The renewed Batashevsky Garden (Tula) invites you to take a walk after beautification!

Many geographical names in the Tula region are somehow connected with the names of prominent local residents. A vivid example of this is the Batashevsky Garden. Tula is a city with a developed industry, once there lived two whole families of Batashevs manufacturers. Who and when laid the garden, which today turned into a unique city park?

Pages of history

Batashevsky Garden of Tula
The most famous in Tula is the Batashev family, engaged in the production of samovars. In fact, the “samovars” had no less outstanding namesakes who built a molotovaya water-producing and blast-furnace plants. The land near the Tulitsa River became the property of Ivan Timofeevich Batashev in 1709. It is about the place where the Batashevsky Garden is located today. Tula in those days was much smaller than today. And this area was considered a remote suburb. Initially, the site was used for production needs, but very soon a manor was built here.

In the 1830s, the Batashevs became impoverished and sold most of their own property, including the Batashevsky Garden. Tula gradually grew, and the green recreation area, located near the official border of the city, began to attract the attention of local residents. However, the chic park area did not have a master and gradually came to desolation. The situation changed in 1924, when the Batashevsky Garden was renamed the Demyan Bedny Park and carried out landscaping. For about 50 years, the recreation area flourished and enjoyed popularity among the Tula. In 1978, it was once again renamed the Park of Culture and Leisure of the Proletarsky District. The period of decline began closer to the 1990s. The recreation area was again left without regular care. By 2010, the park resembled a wild and not the cleanest forest.

The return of natural man-made sights to the city

Batashevsky garden of Tula where is located
This is hard to believe, but in the city by the beginning of the 21st century there were several heavily abandoned park areas, including quite large ones. Among them is the Batashevsky Garden (Tula). Where the park with this name is located, many indigenous inhabitants of the city did not know. Such a situation is unacceptable for a region with developed industry and not the most favorable environmental conditions. In 2014, work began on landscaping the Batashevsky Garden.

During the work, a new bridge was erected over Tulitsa, asphalt paths were laid, lanterns, benches and ballot boxes were installed. Attention was also paid to vegetation: old trees were sawn off, garbage was removed and bushes were thinned. The government of the Tula region assures that all this is only the beginning. The improvement of the recreation area will continue, and today it was returned to its historical name - Batashevsky Garden. Tula has found a new recreation area in which locals are already walking today.

Unique ecosystem

Batashevsky garden of Tula how to get
While Tula officials promise to supplement the park with attractions, food outlets and other entertainment, local local historians are sounding the alarm. It is important to understand that this is not just about a green area, but about a unique ecological complex. Rare plants grow here, many wild animals have chosen the Batashevsky Garden (Tula) for permanent residence. Where is the recreation area, today many residents of the city already know, and the park is becoming noisier. But the Batashevsky garden has a unique landscape, in addition, there is a river with a calm flow. Hedgehogs, squirrels, beavers and even marsh turtles listed in the Red Book inhabit this area. More than 200 species of plants grow in the green zone, many rare birds nest. Tula local historians urge not to turn a unique park into a noisy entertainment place. Leaving the protected area and keeping it for posterity is the best solution.

"The second Tsaritsyno"?

Batashevsky Garden Tula Address
A significant part of the improvement of the recreation area has already been completed. The organizers of the project voiced the idea of ​​turning the Tula Batashi into the Second Tsaritsyno. It is about preserving the unique natural landscape and complementing it with decorative elements. This idea is approved by the Tula. Many residents of the city say that they would like to see the park continue to be quiet and calm. Today we can only hope that the Batashevsky Garden will develop as a natural, and not an entertaining, recreation area.

Batashevsky Garden (Tula): how to get to the recreation area?

The park is located on the border of Zarechensky and Proletarsky districts of the regional center. Officially, the Batashevsky Garden (Tula) address has the following: Tokarev Street. There is no exact numbering, since the recreation area has been desolate for too long, and there are no buildings on its territory. But believe me, being on the right street, you can easily find the park you are interested in. Get to the street. Tokarev can be used on city buses Nos. 1, 11, 36, shuttles Nos. 32, 51, 66, 123 and trolleybuses Nos. 4 and 6. From the stop, you will need to go down Tokarev Street.

Reviews of residents and visitors

Batashevsky garden Tula events
The renewed Batashevsky Garden today is again gaining popularity among the Tula. The recreation area has already become a favorite among cyclists and roller skaters. New tracks and good lighting allow you to ride almost around the clock. Thanks to its large territory, Batashevsky Garden (Tula) is ideally suited for mass celebrations and festivities. Events here are held from time to time today. In the summer of 2016, the Theater Yard festival was held on the territory of the renewed park. Holidays of the Zarechensky district and festivities on the days of all-Russian holidays are regularly organized in the Batashevsky Garden.


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