Dachshund Care: Features of keeping and feeding a pet

Dachshunds are popular all over the world. Despite its height and short legs, this dog is muscular and mobile. She has a strong elongated body. She is naughty, funny and inventive. Thoughtful, courageous, at the same time touchy and proud - she is such a dachshund, the content of which is simple, but includes some key features.

Dachshunds are smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. A smooth-haired dog has a smooth, shiny, short, snug coat. Caring for a dachshund includes special care for its hair. It needs to be scratched with a special brush. If the coat is short, it will be enough to wipe it with a terry towel or a piece of velvet.

The paws of a dog returning from a walk should be wiped with a damp cloth, and if it is not afraid of water, wash with warm water under a shower. If the dog is very dirty during a walk, it must be washed all using shampoo. Shampoo should be special, branded, intended only for dogs of this breed. In general, it is advisable not to get used to the use of such funds. For a puppy aged 4-5 months, swimming is generally contraindicated.

Caring for a dachshund can sometimes be a bit complicated. However, the key to the dog’s health and the owner’s peace of mind is proper care of the dachshund, including timely walking. Although its coat is short, parasites such as fleas or ticks can start in it. To combat them, there are special preparations in the form of soap, powder, spray, drops. You can buy a special collar. Before using the drug, you need to read the instructions, in addition to the one you were given at the veterinary pharmacy. The use of any medicine is designed for the age of the dog, its weight, type of coat and drug tolerance (the absence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug), the diseases suffered by the dog, the degree of infection with insects. Take this seriously so that your pet does not suffer treatment.

The dachshund owner must also pay attention to the claws of the pet. A dog needs to be trained to cut its claws from an early age. To do this, you need to purchase special claws. The claws of the puppy need to be trimmed very carefully so as not to touch or damage the areas saturated with blood vessels. When you get to your veterinarian for the first time, you will have the opportunity to see how to do it correctly and painlessly.
An adult dog does not need to cut its claws; as needed, it itself grinds its “manicure” on asphalt.

The eyes of the dog also need care, they will not have problems if they are wiped with cotton wool moistened with weak tea with them in the mornings and as needed. The mucus formed in the corners of the eyes after night must also be removed. If suddenly the mucous discharge from the dog’s eyes has become more abundant than always - without hesitation, take the dog to the doctor. An experienced specialist will prompt and help cure your dachshund.

The ears of a dachshund, like the eyes, should be examined and, if necessary, cleaned from the accumulation of sulfur with a fleece wound around a match. In the pet store you need to purchase special drops intended for soft cleaning the dog’s ears.

The tooth problem does not concern small puppies, but the older the dog becomes, the more carefully you need to treat your teeth. Adult animals suffer from tartar, due to which in the future there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. If the stones are not removed on time, this can create many serious problems. Caring for a dachshund includes a solution to this problem. To prevent this, you need to visit the veterinarian on time, buy a special bone that the dog can grind his teeth about, use a special healing paste.

"How to care for dachshunds?" - the question is simple. The dachshund does not require special maintenance. Like all dogs, he loves to walk and also practice regularly. As the puppy grows, special attention is paid to strengthening and developing back muscles. To do this, you need to walk with him often, if possible - to swim.

In no case should you overfeed the dog, this can lead to obesity, the load on the spine increases, and injury is possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12824/

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