Methodological - this is what ... The value, concept, methods and strategies for researching the subject

Methodological sciences are commonly understood as the doctrine of the procedures and methods for carrying out scientific activities. Also, this term is understood as the general theory of knowledge (epistemology), philosophy of science, epistemology (theory of scientific knowledge).

Theoretical base

Methodological approaches are methods for the implementation of scientific and educational work. In a broad sense, rational - reflexive thought activity is invested in this concept, which is aimed at studying options for the transformation of the surrounding reality by a person.

Of particular importance are methodological research for modern pedagogy. With their help, teachers engage in search activities with their pupils, organize research on the cohesion of the classroom team, and identify the individual characteristics of each child.

Methodological approaches are an excellent way to search, develop, systematize methods of scientific knowledge, without which it is impossible to form an understanding of the picture of the material world among the younger generation.

methodological approaches

The main objectives of the methodology

Theoretical and methodological methods allow solving the following issues:

  • determine the strategy of scientific knowledge;
  • regulate and organize the process of cognition or practical transformation of a particular object;
  • to study not only methods, but also other means that provide the research process (concepts, principles, orientations, categories);
  • to develop methodological innovations.
basic methodological approaches in education

Functions and types of methodology

The methodological basis of the study performs certain functions:

  • reveals the method of acquiring scientific knowledge that reflects the dynamics of phenomena and processes;
  • provides an individual way through which it is possible to achieve the set scientific and research goal;
  • guarantees the versatility of obtaining information about the process or phenomenon;
  • provides systematization, enrichment, clarification of concepts and scientific terms, contributes to the introduction of additional information;
  • creates a system based on objective phenomena.

Based on these functions, we can conclude that methodological psychology is a way of presenting information about the state of an individual object. In modern pedagogy, in particular, it is supposed to consider methods and principles of development of an individual child.

methodology in modern education

Types of methodology

Currently, there are three varieties of methodology:

  • fundamental (philosophical);
  • general scientific;
  • partial scientific.

Philosophical methodology is a set of dialectical methods that are common to the entire scientific field.

General methodological techniques are based on modeling, a systematic, logical historical principle of research.

In scientific developments, researchers use a system-activity approach. It is on this principle that modern upbringing and educational activity in school education is built.

Analysis of the components: "need - subject - object - processes - conditions - result", guarantees comprehensiveness, integrity, interconnection, structured educational activities.

Theoretical and methodological techniques allow us to create conditions for the implementation of a comprehensive study of all spheres of human activity.

Partially scientific methodology is a combination of specific methods of a separate science, which are the basis for finding an answer to the problem posed.

Methodological education considers philosophy as the highest level of science, which allows to determine the general strategy of the principles of knowledge of areas of activity.

It performs two main functions:

  • reveals the essence of scientific activity, its connection with other areas (culture, politics);
  • optimizes and improves research activities, relying on general postulates and methodological guidelines.

What is a methodological method in science? This is a complex question, the answer to which is laid in the modern worldview.

what does modern education look like

Methodology levels

Nowadays, the following level scheme is distinguished in the logic of science:

  • philosophical;
  • general scientific principles for conducting research;
  • concrete scientific approach;
  • research technique and technique.

Note that the methodological is a basic approach to the consideration of a specific problem.

Philosophical Methodology

It is based directly on the research activity itself. Serious philosophical theories act as the basis of certain scientific projects.

In a similar situation, a methodological method is a form of scientific thinking. For example, when students get acquainted with the basics of organic chemistry, such a basis is the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances by A. M. Butlerov.

features of teaching methods

General Logic

What is it characterized by? Methodological is a universal principle of scientific knowledge. For example, the concept of a structural-level approach, the cybernetic description of systems, the concentric concept of school education can be added to this category. In particular, the chemistry course in modern Russian schools is based on a general scientific methodology.

For students to master the basic chemical laws, terms, concepts, the teacher carries out empirical and theoretical work, includes modeling, observation, and experiments in the lesson.

Concrete scientific methodology

It covers problems within a specific science. This happens in the range of knowledge systems that are created by different scientific schools. For example, in the framework of school education, this implies the existence of several methodological kits, the choice of one of which is reserved for the teacher of academic discipline.

The object of the subject (substance) is examined using various methods of chemical analysis, contributes to the formation of a positive attitude among schoolchildren to the studied discipline.

Methodological orientations

In addition to subdivision according to the levels of methodological knowledge, the process of dividing it according to the substantive aspect is currently underway. There are several approaches that are especially relevant in pedagogy after the introduction of the new generation of educational standards in Russian schools:

  • systemic, in which individual elements are considered as a combination of components;
  • personal, implying recognition of the individual in the form of a carrier of cultural and historical heritage (attention is focused on the moral and intellectual freedom of the individual);
  • activity, in which optimal conditions are created for the development of personality;
  • culturological, due to the relationship of the cultural environment and human society.

The concept of a methodological approach is applicable for different levels of analysis, but they generally use a general scientific and philosophical methodology, on the basis of which they build pedagogical and psychological theories. The function is β€œredrawn” for a specific discipline, and the introduction of a system of terms and concepts into it.

science methodology concept

Key landmarks

Today, several guidelines are distinguished in the methodology:

  • critical and analytical;
  • design and construction.

The first option of orientation involves the methodologist acting as a researcher of activities in a particular discipline. In the framework of the new generation of GEF, the function of the methodologist is performed by the student. He carries out research and critical reflection, analyzing his development as part of the lesson (extracurricular activities).

The implementation of the design and construction orientation helps the specialist to develop and modernize his subject. The essential result is the distribution of terms in related disciplines. For example, in chemistry there are several sections:

  • inorganic;
  • analytical;
  • physical;
  • colloidal;
  • organic
  • biochemistry.

Each area has its own system of terms and specific laws, which allows each section of chemistry to be developed .

Improving the design and scientific orientation in the methodology contributed to the emergence of a "common methodology". She is engaged in the development of fixed assets and principles of methodological work. So, in pedagogy it is implied the use of a variety of approaches, schemes, pedagogical concepts.

science methodology

The relevance of the methodology

At present, it is difficult to imagine the productive development of any field of activity if it does not have a solid scientific base. For example, as part of the modernization of domestic education, a transition is being made to a personality-oriented approach in the education and training of the younger generation.

The teacher in his work is guided by the basic methods inherent in this approach. This allows him to fully fulfill the task assigned to the school by the state - to form a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

An important task of methodological thought is the recognition by the teacher of the importance of introducing design and research into the educational process. What gives participation in research to a modern student? Why is this method of work included in the requirements of the second generation GEF?

Let us dwell in more detail on the features and methodological basis of research conducted as part of educational activities with schoolchildren. A feature of this work is the maximum implementation of an individual approach. Work on a project or research is carried out with one child or a small group (2-3 people).

This allows the teacher to analyze the level of formation of universal educational skills at the initial stage, to monitor their development and improvement as they move along the project. In the framework of joint activities, communication skills and information competence are formed and improved . The guys working in the same project team, participate in building a dialogue, gain experience in interpersonal communication.


It is difficult to imagine an educated person today without a high development of a culture of thinking. For the development of such a quality, the formation of such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, classification, and generalization is essential. They should be formed in a person during training at school, and as the child grows older, improve, move to a higher level of development.

Cognitive operations develop in the process of cognitive activity. It will be effective only if the child is aware of the need for skills and has knowledge of research methods.

For example, one of the goals of using methodological knowledge in cognitive work is to develop the ability to generalize and analyze, conduct scientific discussion, formulate a problem, and find its solution. In modern society, there is an acute shortage of creative, caring, talented people who are ready to do things and take responsibility for the actions they perform.

The formation of critical thinking is possible only on the basis of methodological approaches and principles. The current stage of the scientific and technological revolution is characterized by the large-scale use of complex interdisciplinary research. Possession of algorithms of upbringing and educational activities help educators to educate real patriots of the country, scientists to get answers to many questions, politicians to gain attention and trust of voters.


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