Eggplant: diseases and common pests

Eggplant is a vegetable loved by almost everyone. Along with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, they can often be seen in the beds of summer residents. Eggplants, diseases of which are easier to prevent than to treat for a long time, can be affected by both viral and bacterial and fungal diseases. These include columnar, macrosporiosis, as well as various kinds of rot and wilt.

eggplant disease
The aphids and the Colorado potato beetle are considered the most dangerous pests for this vegetable. From the first, the preparations โ€œFosbetsidโ€ or โ€œIskraโ€, both of domestic production, help quite well. When applying them, you need to know one rule: in no case should you process the plants at a time when already ripening eggplants hang on them. Diseases can also be treated with chemicals. In the latter case, remember the above recommendation. It is possible to process plants only with permitted, safe for humans means, and strictly following the attached instructions.

Various eggplant diseases, photos of which you can see on this page, subject to the simplest rules, can be prevented.

eggplant diseases and pests
Firstly, you can not plant eggplant in the same bed from year to year. The minimum period should be at least 3 years. This rule applies not only to eggplant itself, but also to tomatoes, potatoes and other nightshade. Their diseases are almost the same.

Eggplants, diseases of which can also be prevented by deep digging of the earth, need to be fertilized and watered on time. Various kinds of weeds greatly weaken the plants, and therefore they must be removed in a timely manner. All these measures significantly reduce the risk of infection. In the event that the plants are still sick, the affected parts are leaves, stems, ovaries, etc. - must be deleted. In addition, plantings should not be allowed to be thickened.

eggplant diseases photo
As for the Colorado potato beetle, it is eggplant, not potato, that is his favorite treat. Control measures - chemical treatment and manual collection of insects. Some owners of summer cottages, spraying potatoes, forget about eggplant. In this case, after a couple of days, only the stems can remain from the plants. The beetle will switch from cultivated to untreated plots. Therefore, along with potatoes you need to spray eggplant. Diseases and pests affect these plants quite often. So, when growing, you must follow all the agrotechnical recommendations provided in this case.

Quite often, these plants are affected by slugs and spider mites. The first along with the leaves spoil the fruits. To prevent the appearance of slugs on eggplant, when loosening, the plants are pollinated with red or black bitter pepper, finely ground (1 tsp per square meter). To combat the spider mite, a mixture of the following composition is used: 1 tbsp. chopped in a meat grinder garlic mixed with dandelion leaves, take 1 tbsp. soap (liquid). All these components are bred in a ten-liter bucket of water. After this, the mixture is filtered through a sieve and sprayed with plants.

Eggplants, diseases of which, as all summer residents know, are quite common, require increased attention to themselves in this regard. With proper care, you can avoid most problems and get an excellent harvest.


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