The most beautiful places in Sochi: description, attractions, interesting facts and reviews

Probably everyone wants to visit the resort capital of Russia. People come here to relax and enjoy the local beauty. The city of Sochi, whose sights are legendary, invites everyone to visit the popular Black Sea coast. The rapidly developing cultural and commercial center over the past few years includes not only the historical city, but also neighboring settlements.

Big Sochi annually attracts a huge number of tourists, because after the Olympics held in 2014, he and his surroundings have changed beyond recognition.

Emerald Valley Ashe

The beautiful places of Sochi will make many forget about the traditional beach holiday and will delight you with its unusualness. Speaking of picturesque landscapes, one cannot but mention the amazing Ashe river valley located in the national park of the city. During a fascinating tour, you can admire the magnificent Shepsug and Psydah waterfalls, explore the ancient megaliths and visit the famous cave, in which, according to ancient legends, witches were walled up.

The beauty of the Emerald Valley makes the heart beat in delight before what it sees. Evergreen thickets along the banks of a mountain river, the blue surface of the sky reflecting in its smooth surface, flowing streams of cascades awakening imagination, a stone canyon dotted with cracks are admired by the power of mother nature, who created a miraculous miracle. From the observation deck offers magnificent views that attract the attention of tourists.

the most beautiful places in Sochi and its environs

Huko Lake

If you want to look at the most beautiful places in Sochi and its environs, you can go to the little-known Lake Huko, which will shock with its mystery. Indigenous people consider the sacred reservoir to be part of the oldest sea in the world. The lake located near the resort capital is of genuine interest for its lifelessness. Not a single stream flows from an uninhabited reservoir in which there is no living creature. Tourists admit that the unreal silence and the special atmosphere of pacification give a natural object located high in the mountains an aura of mystery.

beautiful places in sochi to relax

There is still a belief that potable water in the lake of the Caucasian Reserve has magical properties. Even on the hottest day on the surface of Huko, resembling a dolphin in its outlines, transparent ice floats float.

Volkonskoe gorge

Speaking about the beautiful places of the city of Sochi, one cannot fail to mention the Volkonskoye Gorge with a natural source of mineral water and a grotto formed by stone blocks blocking the passage. It is not for nothing that this natural corner is called an open-air museum: here is an archaeological monument, created even before our era.

The mysterious stone dolmen, the purpose of which is unknown to this day, is the same age as the pyramids of Egypt. The artifact is of genuine interest among specialists and tourists who are not indifferent to history. They note that in a mystical and picturesque place located in the city national park, they are embraced by incredible feelings.

Tea houses

Continuing to inspect the most beautiful places in Sochi, it is worthwhile to tell in detail about unusual tea houses in the village of Uch-Dere. It is not in vain that the architectural ensemble is called the most Russian landmark: all guests will enjoy a traditional tea party with a steaming old samovar, hot cakes and delicate pancakes, fragrant honey and delicious jam.

Interestingly, carved wooden towers from Russian fairy tales, which I want to admire, were erected without a single nail.

the most beautiful places in sochi

A wonderful atmosphere is celebrated by everyone who has visited the village. Many tourists even forget about their plans and remain in a bewitching silence an unforgettable place, considering that they have already found ideal and incredibly beautiful places in Sochi for relaxation. On a spacious veranda, which offers an amazing view of the sea, visitors try different varieties of tea, and they purchase the most liked from the owners who teach the wisdom of brewing an old drink.

Central Park Resort

Guests of the city, setting off to enjoy the magnificent scenery, should consider their route so as not to miss anything and have time to explore all the beautiful places of Sochi. These include the popular Riviera Park - the favorite place of urban residents and tourists. Here everyone can admire rare species of trees and flowers, walk along a plane tree alley and feel the wonderful smell of delicate roses, the smell of which is spread everywhere.

Adults and children will enjoy the variety of attractions, and romantically inclined young people will appreciate the natural beauty of shady alleys.

Ice Palace

Continuing the story about the most beautiful places in Sochi, it is worth recalling the past Olympic Games and the structures erected for this large-scale event. It’s not for nothing that the Bolshoi ice palace is considered to be unique, because the image of a frozen drop was taken as the main architectural idea. All visitors to the city are surprised by the changing color of the glass on the dome: rich silver during the day, it becomes transparent after sunset.

beautiful places of Sochi

This kind of experiment was first conducted on the territory of Russia, such projects are not observed in the world. At first glance, the original building, located in the Olympic Park, surprises with its unusualness.

Beautiful places of Sochi: "Singing Fountains"

Tourists coming to the resort celebrate a huge number of fountains, and it is not possible to count all the architectural structures. On Platanova Alley, near Kurortny Prospekt, is one of the main city attractions, known far beyond the borders of Russia. This musical and light show attracts thousands of spectators, admiringly looking at the jets of water "dancing" to various melodies.

Guests of the city note that the fountains working in the summer period do not repeat color schemes and movements in one evening. Light illumination, shimmering in many shades to the beat of the music, and water jets developing in original patterns lead to real delight.

beautiful places sochi

Of course, it is impossible to consider all the beautiful places in Sochi in one article. We tried to conduct a short excursion around the southern edge, distinguished by the cordiality of the locals. Tourists who prefer the Black Sea resorts will enjoy a wonderful mood and unforgettable impressions, and memorable photos of summer vacations will warm you on cold evenings.


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