A plastic bottle broom: a master class

A broom is an indispensable tool in the household. With its help, you can remove not only garbage, but also fallen leaves. You can make a broom yourself from improvised materials. The result is a convenient tool for cleaning a personal plot.

plastic bottle broom

What is required

A broom from a plastic bottle is very simple. Before you start, it’s worth preparing all the tools and materials. For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Scissors.
  2. Plastic bottles of 2 liters - 7 pieces.
  3. Hammer.
  4. Rod made of metal. This element is necessary for fixing the handle.
  5. Wooden stalk. In this case, a round strong stick is suitable.

Material preparation

To get a broom from a plastic bottle, you need to prepare the material. The containers should be thoroughly washed by removing labels and adhesive residues from them. One of the plastic bottles should be cut off with scissors. Its lower part must be cut into strips. The width of each should be from 1.5 to 2 centimeters. After that, the neck needs to be cut off from the workpiece.

To make the broom from the plastic bottle more fluffy, you should prepare three more containers as described above. Another blank will be required. However, you do not need to cut off her neck.

DIY broom from plastic bottles

How a broom is made from plastic bottles

The broom making workshop is coming to an end. It remains only to assemble the product. To do this, insert all the blanks into each other. Another bottle needs to be cut off the top. After this, the workpiece should be put on a broom.

The same thing needs to be done with the 7th capacity. The resulting blank must be pierced in several places. A broom from a plastic bottle is almost ready. It remains only to fix the cut containers with a metal wire, stretching it through the holes. Its ends should peek out from the back of the structure by about 3 centimeters.

Final stage

To make it convenient to use a broom from plastic bottles, you should equip it with a handle. In this case, it is recommended to use wood. It is best to take a stalk from an old shovel or rake. This part of the product should be inserted into the workpiece, and then fixed with a wire.

Now you know how to make a broom out of plastic bottles with your own hands. However, do not forget that such a product has some disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Broomsticks from Bottles

In some cases, a bottle broom is simply impractical. Using it is very difficult to sweep leaves from the lawn. The problem is that the plastic does not have enough stiffness. Of course, such a broom looks very original. However, you can remove with its help only large debris from the tracks.

Someone is trying to give the material more rigidity by heating it and straightening the twisted ends, while relying on the heat-shrink properties of the material. However, this procedure also does not give a result. In addition, with careless handling of fire, you can get burned. In addition, the process of heating plastic blanks is painstaking and boring work.

broom from plastic bottles master class

Tips & Tricks

A whisk from plastic bottles can last a long time. However, in its manufacture it is worth adhering to some recommendations:

  1. To make a more reliable broom, you can use eight bottles with a volume of not more than 500 milliliters. The result is small tools. They can be put together in a pile and make a fluffy broom.
  2. If you want to get a more original product, then use plastic containers of different colors. In addition, dark material is able to hide attachment points.
  3. To fix the workpieces on the handle, you can use not only metal wire, but also nails.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12872/

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