promised Land.
  6. In addition, Moses stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days, and then received the Tablets of the Covenant.

According to doctors

Doctors believe that contact with someone other than mom and dad is better to protect in the first months. For a baby who has just come to this world, everything is new. After the motherโ€™s womb, he meets with the outside world. Acquainted with air, people, objects, as well as microbes. In order for addiction to occur comfortably, you need to limit the circle of people who will be next to the baby. After all, the more people around him, the higher the risk of encountering viruses.

Is it possible to show a newborn

Therefore, it is believed that infants up to 40 days can be shown only to close relatives. To meet with the rest, it is better to adhere to an ancient belief about a period of forty days.

When can a newborn be shown to relatives

After giving birth, mothers need time to recover. And the child needs adaptation to new living conditions. He only gets used to the sounds. His immunity should be strengthened so as not to collide with possible viruses and bacteria at such a young age.

when can I show a photo of a newborn

In the first weeks after birth, the baby gets used to the voices of mom and dad. He already remembered their smell. Since the nervous system of the crumbs is still being formed, he has enough emotions that he receives from his parents. Therefore, do not overload him with new acquaintances, even if they are the closest relatives. If you are of the opposite opinion, then try to approach competently to the reception of guests.

On average, after one or two months, the mother is ready to take close relatives into the house.

How to prepare for the bride. Tips & Tricks

When Mom positively decided for herself the question of whether it is possible to show a newborn baby, preparation for the bride should begin.

when can a newborn sign be shown

In order for the meeting with loved ones to be wonderful, and the baby not to experience stressful emotions, the process of preparing the event should be treated with maximum responsibility:

  1. Choose the time of visit, focusing on the crumbs mode. Do not let anyone arrive when the baby is sleeping. Unfamiliar voices can scare a baby awake.
  2. As for when you can show the newborn to friends, you have to decide for yourself. But at the first gatherings it is advised to invite only the closest relatives.
  3. Before the event, ask about the health status of each of the prospective guests. The immunity of the crumbs is still quite weak, and therefore susceptible to viruses and infections.
  4. You can decorate the apartment. Eliminate latex balloons. They can burst and scare the baby. Give preference to foil balls.
  5. Get a beautiful outfit for your child. He is the hero of the triumph, so he should look perfect. If you donโ€™t have time to go shopping, use the kit that you put on when you were discharged from the hospital.
  6. Do not take over the preparation for the festive table. Better discuss the menu with a cafe or restaurant. They will bring ready meals at the appointed time. And you just warm up. Do not neglect this rule. Baby needs a happy mom, not tired and displeased. At least the first few months of life protect yourself from home routine.
  7. Do not let the guests look at the baby one by one. Better wait until everyone comes. And then show the baby.

When something went wrong

And so, you have solved the problem of when you can show the newborn. All loved ones gathered at the bride. It is very important during the whole event to monitor the well-being and reaction of the baby. If the baby is naughty, it is necessary to take measures and slowly take the visitors away. The same applies to situations where relatives are delayed, carried away by stories about their lives, or discuss their emotions from a meeting.

when can a newborn baby be shown

As soon as the guests go home, pay maximum attention to your baby. Prepare a soothing bath for him, let him relax. Due to the sheer amount of emotions the baby may find it difficult to sleep. Do not worry if he will act up a little longer than usual. Rock him on the handles and try to calm him down. A day or two will pass and everything will return to its former course again.

The benefits of superstition

Despite the fact that parents decide on their own when to show the newborn, there are still important points that should not be missed in the ancient belief.

Remember that only the mother herself must decide how to care for her baby. And at the moment she does not need advice on what and how to do. Unless she herself asks for something to suggest.

Constant interference in the process of raising and caring for a child can seriously shake the psycho-emotional state of a mother. And a woman who has recently given birth should not experience stress and negative emotions.

What should be abandoned in the first months of a babyโ€™s life:

  1. We must not allow the presence of noisy companies in the house.
  2. Do not allow children to visit your baby. Most kindergarten kids get sick regularly. So, they are potentially dangerous for your crumbs.
    when you can show the newborn to friends
  3. Do not allow close relatives to hand the baby over.
  4. Learn to refuse in any attempt to impose guests. Do not be afraid to offend anyone. They themselves must understand that receiving guests for a young mother is a serious burden, both emotional and physical. After all, her main task for this period is to care for the baby, and not the organization of leisure and tea parties for guests.
  5. Do not allow quarrels and conversations on elevated tones at the kid.
  6. Avoid long phone conversations.
  7. Do not trust in the early stages the life of your child nanny.

Can I show a photo of a newborn

Most mummies believe that there is nothing to worry about showing a photograph of a baby. But popular superstitions set a ban here too. According to legend, a photo conveys the image of a child, respectively, can transfer negative energy.

why you can not show the baby up to 40 days

Therefore, it is recommended to protect the baby for the first 3 months. Since they are considered to be the fourth trimester.

There is a belief that the child during this period has weak energy protection. And he needs precisely these three months for stabilization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12799/

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