Comparison of Xbox One and Xbox One S with PS4

Comparison of Xbox One and Xbox One S, as well as their competitor from Sony, will be interesting for many fans of the current generation consoles. Between them there is a big difference in a variety of parameters that are important to consider when choosing. The article touches on the main aspects that affect the comfort of using consoles

The difference between the models from Microsoft

Comparison of Xbox One and Xbox One S can be done even with a cursory glance, because between them the difference is minimal.

The most significant change is the increase in the graphics microprocessor by 0.1 teraflops (TFLOPS). In this model, the indicator is 1.4 TFLOPS.

It is also worth noting that in a later version of the console, the frequency is slightly overclocked, which slightly improves performance.

The third and final difference between the versions of the series of consoles is the size. Against 34.3 in length, 26.3 in width, and 8 cm in thickness, the S model has 29.5, 23, and 6.5, respectively. Weight 3.54 kg remained the same, despite the modernization in the direction of compactness.

xbox one vs xbox one s comparison

Comparison of iron with a competitor from Sony

If you compare the Xbox One and Xbox One S with the PS4, then the difference in the internal hardware will be visible even to the naked eye. The use of the slower standard for internal memory GDDR3 in Microsoft consoles does not play in his favor. At the same time, the PS4 is equipped with a newer DDR5 model, faster in data processing. Even the availability of 32 megabytes ESRAM does not save the situation on the Xbox - the speed in working with information is behind the Japanese competitor.

Another obvious advantage of the Sony prefix is โ€‹โ€‹the distribution of RAM. All the consoles mentioned above are equipped with 8 gigabytes, but on PS4 only one of them goes to support the operating system. With Xbox in two versions, it takes three times more. There are only 5 gigabytes left for games, which is not so much, given the requirements of current projects. Comparing the Xbox One and Xbox One S with the PS4 in this regard is completely winning in favor of the Japanese. And although Microsoft corrected their mistake, an unpleasant aftertaste remained, and Sony was still in the lead. It can only be saved by the fact that specific projects for a particular platform can be optimized in different ways.

ps4 slim vs xbox one s comparison

Graphics and Performance Comparison

In comparing the PS4 and Xbox One S graphics (newer model), the Japanese developers again take the lead. Each project launched on their console necessarily holds the bar at 1080p, while competitors have some entertainment available only at 900r. Naturally, the graphics in such games will be better with the brainchild of Sonya.

If we take even cross-platform work, then when launched on PS4, the picture shows an average of 5 frames higher. There are times when in the game the Japanese consoles surely show 60 FPS on the screen, while for the unknown reason the Americans have only 25 FPS. The introduction of DirectX 12 to improve performance and proper distribution of hardware did not change the situation. It is worth saying that such gaps in performance are extremely rare, but they are. Therefore, the Japanese gaming platform is again breaking out into the lead, even in graphic terms.

xbox one s vs ps4 pro comparison


Comparison of PS4 Slim and Xbox One S is most correctly carried out according to the appearance parameter. Both models are improved consoles of a new generation - modernization has concerned compactness. The dimensions of the Microsoft prefix were given above, but even with a decrease in size, the manufacturers could not reach the PS4 level of 2013. It is several millimeters smaller in all respects, and the Slim version gives the form twice. That is how much the prefix is โ€‹โ€‹less for the Xbox One S, which for ergonomics lovers will be of great importance. In addition, the Americans were unable to come up with anything else but to make a prefix in the form of a larger black box. At the same time, the power supply is not built in, and therefore stands on the side in the form of a smaller container. This decision was justified by the fact that the system would not overheat, but Sony did not have similar problems without it. Design preferences are a purely personal matter for each user, but numerous reviews speak in favor of a more convenient PS4.

xbox one s and playstation 4 comparison


Comparison of the Xbox One S and Playstation 4 is also necessary in terms of the degree of comfort of use for which the controllers are responsible. Here, the opinions of fans were divided, although no one argued that Microsoft had perfect gamepads before. At the root, they did not begin to redo their structure, they added some changes and adjusted them to a new console. Among the main changes, it is necessary to note the vibration on the triggers, the change in the cross button, the movement of the menu key and other minor changes.

Sonyโ€™s Dualshock 4 was finalized with a touch screen and built-in speaker. This is for a deeper immersion in the game, but it can scare impressionable players.

The main drawback at the start was charging, which lasted for a maximum of six or eight hours. At first, the light indicator of connection with the Playstation camera to change the lighting was constantly on, but with the update, a brightness adjustment function appeared on it. When comparing controllers with maximum reliability and convenience, Microsoft wins.

ps4 vs xbox one s graphics comparison

Additional features

Comparison of the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro for any of the parameters is inappropriate, because this version is an updated prefix from Sony, which was released in 2017. Even with the special features of the Xbox, youโ€™ll be far behind. If you take the standard Playstation 4, then you can draw some analogues. For example, at first, in the memory of the set-top box from Japanese manufacturers, there were 15 minutes of actions in the game, while the Americans only had 10, but the updates fixed it. The feature is incredibly useful for people who shoot video games. On PS4, you can use the Vita portable console as a joystick with a screen, while the Xbox has full support for Kinect technology. The developers tried to interest the gaming community with updates, but Sony Corporation did a little better.


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