Useful tips. When does a child have teeth teething?

There are many stages in the life of a small person, some of which are not pleasant. These, of course, include the period when the first teeth begin to be cut in infants. This condition upsets not only children, but also parents. Not everyone can withstand the constant crying of a beloved child. On average, the first teeth begin to appear closer to six months.

When a childā€™s teeth are being cut, mothers and fathers need to gather their will into a fist and help the baby. The first signs of this event are fever, a rash on the skin, a change in sleep patterns, increased salivation, loose stools and a change in behavior, the baby is often naughty and whimpering for no reason.

when a childā€™s teeth are being cut
Modern doctors, however, do not believe that these symptoms are somehow related to the appearance of teeth. In addition, the child begins to pull in his mouth everything that he sees before his eyes. We will analyze in more detail the first possible difficulties.

When a child's teeth are being cut, a sharp increase in temperature may occur. If the thermometer shows more than thirty-eight, operational measures must be taken. It is not necessary to immediately use medicines, you can use homeopathy or alternative methods. If you choose the latter, be careful not to harm the baby. The easiest and most convenient way to use an enema. There is one single contraindication to it, difficulties with the work of the intestine. In any case, this method should not be abused. Modern medicine offers syrups and suppositories for babies based on ibuprofen.

When a childā€™s teeth are being cut, he begins to mope. This condition is quite natural, because the process is extremely unpleasant. In order to somehow stabilize the situation, please your child with his favorite treats.

It will be wise enough to use fruits or vegetables, as well as special children's baking. In order for the teeth to form correctly, it is necessary to carefully select a diet for the baby, the products should be enriched with calcium as much as possible.

When a childā€™s teeth are being cut, itā€™s time to think about the first trip to the dentist. At an early stage, he will check the correctness of the bite and tooth enamel. In addition, he can give advice for the future and general recommendations for care.

A universal and well-helping tool in this period is a teether for teeth. It is a ring of plastic, rubber or silicone that a child can bite. When buying, preference should be given to models inside which there is water or gel. Such teethers can be refrigerated and refrigerated. Cold perfectly relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Itā€™s good to combine such a device with an ordinary gum massage: this simple procedure significantly reduces pain, bringing the child pleasant emotions.

Pay attention to the quality of teethers, you should not save on them. The main requirements for the products are as follows: the quality of the material, light weight and size, the color should not be too bright so as not to frighten the child.


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