The first month of a newborn’s life: development, care, necessary things

So, mom and baby are already at home. Left behind the doctors, nurses and the hospital. What now to do with this little newborn lump? And then, it can be said, the baptism of fire of new parents.

The first need for sleep and walking

Even before delivery, you need to buy everything you need that may be needed for the first time. Of course, the list starts with furniture and ends with smaller things.

The first need for sleep and walking:

  1. Rocking crib. For moms, this option is the most convenient. After all, it’s easier to calm the baby.
  2. Baby bedding. It should be of good quality, not too bright and pleasing to the eye. It is desirable that pale green and light green shades are present.
  3. Changing table or chest of drawers. He is needed so that it is convenient not only to dress the child, but also to arrange oils, creams, diapers so that mom can easily and quickly reach the right thing.
  4. Stroller with rain cover. Where without it, because with a child you need to go for a walk twice a day.
changing table with a crib for a newborn

Of course, in winter you can do without a stroller, since the baby can not be taken outside in the cold season. His body has not yet adapted, and therefore walks on the balcony will suffice.

What you need from bathroom accessories

Do not forget that the child needs not only to sleep, but also to swim. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the necessary things in advance.

So, bathroom accessories:

  1. Bath.
  2. Collar for swimming. Thanks to him, you don’t have to worry that the child will choke.
  3. Shampoo for bathing. It is sold in pharmacies and is intended for babies from 0 to 3 years. In special shampoos for the newborn there are no dyes and other harmful substances.
  4. The washcloth is soft. It is very convenient, since it is easy to apply shampoo to the body with its help.
  5. Ladle. It is convenient for them to rinse the child.

Various trifles for swimming are necessary from the first day. After all, hygiene is very important for a newborn. Proper care will prevent diaper rash and rash.

Food accessories and everything related to it

In the first month of the baby it is necessary to feed at least 6 times a day, so you should take care of the accessories associated with food in advance. The more tools and utensils you have, the easier it is to cope with new responsibilities.

What is needed for feeding?

  1. Bottles. It is advisable to buy immediately 2-3 pcs. One is for water, the second is for tea, and the third is for the mixture.
  2. Sterilizer. Of course, mothers will say that you can boil baby dishes in plain water. It is possible, but there are cons. Over time, a plaque remains in the bottles, which does not wash. It is better to buy a new container.
  3. Heater. It is rarely used by anyone, but in vain. A very convenient thing.
  4. Brushes for washing bottles and nipples. They can wash even inaccessible places.
  5. Nipples Do not take much, as you do not yet know whether the child will need them. Many babies have a poor perception of silicone.
Feeding a month old baby

As already mentioned, you can do without a sterilizer and heater, but again, to make it easier for mom, it is advisable to always have them at hand.

The necessary list of things in the first month of a newborn’s life

Do not discount the clothes that are needed in the first month. After all, they no longer swaddle, as before. Now, even a newborn baby in the first month of life can buy the same clothes as for older children.

Newborns quickly freeze, so even in the summer you can’t do only with a T-shirt and thin sliders.

So, the necessary clothes for a child up to one month:

  1. Shoes for the season. It can be soft boots or just light but warm boots.
  2. Outerwear. If there are no shoes, you can buy a jumpsuit that will cover the legs.
  3. Baby's undershirts and bodysuits. Since now is the time of diapers, some parents do not buy many things. However, a child can walk at home without diapers, and in the same sliders and vests. Therefore, such things should be as many as possible. Suits from a blouse and trousers will not interfere.
  4. Hats. One is worn after bathing, that is, it should be very thin, and two denser.
  5. Scratches In children, the nails are sharp and grow very quickly. So that they do not injure themselves, at least one pair of scratches is needed.
  6. Bibs. They are very necessary at this age. The kid often spits up, he has to completely change his clothes, which causes a lot of trouble to him and his mother.
  7. Caps - 2-3 pcs.
  8. Jackets - 3-4 pcs.
Clothes for newborn

Important! All things must be washed and ironed beforehand. Only then dress the baby. You need to iron things every time until the umbilical wound heals in the child, since it is easy to introduce an infection.

Necessary first-aid kit for a newborn

It is not difficult to assemble a first-aid kit, but you need to remember a few nuances. Not all children quickly adapt to the world around them, and so you can expect anything.

The first-aid kit for infants should include the most necessary, and this:

  1. Zelenka. Lubricate the navel first two weeks.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Handle the belly button.
  3. Herbs for the bath.
  4. Oil for newborns.
  5. Wet wipes.
  6. The cure for bloating.
  7. Cotton buds.
  8. Electronic thermometer.
  9. Remedies for colds and fever.

Of course, the above is provided for informational purposes only. To collect everything you need, you should consult with your local pediatrician. He knows exactly what should be in the medicine chest baby.

newborn baby care

That's all that is needed in the first month of a newborn’s life. His development and care will be excellent, as his parents took care of everything on time. This is the most important thing, and everything else can be purchased as needed.

Care Procedures

Parents have prepared all the necessary things for the baby, and now you need to learn how to properly care for him. After all, the skin is very delicate and sensitive. To begin with, remember that daily morning routines are necessary.

care for a monthly newborn baby

The child will be protected from various inflammatory and infectious diseases. Every morning you need to wash the little one. Wet wipes do not need to be used, since even an adult is not very comfortable from touching cold and wet. The baby feels the same way.

In the morning you need to clean your ears and nose - a lot of mucus and crust accumulates during the night, which is why breathing and hearing are disturbed. Pampers should be changed at least once every 3-4 hours.

Of course, a lot depends on the amount eaten and drunk. Still, try to keep the baby without diapers at home - he is so comfortable.


This is one of the important procedures that must be performed no earlier than 20:00 and no later than 21:00. Firstly, the child falls asleep better. Secondly, there is a soft hardening of the body, which is very important for its future. Be sure to add the necessary herbs, since with their help the baby passes a rash and diaper rash.

Be sure to wash the baby after each emptying. In the first month of life of a newborn boy, it is necessary to pay attention to his genitals. As a rule, the head is tightly closed and no bacteria can enter it. Mom should never open it on her own. It is necessary to wash all the organs thoroughly, but very carefully so as not to harm the baby.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to properly care for the newborn in the first month of life. The care of the girl needs special, since her labia very poorly covers the vagina, and therefore there is a high probability of infection. Mom needs to try to wash the girl after each urination.

The mode of the newborn in the first month of life

As a rule, newborns set a suitable schedule for themselves. At the age of 1 month they only do what they eat and sleep.

Newborn mode

During breaks, they are awake quite a bit. Newborn children still do not know how to live according to a certain regime. If they do not want to sleep, no one will force them. However, some mothers try to accustom to the schedule and feed clearly on time every three hours. If the child wants to eat ahead of time, give tea or water. However, medicine claims the opposite: you can’t starve a child just because it’s convenient for mom to live on schedule.

The regimen of the day of the newborn in the first month of life is as follows:

  • sleep at least four times a day;
  • food at least 6 times a day;
  • walk 2 times a day, in summer you can more often.

If, nevertheless, the daily routine is very important for you, then adhere to these rules:

  • wake up with the baby at the same time;
  • Every day, keep to the same schedule that you made for yourself;
  • feed every day at the same time.

Do not be nervous at the moments of adaptation, as the child feels and will act up on you. You will see a couple of weeks of daily training - and you and the baby will live exclusively according to the schedule you set.

Massage and gymnastics

Since the child sleeps almost all the time, it is necessary to alternate massage and gymnastics in the moments of his wakefulness. In the first case, a light stroking on the back, tummy, feet, palm, head is enough.

As for gymnastics, not all babies like this procedure, but it needs to be done every day, preferably after sleep. You need to take turns, and then simultaneously bend the legs, arms, then turn your head left and right. You can bend the legs very carefully at the knees and slightly push them apart. Thanks to this gymnastics, the child will be plastic in the future, and he will easily be given such circles as dancing or acrobatics.

Physical development

Immediately after birth, the baby loses a little weight, which often scares parents. This is normal. Just a few days in a child, weight decreases, and then begins to increase rapidly. As a rule, most children in the first month gain from 1 kg.

The newborn still does not know how to hold his head, roll over from the abdomen to the back and back, but he is good at grasping. Will hold tight all that touched his palm. It could be someone's hand or a little rattle. The newborn also turns his head when he hears someone's voice or is looking for food. When he wants to eat, he slightly opens and pulls out his mouth with a straw. This is called the search reflex.

There is also a swimming reflex. If you put the child in the bathroom on his tummy, he will surely move his arms and legs. After all, he had this reflex developed in the womb.

Mental development

Some mothers can not stand the constantly crying baby, they are nervous, they can even shout at him, which makes the baby more vulnerable. Such children grow up closed and whining. They don’t even understand that they have become like this since infancy.

In order for the baby to grow up cheerful, you need to sing funny songs from the first days of his life at the time of his wakefulness. Even a very tiny child will be in a good mood. With motion sickness, calm music is ideal. With such an upbringing, you will not even notice how the baby will become a cheerful, energetic, cheerful lively man who will bring joy to his parents.

What should a child be able to do in 1 month

In newborns almost every day there are more and more new achievements. If on the first day they did not know anything, then by the end of the first month they know a lot of interesting things. At this age, the baby already knows:

  • in the supine position, raise your head for a few seconds;
  • watch the toy or the movement of adults;
  • recognize mom's voice and her touch;
  • study the new face carefully;
  • make sounds like "ay", "ya", "aha."
  • try to smile back.

A small child feels the emotions of others on an intuitive level and is trying to portray something himself. In order not to discourage, you need to talk to him kindly and smile more often. You will see, he will certainly reciprocate, but a little later.


Development and care from the first month of life of a newborn is very important. Buy him musical toys, turn on the sounds of nature to develop the baby’s hearing. Suitable colorful pictures, books. From a month old, show them for at least a few seconds. Any movement on your part will develop crumbs every day more and more. In the first month of life, newborn girls and boys are not very different, but still there is a difference. Try to pay attention while bathing to some of the features that have been described above.

Strive to pay more attention to the little man. After all, the baby is so helpless, defenseless and constantly wants love, care, understanding. In addition, he feels good and bad mood in the family and behaves accordingly.

Newborn care and development

If parents are scandalous, very upset, sleeps poorly and is nervous. When the family is in a good mood, he behaves calmly, smiles. Protect your baby and love him.


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