Lapis lazuli stones: heal the soul and heal the body

Lapis lazuli stones are familiar to most Russians. They make inexpensive, but very beautiful jewelry from them: bracelets, rings with stones, necklaces. This mineral is very soft, it is easily processed.

stones lapis lazuli
Gemstone lapis lazuli is very dense. It is always dark blue. Sometimes it is specially tinted. The most valuable is considered a stone with golden sparkles of pyrite.

Lapis lazuli stones. Chemical composition

Lapis lazuli is an aluminosilicate with different amounts of sulfur. The more sulfur, the richer, brighter the color of the stone. Dark blue, violet or deep blue lapis lazuli stones are especially appreciated. For inexpensive jewelry use green, gray or mixed shades of stones. Often lapis lazuli contains interspersed pyrite. Then it shimmers with golden or silver sparkles. In nature, lapis lazuli stones are most often found in the form of plates. Crystals in the form of an octahedron are less commonly found and are more expensive. Lapis lazuli has the usual cubic structure, in which chlorine ions are located in the center and in the corners, and sodium ions surround them. Experts call lapis lazuli not only stones, but also a breed that consists of intergrown grains of lapis lazuli, dolomite and several other rocks. They extract stones in Russia, Chile, Afghanistan, the USA and other countries.

Properties and Purpose

lapis lazuli stone photo

It has always been believed that lapis lazuli is the stone of God's chosen ones. Unusually beautiful, especially in the sunlight, lapis lazuli is able to cleanse a person’s aura, cleanse him of evil thoughts and bad looks. Lapis lazuli - stone (photo) of nobility, sincerity, high intentions. If you want to express your honest heartfelt intentions to your beloved, give her this stone: a girl will appreciate your nobility. Moreover, it is believed that lapis lazuli helps its owner to become merciful and responsive, contributes to his spiritual growth, increases wisdom and helps to choose the right path in life. The stone attracts luck and success, helps to find true love.

gemstone lapis lazuli
A man wearing lapis lazuli jewelry will never commit an unjust act. Healers believe that he is able to accelerate the healing of burns. It perfectly relieves pain from bruises and injuries, has powerful anti-inflammatory qualities. A stone that fits all the signs of the zodiac must be carried with you. This will help the owner to avoid dangerous situations, protect him from injuries. If lapis lazuli in a gold frame is worn around the neck, it will help strengthen consciousness and the physical body. He protects pregnant women from toxicosis and facilitates childbirth. With the help of lapis lazuli, migraines can be cured (for this, the stone is placed on the nose). A stone worn around the neck like a necklace relieves nervous excitement, lowers blood pressure, erases bitter memories. Some healers even claim that such a necklace can return the mind to the mentally ill. Some healers are sure that by peering in the evenings in blue or blue lapis lazuli, you can restore vision. Pounded into powder and added to the drink, the stone saves from poisoning and removes poisons.


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