Plum Bogatyrskaya: variety description, planting and plant care

Almost all love plums. And no wonder, because these are juicy, tasty and large fruits.

Plum is an unpretentious tree that can be easily planted in its suburban area. The first fruit harvest will be a pleasant addition to the diet. It is known that plums are not only a delicious treat, dessert, but also a healthy snack.

They not only have exceptional taste, but also represent a storehouse of many useful trace elements and vitamins. They make pies, compotes, desserts, jams.

heroic plum

There are a large number of varieties of this plant. Now let's talk about the popular plum variety Bogatyrskaya.


Many people who want to buy a plant in their summer cottage are interested in the description of the variety. Plum Bogatyrskaya before fruiting is characterized by active growth. Subsequently, the growth of the plant slows down, it becomes mid-growth.

The crown of the tree is broad, medium in configuration. The bark has a gray color around the central branches and the stem, it seems that it is peeling. Branches grow at an acute angle with respect to the trunk.

The branches of the tree are curved, white. Gray shoots are characterized by a large number of lentils. The processes of branches are strong, have an average thickness and length. The buds are brown in color, located on the processes at an angle of 45 0 . They are conical in shape and small in size.

plum for Moscow region the best grade

The color of the leaves above and below is different. Top they have a dark green hue, bottom - a little lighter. The shape of the leaves is obovate. The edge is crustacean, the base of the leaf is sharp.

Bogatyrskaya plum fruit is of medium size. The mass of one reaches 40 grams. The fruits of the plum are Bogatyrskaya blue, more precisely, a dark purple hue, an elongated oval shape. The surface is covered with a wax coating. The shape of the abdominal suture is clearly visible.

The plum flesh is greenish yellow. It is juicy, tender, has a sweet and sour taste. The size of the bone is non-standard, has an oval shape. The total mass of the bone is about 8% of the weight of the fetus.

Fruit juice is almost tasteless.

Variety Characteristics

Plum homemade Bogatyrskaya is characterized by high and constant productivity. The increase in yield depends on the growth of the tree. For example, a 6-year-old tree can produce about 60 kg of sweet, juicy fruit.

The yield of an adult tree reaches 80 kg. Fruits form late, ripen in the second half of August.

The fruits are resistant to the first frost.

The bone can be detached from the pulp with little effort. The advantage and disadvantage of this variety is the high yield. Indeed, due to the high weight of the fruit, the branches of the tree often break.

Transporting fruits is easy enough. They can be used both fresh and for processing.

homemade plum

Variety Bogatyrskaya - self-fertile. Therefore, it is often used in regions with adverse climatic conditions. For the suburbs this is the best grade of plum.

Landing. Care

Variety Bogatyrskaya does not have any features. Planting conditions and plant care are the same as for other plum varieties. It should only be pruned annually.

Seedlings need to be planted only in the spring. They should not be recessed when landing. The root neck should be 5 cm above the ground.

Pruning of branches can be done immediately before planting. Remember that the roots can not be trimmed in any case. The more roots, the faster and better the plant will take root.

Organic fertilizers (humus or humus), superphosphate and potassium sulfate should be added to the planting pit.

Due to the fact that the Bogatyrskaya plum variety is self-fertile, there is no need to plant other pollinating varieties next to it. But if you still plant them close, then the yield of the tree can be significantly increased.

plum bogatyr variety description

It should also be noted that you can increase the life of the plant using rootstocks. The average life of the plum is 15-30 years.

Prune pruning

Proper pruning of a tree guarantees not only an increase in yield and taste of fruits, but also allows you to rid the plant of various diseases.

When planting a young seedling, it is necessary to prune the plant by 1/3. Thus, the crown laying will be formed much faster. If annual growth is reduced, it is necessary to prune the branches to older wood.

Pruning should be done regularly in early spring before buds open. Branches that go down to the earth itself or repent of it must be removed. Of the young shoots, only upright and strong shoots should be left.

Remember! You can trim no more than ¼ of the total mass of the branches. Otherwise, for a tree this will be a big shock.

Pests and diseases

The Bogatyrskaya plum variety is resistant to many pests and diseases. But it should be remembered that this plant can get sick. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the tree for infection.

blue plum

Due to its stability, this is also the best plum variety for the Moscow Region.


Plum variety Bogatyrskaya is an excellent choice for growing in suburban areas. It is frost-resistant, so it can be planted almost throughout the territory of our country. The fruits are juicy, large, have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Harvest can be easily transported.

The plant is unpretentious, because it is the best variety of plums for the suburbs. For a summer cottage - just the perfect option, because the plant does not require special care.

The variety is resistant to many diseases, so caring for it is simple and does not require huge efforts. By planting 2-3 trees in your own area, you can get a big crop for the whole family.


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